// Copyright 2014, 2015 by Sascha L. Teichmann // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "net" "net/http" "bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtsatellite/common" "github.com/gorilla/mux" ) func main() { var ( webPort int webHost string webDir string mapDir string redisPort int redisHost string colorsFile string bgColor string workers int transparent bool transparentDim float64 updateHosts string websockets bool playersFIFO string version bool yMin int yMax int ) defaultBgColor := common.ColorToHex(common.BackgroundColor) flag.IntVar(&webPort, "web-port", 8808, "port of the web server") flag.IntVar(&webPort, "p", 8808, "port of the web server (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&webHost, "web-host", "localhost", "address to bind web server") flag.StringVar(&webHost, "h", "localhost", "address to bind web server(shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&webDir, "web", "web", "static served web files.") flag.StringVar(&webDir, "w", "web", "static served web files (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&mapDir, "map", "map", "directory of prerendered tiles") flag.StringVar(&mapDir, "m", "map", "directory of prerendered tiles (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&updateHosts, "update-hosts", "localhost", "';' separated list of hosts which are allowed to send map update requests") flag.StringVar(&updateHosts, "u", "localhost", "';' separated list of hosts which are allowed to send map update requests (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&redisHost, "redis-host", "", "address of the backend Redis server") flag.StringVar(&redisHost, "rh", "", "address of the backend Redis server (shorthand)") flag.IntVar(&redisPort, "redis-port", 6379, "port of the backend Redis server") flag.IntVar(&redisPort, "rp", 6379, "port of the backend Redis server (shorthand)") flag.IntVar(&workers, "workers", 1, "number of workers to render tiles") flag.StringVar(&colorsFile, "colors", "colors.txt", "colors used to render map tiles.") flag.StringVar(&colorsFile, "c", "colors.txt", "colors used to render map tiles (shorthand).") flag.StringVar(&bgColor, "background", defaultBgColor, "background color") flag.StringVar(&bgColor, "bg", defaultBgColor, "background color (shorthand)") flag.BoolVar(&transparent, "transparent", false, "Render transparent blocks.") flag.BoolVar(&transparent, "t", false, "Render transparent blocks (shorthand).") flag.Float64Var(&transparentDim, "transparent-dim", common.DefaultTransparentDim*100.0, "Extra dimming of transparent nodes each depth meter in percent.") flag.Float64Var(&transparentDim, "td", common.DefaultTransparentDim*100.0, "Extra fimming of transparent nodes each depth meter in percent. (shorthand)") flag.BoolVar(&websockets, "websockets", false, "Forward tile changes to clients via websockets.") flag.BoolVar(&websockets, "ws", false, "Forward tile changes to clients via websockets (shorthand).") flag.StringVar(&playersFIFO, "players", "", "Path to FIFO file to read active players from.") flag.StringVar(&playersFIFO, "ps", "", "Path to FIFO file to read active players from (shorthand).") flag.IntVar(&yMin, "ymin", common.MinHeight, "Minimum y in blocks.") flag.IntVar(&yMax, "ymax", common.MaxHeight, "Maximum y in blocks.") flag.BoolVar(&version, "version", false, "Print version and exit.") flag.Parse() if version { common.PrintVersionAndExit() } bg := common.ParseColorDefault(bgColor, common.BackgroundColor) router := mux.NewRouter() subBaseLine := newSubBaseLine(mapDir, bg) router.Path("/map/{z:[0-9]+}/{x:[0-9]+}/{y:[0-9]+}.png").Handler(subBaseLine) var btu baseTilesUpdates var wsf *websocketForwarder if websockets { wsf = newWebsocketForwarder() go wsf.run() router.Path("/ws").Methods("GET").Handler(wsf) btu = wsf } if playersFIFO != "" { plys := newPlayers(playersFIFO, wsf) go plys.run() router.Path("/players").Methods("GET").Handler(plys) } if redisHost != "" { var colors *common.Colors var err error if colors, err = common.ParseColors(colorsFile); err != nil { log.Fatalf("ERROR: problem loading colors: %s", err) } colors.TransparentDim = common.Clamp32f( float32(transparentDim/100.0), 0.0, 100.0) dbcc := common.CreateDBClientCreator(redisHost, redisPort) var allowedUpdateIps []net.IP if allowedUpdateIps, err = ipsFromHosts(updateHosts); err != nil { log.Fatalf("ERROR: name resolving problem: %s", err) } tu := newTileUpdater( mapDir, dbcc, allowedUpdateIps, colors, bg, yMin, yMax, transparent, workers, btu) go tu.doUpdates() router.Path("/update").Methods("POST").Handler(tu) } router.PathPrefix("/").Handler(http.FileServer(http.Dir(webDir))) http.Handle("/", router) addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", webHost, webPort) if err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Starting server failed: %s\n", err) } }