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synced 2024-12-28 02:40:21 +01:00
679 lines
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679 lines
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local S
if (minetest.get_modpath("intllib")) then
S = intllib.Getter()
S = function ( s ) return s end
pedology = {}
pedology.wetnames = {[0] = "dry", "wet", "watery", "sludgy", "muddy", "slurry" }
if pedology.USE_DRIPS == 1 then
--[[ ABMs ]]
function pedology.ooze(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_wider)
local wet = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "wet")
if wet == 0 then return end
--[[ This table contain the nodes which are either neighbors
of node or which touch the node at an edge or corner and which are
not on a heigher y-level than
of node
local neighbors = {
{ -- neighbor directly below
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z},
{ -- touching the lower sides
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z},
{ -- touching the lower corners
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+1},
{ -- sides on the same level
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}, -- left
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}, -- right
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1}, -- before
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1}, -- behind
{ -- touching at the side on the same level
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1},
for i=1,#neighbors do
for j=1,#neighbors[i] do
local node = minetest.get_node(neighbors[i][j])
local name = node.name
local destwet = minetest.get_item_group(name, "wet")
(destwet < wet) and
(minetest.get_item_group(name, "sucky") >= 1)) and
(neighbors[i].minwet <= (wet - destwet)) then
--[[ This is an ABM action which wettens the node iff many water nodes
are neighbors of it or touching it at an edge or corner.]]
function pedology.suck(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_wider)
local wet = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "wet")
local score = 0
-- These three tables contain the positions of all nodes around node
local neighbors= {
{ -- sides
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}, -- below
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}, -- left
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}, -- right
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}, -- above
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1}, -- before
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1}, -- behind
rating = 1
{ -- edges
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z},
{ -- corners
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z-1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+1},
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+1},
for i=1,#neighbors do
for j=1,#neighbors[i] do
local neighbor = minetest.get_node(neighbors[i][j])
local name = neighbor.name
local water = minetest.get_item_group(name, "water")
if(water >= 1) then
score = score + neighbors[i].rating
local wetten = false
if(wet == 0 and score >= 1) then
elseif(wet == 1 and score >= 2) then
wetten= true
elseif(wet == 2 and score >= 3) then
elseif(wet == 3 and score >= 5) then
elseif(wet == 4 and score >= 8) then
elseif(wet == 5 and score >= 11) then
-- erosion: turn node into water
-- TODO: Also drop the drops
minetest.set_node(pos, {name="pedology:water_fresh_source"})
if(wetten==true) then
--[[ ABM action which dries out a node when it is in direct sunlight ]]
function pedology.sun_dry(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_wider)
if(minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "wet") < 6) then
-- don’t dry off if there is water nearby
if(not minetest.find_node_near(pos, 1, {"group:water"})) then
local light = minetest.get_node_light(pos, minetest.get_timeofday())
if light >= pedology.DRY_LIGHT then
--[[ liquids ]]
function pedology.register_liquid(basename, description, alpha, viscosity, drowning, damage_per_second, post_effect_color, additional_groups)
local flowing_groups = {wet=6,liquid=1,not_in_creative_inventory=1}
local source_groups = {wet=6,liquid=1}
for k,v in pairs(additional_groups) do
flowing_groups[k] = v
source_groups[k] = v
local tile = "pedology_"..basename..".png"
local nodedef_source = {
description = S(description.." source"),
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube(tile),
tiles = {tile},
special_tiles = {{name=tile, backface_culling=false}},
alpha = alpha,
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
liquid_alternative_flowing = "pedology:"..basename.."_flowing",
liquid_alternative_source = "pedology:"..basename.."_source",
liquid_viscosity = viscosity,
post_effect_color = post_effect_color,
drowning = drowning,
damage_per_second = damage_per_second,
drawtype = "liquid",
liquidtype = "source",
groups = source_groups,
minetest.register_node("pedology:"..basename.."_source", nodedef_source)
local nodedef_flowing = {
description = S("flowing "..description),
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube(tile),
tiles = {tile},
special_tiles = {{name=tile, backface_culling=false}, {name=tile, backface_culling=true}},
alpha = alpha,
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
liquid_alternative_flowing = "pedology:"..basename.."_flowing",
liquid_alternative_source = "pedology:"..basename.."_source",
liquid_viscosity = viscosity,
post_effect_color = post_effect_color,
drowning = drowning,
damage_per_second = damage_per_second,
drawtype = "flowingliquid",
liquidtype = "flowing",
groups = flowing_groups,
paramtype2 = "flowingliquid",
minetest.register_node("pedology:"..basename.."_flowing", nodedef_flowing)
pedology.register_liquid("water_fresh", "freshwater", 100, 1, 2, 0, {a=60, r=100, b=200, g=100}, {water=1})
--pedology.register_liquid("water_salt", "salt water", 180, 2, 4, 0, {a=80, r=120, b=200, g=120}, {water=1})
pedology.register_liquid("water_ponding", "ponding water", 234, 4, 3, 0, {a=128, r=85, g=85, g=60}, {water=1})
--[[ Water drip function ]]
function pedology.drip_particle(pos, wet)
local below1 = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z})
local below2 = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-2, z=pos.z})
if(below1.name == "air" and below2.name == "air") then
return minetest.add_particlespawner(
wet, -- amount
0, -- time
{ x=pos.x -(45/100), y=pos.y - 0.5, z=pos.z -(45/100) }, -- minpos
{ x=pos.x +(45/100), y=pos.y - 0.5, z=pos.z +(45/100) }, -- maxpos
{ x=0, y=0, z=0 }, { x=0, y=0, z=0 }, -- minvel, maxvel
{ x=0, y=-9.82, z=0 }, { x=0, y=-9.80, z=0 }, -- minacc, maxacc
1, 3, -- minexptime, maxexptime
1, 1, -- minsize, maxsize
false, -- collisiondetection
"pedology_water_fresh.png" -- texture
-- playername
--[[ For future Lua API
amount = wet,
time = 0,
minpos = { pos.x -(45/100), pos.y - 0.5, pos.z -(45/100) },
maxpos = { pos.x +(45/100), pos.y - 0.5, pos.z +(45/100) },
minvel = { 0, -9.81, 0 },
maxvel = { 0, 0, 0 },
minexptime = 1,
maxexptime = 3,
collisiondetection = true,
vertical = true,
texture = "pedology_water_fresh.png",
return nil
--[[ register a sucky/oozing node to this mod ]]
function pedology.register_sucky(basename, description, wetness, oozing, sucky, melting_point, drop, sounds, additional_groups)
local wetname = basename.."_"..tostring(wetness)
local noncreative
local groups = { sucky=sucky, oozing=oozing, wet=wetness, melting_point=melting_point, not_in_creative_inventory = noncreative, [basename]=1 }
if additional_groups ~= nil then
for k,v in pairs(additional_groups) do
groups[k] = v
local name = "pedology:"..wetname
local itemname
-- If the node is not dry, do not add it into the creative inventory
if wetness == 0 then noncreative = 0 else noncreative = 1 end
local on_construct, on_destruct
if pedology.USE_DRIPS == 2 then
on_construct = function(pos)
local dripper = pedology.drip_particle(pos, wetness)
if(dripper ~= nil) then
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_int("dripper", dripper)
on_destruct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local dripper = meta:get_int("dripper")
if(dripper ~= nil) then
on_construct, on_destruct = nil
local nodedef = {
description = S(description),
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("pedology_"..wetname..".png"),
tiles = {"pedology_"..wetname..".png"},
paramtype = "light",
drop = drop,
groups = groups,
sounds = sounds,
is_ground_content = true,
on_construct = on_construct,
on_destruct = on_destruct,
minetest.register_node(name, nodedef)
This function registers a couple of sucky/oozing nodes, including all their “wet” variants.
It also registers an ABM.
basename: The internal name piece from which the concrete basenames will be build. The wetness level will be appended.
basedescription. The description of the nodes. A proper wetness adjective (“dry”, “wet”, …) will be prepended.
lumpdescription. The description component of the “lump” of the node. If nil, no lump is used
maxwet: The maximum wetness level of this node group (minimum: 0, maximum: 5)
maxlump: The maximum wetness level of lumps of this node group (minimum: 0, recommended maximum: 3)
oozeinterval: The interval in seconds in which it the node may ooze. the Minimal value: 1
oozechance: The inverted chance (1/x) to ooze
melttable: Table of melting_point values for each wetness level
dropcount: How many lumps nodes of this group drop. If 0, the nodes simply drop themselves (not recommended!)
sounds: Sound specification for all nodes
additional_groups: Either a table of tables of strings, a table of strings or nil. If it is nil, no additional groups will be added to all nodes. If it is a table, the strings are interpreted as group names which will be added to each node. If it is a table of tables strings, you can specify the groups tables for each wetness level (start with index number 0 for dry).
function pedology.register_sucky_group(basename, basedescription, lumpbasedescription, maxwet, maxlump, oozeinterval, oozechance, melttable, dropcount, sounds, additional_groups)
local sucky, oozing, dripinterval
local m -- melting_point
local lumpdescription
local groups
local nestedgroups = false
if(type(additional_groups) == "table") then
if(type(additional_groups[0]) == "table") then
nestedgroups = true
for w=0, maxwet do
if(w==0) then oozing=0 else oozing=1 end
if (w==maxwet and w ~= 5) then sucky=0 else sucky=1 end
if melttable == nil then m = 0 else m = melttable[w] end
if( lumpbasedescription ~= nil) then
lumpdescription = S((pedology.wetnames[w]).." "..lumpbasedescription)
lumpdescription = nil
local itemname, drop, itemdef
if( maxlump == -1) then
drop = nil
elseif( w > maxlump) then
itemname = "pedology:lump_"..basename.."_"..tostring(maxlump)
drop = itemname .. " " .. tostring(dropcount)
itemname = "pedology:lump_"..basename.."_"..tostring(w)
drop = itemname .. " " .. tostring(dropcount)
itemdef = {
description = S(lumpdescription),
inventory_image = "pedology_lump_inv_"..basename.."_"..tostring(w)..".png",
wield_image = "pedology_lump_"..basename.."_"..tostring(w)..".png"
minetest.register_craftitem("pedology:lump_"..basename.."_"..tostring(w), itemdef)
if(nestedgroups) then
groups = additional_groups[w]
groups = additional_groups
if(w==3) then
groups["disable_jump"] = 1
pedology.register_sucky(basename, S((pedology.wetnames[w]).." "..basedescription), w, oozing, sucky, m, drop, sounds, groups)
-- register dripping
if(w>0 and pedology.USE_DRIPS == 1) then
nodenames = {"pedology:"..basename.."_"..tostring(w)},
neighbors = {"air"},
interval = math.max(oozeinterval/4,2),
chance = math.max(oozechance,22),
action = pedology.create_drip,
if(maxwet > 0) then
nodenames = {"group:"..basename},
neighbors = {"group:sucky"},
interval = oozeinterval,
chance = oozechance,
action = pedology.ooze,
local sound_clay = {footstep = {name="pedology_clay_footstep", gain=0.5}}
local sound_silt_fine = {footstep = {name="pedology_silt_footstep", gain=0.3}}
local sound_silt_medium = {footstep = {name="pedology_silt_footstep", gain=0.35}}
local sound_silt_coarse = {footstep = {name="pedology_silt_footstep", gain=0.4}}
local sound_sand_fine = {footstep = {name="pedology_sand_footstep", gain=0.2}}
local sound_sand_medium = {footstep = {name="pedology_sand_footstep", gain=0.25}}
local sound_sand_coarse = {footstep = {name="pedology_sand_footstep", gain=0.3}}
local sound_gravel_fine = {footstep = {name="pedology_gravel_footstep", gain=1}}
local sound_gravel_medium = {footstep = {name="pedology_gravel_footstep", gain=1}}
local sound_gravel_coarse = {footstep = {name="pedology_gravel_footstep", gain=1}}
local sound_turf_sapric = {footstep = {name="pedology_turf_footstep", gain=0.2}}
local sound_turf_hemic = {footstep = {name="pedology_turf_footstep", gain=0.24}}
local sound_turf_fibric = {footstep = {name="pedology_turf_footstep", gain=0.28}}
--[[ register sucky and oozing nodes ]]
--[[ ground nodes ]]
pedology.register_sucky_group("clay", "clay", "clay lump",
3, 3, 60, 1.25, {3000, 3100, 3200, 3500, 3550, 3600}, 4, sound_clay, { crumbly = 3, sun_dry = 1})
pedology.register_sucky_group("silt_fine", "fine silt", "fine silt lump",
3, 3, 45, 1.25, {2800, 2900, 3000, 3100, 3200, 3300}, 4, sound_silt_fine, { crumbly = 3, sun_dry = 1 })
pedology.register_sucky_group("silt_medium", "medium silt", "medium silt lump",
3, 3, 30, 1.25, {2600, 2800, 3200, 3800, 4200}, 4, sound_silt_medium, { crumbly = 3, sun_dry = 1 })
pedology.register_sucky_group("silt_coarse", "coarse silt", "coarse silt lump",
3, 3, 20, 1.25, {2000, 2200, 2400, 2800}, 2, sound_silt_coarse, { crumbly = 3, sun_dry = 1 })
pedology.register_sucky_group("sand_fine", "fine sand", "fine sand pile",
2, 0, 10, 1.111111, {1100, 1200, 1300}, 2, sound_sand_fine, { crumbly = 3, sand = 1, sun_dry = 1 })
pedology.register_sucky_group("sand_medium", "medium sand", "medium sand pile",
1, 0, 5, 1.111111, {990, 1100}, 2, sound_sand_medium, { crumbly = 3, sand = 1, sun_dry = 1 })
pedology.register_sucky_group("sand_coarse", "coarse sand", "coarse sand pile",
0, 0, nil, nil, {900}, 1, sound_sand_coarse, { crumbly = 3, sand = 1, sun_dry = 1 })
pedology.register_sucky_group("gravel_fine", "fine gravel", "pebble",
1, 0, 2, 1, {670, 770}, 9, sound_gravel_fine, { crumbly = 2, sun_dry = 1 })
pedology.register_sucky_group("gravel_medium", "medium gravel", "medium stone",
2, 0, 1.5, 1, {600, 800, 1250}, 3, sound_gravel_medium, { crumbly = 2, sun_dry = 1})
pedology.register_sucky_group("gravel_coarse", "coarse gravel", "big stone",
2, 0, 1, 1, {500, 750, 1000}, 1, sound_gravel_coarse, { crumbly = 1, sun_dry = 1 })
--[[ snow and ice ]]
minetest.register_craftitem("pedology:lump_snow", {
description = S("snow ball"),
wield_image = "pedology_lump_snow.png",
inventory_image = "pedology_lump_snow.png",
minetest.register_craftitem("pedology:lump_ice_pure", {
description = S("small pure ice cube"),
wield_image = "pedology_lump_ice_pure.png",
inventory_image = "pedology_lump_ice_pure.png",
minetest.register_craftitem("pedology:lump_ice_white", {
description = S("small white ice cube"),
wield_image = "pedology_lump_ice_white.png",
inventory_image = "pedology_lump_ice_white.png",
-- TODO: slushy snow is very instable snow; it should be destroyed when touched
minetest.register_node("pedology:snow_slush", {
description = S("slushy snow"),
tiles = { "pedology_snow_slush.png" },
sounds = { footstep = { name = "pedology_snow_soft_footstep", gain = 1 } },
is_ground_content = true,
groups = { crumbly = 1, level = 1, melts = 1, falling_node = 1},
drop = "",
freezemelt = "pedology:water_fresh_source",
minetest.register_node("pedology:snow_soft", {
description = S("soft snow"),
tiles = { "pedology_snow_soft.png" },
sounds = { footstep = { name = "pedology_snow_soft_footstep", gain = 1 } },
is_ground_content = true,
groups = { crumbly = 2, level = 2, melts = 1, falling_node = 1 },
drop = "pedology:lump_snow 1",
freezemelt = "pedology:water_fresh_source",
minetest.register_node("pedology:snow", {
description = S("snow"),
tiles = { "pedology_snow.png" },
sounds = { footstep = { name = "pedology_snow_footstep", gain = 0.9 } },
is_ground_content = true,
groups = { crumbly = 3, level = 3, melts = 1, falling_node = 1 },
drop = "pedology:lump_snow 2",
freezemelt = "pedology:water_fresh_source",
minetest.register_node("pedology:snow_packing", {
description = S("packing snow"),
tiles = { "pedology_snow_packing.png" },
sounds = { footstep = { name = "pedology_snow_footstep", gain = 1 } },
is_ground_content = true,
groups = { crumbly = 3, level = 3, melts = 1 },
drop = "pedology:lump_snow 3",
freezemelt = "pedology:water_fresh_source",
minetest.register_node("pedology:snow_firn", {
description = S("firn"),
tiles = { "pedology_snow_firn.png" },
sounds = { footstep = { name = "pedology_ice_white_footstep", gain = 0.7 } },
is_ground_content = true,
groups = { crumbly = 2, cracky = 2, level = 4, melts = 1 },
drop = "pedology:lump_snow 4",
freezemelt = "pedology:water_fresh_source",
minetest.register_node("pedology:ice_white", {
description = S("white ice"),
tiles = { "pedology_ice_white.png" },
sounds = { footstep = { name = "pedology_ice_white_footstep", gain = 0.8 } },
is_ground_content = true,
groups = { cracky = 3, level = 1, melts = 1 },
drop = "pedology:lump_ice_white 4",
freezemelt = "pedology:water_fresh_source",
minetest.register_node("pedology:ice_pure", {
description = S("pure ice"),
drawtype = "glasslike",
paramtype = "light",
tiles = { "pedology_ice_pure.png" },
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube( "pedology_ice_pure.png" ),
sounds = { footstep = { name = "pedology_ice_pure_footstep", gain = 0.8 } },
is_ground_content = true,
groups = { cracky = 3, level = 2, melts = 1 },
drop = "pedology:lump_ice_pure 4",
freezemelt = "pedology:water_fresh_source",
--[[ mud and slurry ]]
pedology.register_liquid("clay_4", "clay mud", 240, 6, 5, 0, {a=240, r=123, g=57, b=6}, {sucky=1, oozing=1, wet=4})
pedology.register_liquid("clay_5", "clay slurry", 176, 4, 5, 0, {a=176, r=146, g=85, b=73}, {oozing=1, wet=5})
pedology.register_liquid("silt_fine_4", "fine silt mud", 230, 6, 5, 0, {a=230, r=137, g=82, b=0}, {sucky=1, oozing=1, wet=4})
pedology.register_liquid("silt_fine_5", "fine silt slurry", 166, 4, 5, 0, {a=166, r=179, g=117, b=59}, {oozing=1, wet=5})
pedology.register_liquid("silt_medium_4", "medium silt mud", 220, 6, 5, 0, {a=220, r=165, g=131, b=0}, {oozing=1, wet=4})
--[[ turf ]]
pedology.register_sucky_group("turf_fibric", "fibric turf", "fibric turf cutting",
2, 2, 120, 1.25, {1000, 1100, 1200}, 4, sound_turf_fibric, { [0] = { crumbly = 3, flammable = 1 }, { crumbly = 3 }, {crumbly = 3} } )
pedology.register_sucky_group("turf_hemic", "hemic turf", "hemic turf cutting",
2, 2, 180, 1.225, {1100, 1200, 1300}, 3, sound_turf_hemic, { [0] = { crumbly = 3, flammable = 1 }, { crumbly = 3 }, { crumbly = 3 } } )
pedology.register_sucky_group("turf_sapric", "sapric turf", "sapric turf cutting",
2, 2, 240, 1.2, {1200, 1300, 1400}, 2, sound_turf_sapric, { [0] = { crumbly = 3, flammable = 1 }, { crumbly = 3 }, { crumbly = 3 } } )
type = "fuel",
recipe = "pedology:turf_fibric_0",
burntime = 100,
type = "fuel",
recipe = "pedology:turf_hemic_0",
burntime = 200,
type = "fuel",
recipe = "pedology:turf_sapric_0",
burntime = 300,
type = "fuel",
recipe = "pedology:lump_turf_fibric_0",
burntime = 10,
type = "fuel",
recipe = "pedology:lump_turf_hemic_0",
burntime = 20,
type = "fuel",
recipe = "pedology:lump_turf_sapric_0",
burntime = 30,
pedology.maxwet = {}
pedology.maxwet.clay = 5
pedology.maxwet.silt_fine = 5
pedology.maxwet.silt_medium = 4
pedology.maxwet.silt_coarse = 3
pedology.maxwet.sand_fine = 2
pedology.maxwet.sand_medium = 1
pedology.maxwet.sand_coarse = 0
pedology.maxwet.gravel_fine = 1
pedology.maxwet.gravel_medium = 2
pedology.maxwet.gravel_coarse = 2
pedology.maxwet.turf_fibric = 2
pedology.maxwet.turf_hemic = 2
pedology.maxwet.turf_sapric = 2
--[[ “API” functions ]]
--[[ Replace the node at <pos> with a node with a “drier” version of it, if available ]]
function pedology.dry(pos)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local wet = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "wet")
local dried = tostring(wet - 1)
if wet <= 0 then
local newbasename = string.sub(node.name,1,#node.name-1)
newbasename = newbasename .. dried
minetest.set_node(pos, {name=newbasename, param1=0, param2=0})
--[[ Replace the node at <pos> with a “wetter” version of it, if available ]]
function pedology.wetten(pos)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local wet = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "wet")
local cutbasename = string.sub(node.name,10,#node.name-2)
if pedology.maxwet[cutbasename] == nil then
elseif wet > pedology.maxwet[cutbasename] then
local newbasename = string.sub(node.name,1,#node.name-1) .. tostring(wet+1)
minetest.set_node(pos, {name=newbasename, param1=0, param2=0})
--[[ register ABMs ]]
nodenames = {"group:sun_dry"},
neighbors = {"air"},
interval = 30,
chance = 10,
action = pedology.sun_dry,
nodenames = {"group:sucky"},
neighbors = {"group:water"},
interval = 30,
chance = 1,
action = pedology.suck,
nodenames = {"group:melting_point"},
neighbors = {"group:hot"},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
action = function(pos,node,...)