commands are read line by line ```[:] [ [[,]``` arguments can be either variables, labels or immediates, labels are replaced with immediates which have the line numbers of the labels as their values true/false: boolean (immediate) 12.6: number (immediate) $hello nwae: string (immediate) nodolla: either a label is called so (immediate) or it's a variable How to use this mod: ``` local mylog = print local parsed_code = pdisc.parse(code_text) local function mystart(parsed_code) local thread = pdisc.create_thread(function(thread) thread.flush = function(self) mylog(self.log) self.log = "" return true end end, parsed_code) mykeepalive(thread) end mystart(parsed_code) local function mykeepalive(thread) thread:suscitate() if not thread.stopped then return end thread:try_rebirth() minetest.after(0.1, function() mykeepalive() end) end ```