Sascha L. Teichmann b5f531b0ba Before Go 1.7 there is an extra offset needed to decode blocks correctly
after the embedded compressed data. In post 1.7 this bug was fixed.
We use build tags here to support both cases.
2016-04-08 23:40:36 +02:00

327 lines
7.2 KiB

// Copyright 2014, 2015 by Sascha L. Teichmann
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package common
import (
// Error returned if a Producer has run to its end.
var (
ErrNoMoreBlocks = errors.New("No more blocks.")
ErrMapContentSizeMismatch = errors.New("Content size does not match.")
ErrBlockTruncated = errors.New("Block is truncated.")
const (
mapBlockSize = 16
nodeCount = mapBlockSize * mapBlockSize * mapBlockSize
type (
// Block data from Minetest database.
Block struct {
Coord Coord
Data []byte
// BlockProducer is used to over a existing Minetest database
// and return its content block by block.
BlockProducer interface {
// error is ErrNoMoreBlocks if it run out of blocks.
Next(*Block) error
// Closes the open database connections.
Close() error
// BlockConsumer is used to store blocks in a new Minetest database.
BlockConsumer interface {
Consume(*Block) error
// Closes the open database connections.
Close() error
DecodedBlock struct {
Version byte
Transparent bool
MapContent []byte
AirId int32
IgnoreId int32
IndexMap map[int32]int32
// zlibEmpty is a minimal zlib stream with zero length.
// zlib.NewReader needs a valid zlib stream to start with
// even if Reset is called directly afterwards.
var zlibEmpty = []byte{
0x78, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01,
0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}
// zlibReaderPool is a pool of zlib Readers to be reused
// for decoding the compressed parts of database blocks.
// Decoding blocks relies heavly on zlib decompression.
// Reusing the internal structures of already allocated
// zlib readers speeds up the decoding significantly.
var zlibReaderPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
reader, _ := zlib.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(zlibEmpty))
return reader
// The content of the map and the meta data are compressed with zlib.
// Unfortunately the byte length of this two structures are not stored
// explicitly in the block data. To access the informations behind
// them (e.g. the node id mappings) we have to count the bytes consumed
// by the zlib reader and continue our extraction process behind this
// offset. posBuf implements such a counting reader source.
type posBuf struct {
Data []byte
Pos int
func NewDecodedBlock(data []byte, colors *Colors) (db *DecodedBlock, err error) {
dataLen := len(data)
if dataLen < 4 {
return nil, ErrBlockTruncated
version := data[0]
contentWidth := int(data[2])
paramsWidth := int(data[3])
uncompressedLen := nodeCount * (contentWidth + paramsWidth)
offset := 2
if version >= 22 {
offset = 4
zr := zlibReaderPool.Get().(interface {
defer func() {
zr.Close() // This sould not be necessary.
buf := posBuf{Data: data[offset:]}
if err = zr.Reset(&buf, nil); err != nil {
mapContent := make([]byte, uncompressedLen)
var k int
k, err = io.ReadFull(zr, mapContent)
if err != nil {
if k != uncompressedLen {
err = ErrMapContentSizeMismatch
// There is a bug before Go 1.7 that enforces
// to add 4 as an offset after the compressed
// geometry data. This is resolved via build tags
// and definitions in pre17offset.go and
// post17offset.go.
offset += buf.Pos + afterCompressOfs
buf.Pos = 0
if offset >= dataLen {
return nil, ErrBlockTruncated
buf.Data = data[offset:]
if err = zr.(zlib.Resetter).Reset(&buf, nil); err != nil {
// Discard the meta data.
if _, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, zr); err != nil {
offset += buf.Pos
switch {
case version <= 21:
offset += 2
case version == 23:
case version == 24:
if offset >= dataLen {
return nil, ErrBlockTruncated
ver := data[offset]
if ver == 1 {
if offset+1 >= dataLen {
return nil, ErrBlockTruncated
num := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[offset:]))
offset += 2 + 10*num
if offset+1 >= dataLen {
return nil, ErrBlockTruncated
numStaticObjects := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[offset:]))
offset += 2
for i := 0; i < numStaticObjects; i++ {
offset += 13
if offset+1 >= dataLen {
return nil, ErrBlockTruncated
dataSize := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[offset:]))
offset += dataSize + 2
offset += 4
airId, ignoreId := int32(-1), int32(-1)
indexMap := make(map[int32]int32)
var transparent bool
if version >= 22 {
if offset+1 >= dataLen {
return nil, ErrBlockTruncated
numMappings := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[offset:]))
offset += 2
// Be a bit more tolerant with truncated node name table.
// We should probably issue an error here, too!?
const outOfBounds = "Offset in node id table out of bounds. Ignored."
for i := 0; i < numMappings; i++ {
if offset+1 >= dataLen {
nodeId := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[offset:]))
offset += 2
if offset+1 >= dataLen {
nameLen := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[offset:]))
offset += 2
if offset+nameLen-1 >= dataLen {
name := string(data[offset : offset+nameLen])
offset += nameLen
switch name {
case "air":
airId = nodeId
case "ignore":
ignoreId = nodeId
if index, found := colors.NameIndex[name]; found {
indexMap[nodeId] = index
if !transparent && colors.IsTransparent(index) {
transparent = true
} else {
db = &DecodedBlock{
Version: version,
Transparent: transparent,
MapContent: mapContent,
AirId: airId,
IgnoreId: ignoreId,
IndexMap: indexMap}
var missingColors = struct {
cols map[string]struct{}
}{cols: map[string]struct{}{}}
func logMissing(name string) {
defer missingColors.Unlock()
if _, found := missingColors.cols[name]; !found {
missingColors.cols[name] = struct{}{}
log.Printf("Missing color entry for %s.\n", name)
func (db *DecodedBlock) AirOnly() bool {
return db.AirId != -1 && len(db.IndexMap) == 0
func (db *DecodedBlock) Content(x, y, z int) (content int32, found bool) {
pos := z<<8 + y<<4 + x
switch {
case db.Version >= 24:
pos <<= 1
content = int32(db.MapContent[pos])<<8 | int32(db.MapContent[pos+1])
case db.Version >= 20:
if db.MapContent[pos] <= 0x80 {
content = int32(db.MapContent[pos])
} else {
content = int32(db.MapContent[pos])<<4 | int32(db.MapContent[pos+0x2000])>>4
if content != db.AirId && content != db.IgnoreId {
content, found = db.IndexMap[content]
func (pb *posBuf) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
pl := len(p)
ml := len(pb.Data)
if pb.Pos >= ml {
return 0, io.EOF
rest := ml - pb.Pos
if pl > rest {
copy(p, pb.Data[pb.Pos:])
pb.Pos = ml
return rest, io.EOF
copy(p, pb.Data[pb.Pos:pb.Pos+pl])
pb.Pos += pl
return pl, nil
func (pb *posBuf) ReadByte() (byte, error) {
if pb.Pos >= len(pb.Data) {
return 0, io.EOF
c := pb.Data[pb.Pos]
return c, nil