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2016-02-12 08:57:16 +01:00
progress_tree = {}
-- A progress tree is a map from string names to nodes in adjacency list
-- representation.
local tree_methods = {}
local tree_metatab = { __index = tree_methods }
function progress_tree.new_tree()
local ret = {}
setmetatable(ret, tree_metatab)
return ret
-- A node is a table with these fields:
-- - children - A list of child nodes
-- - parents - A list of parent nodes
local node_methods = {}
local node_metatab = { __index = node_methods }
function progress_tree.new_node(parents)
local ret = { children = {},
parents = parents,
setmetatable(ret, node_metatab)
return ret
-- Adds one node, and takes a list of parents. Each parent must be in the tree
-- already.
function tree_methods.add(self, name, parents)
for i, parent in ipairs(parents) do
if not self[parent] then
local err_msg = "[progress_tree]"
.. " Node " .. name ..
" is child of nonexistent parent " .. parent
if self[name] then
error("[progress_tree] Duplicate node " .. name)
self[name] = progress_tree.new_node(parents)
for i, parent in ipairs(parents) do
table.insert(self[parent].children, name)
-- Each player can ahve data related to their completion of the tree, namely a table
-- with these fields:
-- - tree - The original tree this data tracks
-- - remaining_deps - A map from node names to the number of unfulfilled
-- prerequisite nodes.
-- - available - A set { ["node1"] = true, ["node2"] = true, ... } of nodes
-- that have no prerequisites left to fulfill, and have not been taken yet
-- - learned - A set of nodes the player has taken already.
local pd_methods = {}
local pd_metatab = { __index = pd_methods }
-- Argument is the tree to create the data against. learned is an optional
-- argument for a set of initial learned techs.
function progress_tree.new_player_data(tree, learned)
local data = { tree = tree,
remaining_deps = {},
available = {},
learned = {},
setmetatable(data, pd_metatab)
for name, node in pairs(tree) do
local rem_deps = #(node.parents)
data.remaining_deps[name] = rem_deps
if rem_deps == 0 then
data.available[name] = true
if learned then
for k in pairs(learned) do
return data
-- Serialization to a string
function pd_methods.serialize(self)
return minetest.serialize(self.learned)
-- Deserialization. Data can only be deserialized against a particular tree.
-- Returns nil on failure.
function progress_tree.deserialize_player_data(tree, learned_string)
local learned = minetest.deserialize(learned_string)
if not learned then return end
return progress_tree.new_player_data(tree, learned)
-- Tells whether the tech is already learned
function pd_methods.knows(self, name)
return self.learned[name] == true -- Want false when not in
-- Tells whether the tech is learnable with the current level of techs.
function pd_methods.can_learn(self, name)
return (not self.learned[name]) and self.available[name] == true
-- Learn a new tech. Returns true on success, returns false on failure. It can
-- fail if the tech doesn't exist or if it is already learned. It does not fail
-- if it is learned out of order, so use can_learn if you want to be sure.
function pd_methods.learn(self, name)
if self:knows(name) then return false end
local node = self.tree[name]
if not node then return false end
local children = node.children
-- Decrement the remaining deps for each child
for i, child in ipairs(children) do
local new_rem = self.remaining_deps[child] - 1
print(child, new_rem)
-- If the player learned it out of order, don't put it as
-- available.
if new_rem == 0 and not self:knows(child) then
self.available[child] = true
self.remaining_deps[child] = new_rem
self.learned[name] = true
self.available[name] = nil
dofile(minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) .. "/test.lua")