From 8e0b25fb2c69cd1deb15eef6191dbcb12a8fb93f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: unknown <> Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 19:50:21 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] fix --- compat-furnaces.lua | 363 ++------------------------------------------ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 352 deletions(-) diff --git a/compat-furnaces.lua b/compat-furnaces.lua index 797ecfd..28e642d 100644 --- a/compat-furnaces.lua +++ b/compat-furnaces.lua @@ -1,297 +1,22 @@ -- this file is basically a modified copy of -- minetest_game/mods/default/furnaces.lua --- translation support -local S = minetest.get_translator("pipeworks") -local DS = minetest.get_translator("default") - -local fs_helpers = pipeworks.fs_helpers +local def = table.copy(minetest.registered_nodes["default:furnace"]) +--local def_active = table.copy(minetest.registered_nodes["default:furnace_active"]) local tube_entry = "^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png" -local function active_formspec(fuel_percent, item_percent, pos, meta) - local formspec = - "size[8,8.5]".. - default.gui_bg.. - default.gui_bg_img.. - default.gui_slots.. - "list[current_name;src;2.75,0.5;1,1;]".. - "list[current_name;fuel;2.75,2.5;1,1;]".. - "image[2.75,1.5;1,1;default_furnace_fire_bg.png^[lowpart:".. - (100-fuel_percent)..":default_furnace_fire_fg.png]".. - "image[3.75,1.5;1,1;gui_furnace_arrow_bg.png^[lowpart:".. - (item_percent)..":gui_furnace_arrow_fg.png^[transformR270]".. - "list[current_name;dst;4.75,0.96;2,2;]".. - "list[current_player;main;0,4.25;8,1;]".. - "list[current_player;main;0,5.5;8,3;8]".. - "listring[current_name;dst]".. - "listring[current_player;main]".. - "listring[current_name;src]".. - "listring[current_player;main]".. - "listring[current_name;fuel]".. - "listring[current_player;main]".. - default.get_hotbar_bg(0, 4.25) .. - fs_helpers.cycling_button( - meta, - "image_button[0,3.5;1,0.6", - "split_material_stacks", - { - pipeworks.button_off, - pipeworks.button_on - } - ).."label[0.9,3.51;"..S("Allow splitting incoming material (not fuel) stacks from tubes").."]" - return formspec -end - -local function inactive_formspec(pos, meta) - local formspec = "size[8,8.5]".. - default.gui_bg.. - default.gui_bg_img.. - default.gui_slots.. - "list[current_name;src;2.75,0.5;1,1;]".. - "list[current_name;fuel;2.75,2.5;1,1;]".. - "image[2.75,1.5;1,1;default_furnace_fire_bg.png]".. - "image[3.75,1.5;1,1;gui_furnace_arrow_bg.png^[transformR270]".. - "list[current_name;dst;4.75,0.96;2,2;]".. - "list[current_player;main;0,4.25;8,1;]".. - "list[current_player;main;0,5.5;8,3;8]".. - "listring[current_name;dst]".. - "listring[current_player;main]".. - "listring[current_name;src]".. - "listring[current_player;main]".. - "listring[current_name;fuel]".. - "listring[current_player;main]".. - default.get_hotbar_bg(0, 4.25) .. - fs_helpers.cycling_button( - meta, - "image_button[0,3.5;1,0.6", - "split_material_stacks", - { - pipeworks.button_off, - pipeworks.button_on - } - ).."label[0.9,3.51;"..S("Allow splitting incoming material (not fuel) stacks from tubes").."]" - return formspec -end - --- --- Node callback functions that are the same for active and inactive furnace --- - -local function can_dig(pos, player) - local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); - local inv = meta:get_inventory() - return inv:is_empty("fuel") and inv:is_empty("dst") and inv:is_empty("src") -end - -local function allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, index, stack, player) - if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then - return 0 - end - local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) - local inv = meta:get_inventory() - if listname == "fuel" then - if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 then - if inv:is_empty("src") then - meta:set_string("infotext", DS("Furnace is empty")) - end - return stack:get_count() - else - return 0 - end - elseif listname == "src" then - return stack:get_count() - elseif listname == "dst" then - return 0 - end -end - -local function allow_metadata_inventory_move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) - local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) - local inv = meta:get_inventory() - local stack = inv:get_stack(from_list, from_index) - return allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, to_list, to_index, stack, player) -end - -local function allow_metadata_inventory_take(pos, listname, index, stack, player) - if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then - return 0 - end - return stack:get_count() -end - -local function swap_node(pos, name) - local node = minetest.get_node(pos) - if == name then - return - end - = name - minetest.swap_node(pos, node) -end - -local function furnace_node_timer(pos, elapsed) - -- - -- Inizialize metadata - -- - local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) - local fuel_time = meta:get_float("fuel_time") or 0 - local src_time = meta:get_float("src_time") or 0 - local fuel_totaltime = meta:get_float("fuel_totaltime") or 0 - - local inv = meta:get_inventory() - local srclist, fuellist - - local cookable, cooked - local fuel - - local update = true - while update do - update = false - - srclist = inv:get_list("src") - fuellist = inv:get_list("fuel") - - -- - -- Cooking - -- - - -- Check if we have cookable content - local aftercooked - cooked, aftercooked = minetest.get_craft_result({method = "cooking", width = 1, items = srclist}) - cookable = cooked.time ~= 0 - - -- Check if we have enough fuel to burn - if fuel_time < fuel_totaltime then - -- The furnace is currently active and has enough fuel - fuel_time = fuel_time + elapsed - -- If there is a cookable item then check if it is ready yet - if cookable then - src_time = src_time + elapsed - if src_time >= cooked.time then - -- Place result in dst list if possible - if inv:room_for_item("dst", cooked.item) then - inv:add_item("dst", cooked.item) - inv:set_stack("src", 1, aftercooked.items[1]) - src_time = src_time - cooked.time - update = true - end - end - end - else - -- Furnace ran out of fuel - if cookable then - -- We need to get new fuel - local afterfuel - fuel, afterfuel = minetest.get_craft_result({method = "fuel", width = 1, items = fuellist}) - - if fuel.time == 0 then - -- No valid fuel in fuel list - fuel_totaltime = 0 - src_time = 0 - else - -- prevent blocking of fuel inventory (for automatization mods) - local is_fuel = minetest.get_craft_result({method = "fuel", width = 1, items = {afterfuel.items[1]:to_string()}}) - if is_fuel.time == 0 then - table.insert(fuel.replacements, afterfuel.items[1]) - inv:set_stack("fuel", 1, "") - else - -- Take fuel from fuel list - inv:set_stack("fuel", 1, afterfuel.items[1]) - end - -- Put replacements in dst list or drop them on the furnace. - local replacements = fuel.replacements - if replacements[1] then - local leftover = inv:add_item("dst", replacements[1]) - if not leftover:is_empty() then - local above =, pos.y + 1, pos.z) - local drop_pos = minetest.find_node_near(above, 1, {"air"}) or above - minetest.item_drop(replacements[1], nil, drop_pos) - end - end - update = true - fuel_totaltime = fuel.time + (fuel_time - fuel_totaltime) - src_time = src_time + elapsed - end - else - -- We don't need to get new fuel since there is no cookable item - fuel_totaltime = 0 - src_time = 0 - end - fuel_time = 0 - end - - elapsed = 0 - end - - if fuel and fuel_totaltime > fuel.time then - fuel_totaltime = fuel.time - end - if srclist[1]:is_empty() then - src_time = 0 - end - - -- - -- Update formspec, infotext and node - -- - local formspec = inactive_formspec(pos, meta) - local item_state - local item_percent = 0 - if cookable then - item_percent = math.floor(src_time / cooked.time * 100) - if item_percent > 100 then - item_state = DS("100% (output full)") - else - item_state = DS("@1%", item_percent) - end - else - if srclist[1]:is_empty() then - item_state = DS("Empty") - else - item_state = DS("Not cookable") - end - end - - local fuel_state = DS("Empty") - local active = DS("Furnace inactive") - local result = false - - if fuel_totaltime ~= 0 then - active = DS("Furnace active") - local fuel_percent = math.floor(fuel_time / fuel_totaltime * 100) - fuel_state = DS("@1%", fuel_percent) - formspec = active_formspec(fuel_percent, item_percent, pos, meta) - swap_node(pos, "default:furnace_active") - -- make sure timer restarts automatically - result = true - else - if not fuellist[1]:is_empty() then - fuel_state = DS("@1%", "0") - end - swap_node(pos, "default:furnace") - -- stop timer on the inactive furnace - minetest.get_node_timer(pos):stop() - end - - local infotext = active.." "..DS("(Item: @1; Fuel: @2)", item_state, fuel_state) - - -- - -- Set meta values - -- - meta:set_float("fuel_totaltime", fuel_totaltime) - meta:set_float("fuel_time", fuel_time) - meta:set_float("src_time", src_time) - meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) - meta:set_string("infotext", infotext) - - return result -end +local groups = table.copy(def.groups) +groups["tubedevice"] = 1 +groups["tubedevice_receiver"] = 1 +local groups_active = table.copy(groups) +groups_active["not_in_creative_inventory"] = 1 -- -- Node definitions -- -minetest.register_node(":default:furnace", { - description = DS("Furnace"), +minetest.override_item("default:furnace", { tiles = { "default_furnace_top.png"..tube_entry, "default_furnace_bottom.png"..tube_entry, @@ -300,7 +25,7 @@ minetest.register_node(":default:furnace", { "default_furnace_side.png"..tube_entry, "default_furnace_front.png" }, - groups = {cracky = 2, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1}, + groups = groups, tube = { insert_object = function(pos, node, stack, direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) @@ -330,57 +55,13 @@ minetest.register_node(":default:furnace", { input_inventory = "dst", connect_sides = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, front = 1, bottom = 1, top = 1} }, - paramtype2 = "facedir", - legacy_facedir_simple = true, - is_ground_content = false, - sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), - can_dig = can_dig, - - on_timer = furnace_node_timer, - - on_construct = function(pos) - local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) - meta:set_string("formspec", inactive_formspec(pos, meta)) - local inv = meta:get_inventory() - inv:set_size('src', 1) - inv:set_size('fuel', 1) - inv:set_size('dst', 4) - end, - - on_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos) - minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(1.0) - end, - on_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos) - -- start timer function, it will sort out whether furnace can burn or not. - minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(1.0) - end, - on_blast = function(pos) - local drops = {} - default.get_inventory_drops(pos, "src", drops) - default.get_inventory_drops(pos, "fuel", drops) - default.get_inventory_drops(pos, "dst", drops) - drops[#drops+1] = "default:furnace" - minetest.remove_node(pos) - return drops - end, - allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put, - allow_metadata_inventory_move = allow_metadata_inventory_move, - allow_metadata_inventory_take = allow_metadata_inventory_take, - on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) - if not pipeworks.may_configure(pos, sender) then return end - fs_helpers.on_receive_fields(pos, fields) - local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) - local formspec = inactive_formspec(pos, meta) - meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) - end, after_place_node = pipeworks.after_place, after_dig_node = pipeworks.after_dig, on_rotate = pipeworks.on_rotate }) -minetest.register_node(":default:furnace_active", { - description = DS("Furnace"), +minetest.override_item("default:furnace_active", { tiles = { "default_furnace_top.png"..tube_entry, "default_furnace_bottom.png"..tube_entry, @@ -398,7 +79,7 @@ minetest.register_node(":default:furnace_active", { }, } }, - groups = {cracky = 2, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}, + groups = groups_active, tube = { insert_object = function(pos,node,stack,direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) @@ -419,35 +100,13 @@ minetest.register_node(":default:furnace_active", { if direction.y == 1 then return inv:room_for_item("fuel", stack) else - if meta:get_int("split_material_stacks") == 1 then - stack = stack:peek_item(1) - end return inv:room_for_item("src", stack) end end, input_inventory = "dst", connect_sides = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, front = 1, bottom = 1, top = 1} }, - paramtype2 = "facedir", - light_source = 8, - drop = "default:furnace", - legacy_facedir_simple = true, - is_ground_content = false, - sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), - on_timer = furnace_node_timer, - can_dig = can_dig, - - allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put, - allow_metadata_inventory_move = allow_metadata_inventory_move, - allow_metadata_inventory_take = allow_metadata_inventory_take, - on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) - if not pipeworks.may_configure(pos, sender) then return end - fs_helpers.on_receive_fields(pos, fields) - local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) - local formspec = active_formspec(0, 0, pos, meta) - meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) - end, after_place_node = pipeworks.after_place, after_dig_node = pipeworks.after_dig, on_rotate = pipeworks.on_rotate From 96ccd29dd2e29459089f26e8df82f9e877d570a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: unknown <> Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 20:20:48 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] address flux review --- compat-furnaces.lua | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/compat-furnaces.lua b/compat-furnaces.lua index 28e642d..776a526 100644 --- a/compat-furnaces.lua +++ b/compat-furnaces.lua @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local def = table.copy(minetest.registered_nodes["default:furnace"]) local tube_entry = "^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png" -local groups = table.copy(def.groups) +local groups = def.groups groups["tubedevice"] = 1 groups["tubedevice_receiver"] = 1 local groups_active = table.copy(groups)