Translation string errors

Fixes #21.
Sorry, I had put wrong identifiers in translations strings.
Also, found another one to fix in `teleport_tube.lua`.

I hope, there is no other error.
Esse commit está contido em:
Louis Royer 2020-02-20 15:17:58 +01:00
commit 728d4e179a
2 arquivos alterados com 2 adições e 2 exclusões

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@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ local function furnace_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
local infotext = active.." "..DS("(Item: @2; Fuel: @3)", item_state, fuel_state)
local infotext = active.." "..DS("(Item: @1; Fuel: @2)", item_state, fuel_state)
-- Set meta values

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@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ pipeworks.register_tube("pipeworks:teleport_tube", {
if channel ~= "" then
set_tube(pos, channel, can_receive)
local cr_description = (can_receive == 1) and "sending and receiving" or "sending"
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Teleportation Tube @1 on '@1'", cr_description, channel))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Teleportation Tube @1 on '@2'", cr_description, channel))
-- remove empty channel tubes, to not have to search through them