#Progress Trees This is a library to help implement advancement trees, such as talent trees or research trees. API === Functions --------- ```progress_tree.new_tree()``` - Creates an empty tree
```progress_tree.new_player_data(tree[, learned])``` - Creates an instance of player advancement data in a particular progress tree. The optional argument is a set of node names to start off with.
```progress_tree.deserialize_player_data(tree, learned_string)``` - Deserializes player data in relation to a particular tree. Progress Tree Methods --------------------- ```add(node_name, parents)``` - Adds a new node with the name node_name. ```parents``` is a list of parent node names, which must already exist in the tree (or you will get an error).
```new_player_data(learned)``` - Method version of progress_tree.new_player_data
```deserialize_player_data(learned_string)``` - Method version of progress_tree.deserialize_player_data Player Data Methods ------------------- ```serialize()``` - Serializes the data to a string
```knows(node_name)``` - Determines if the player has learned the node
```can_learn(node_name)``` - Determines if the player has completed the prerequisites for the node
```learn(node_name)``` - Adds the given node to the known nodes. It can fail and return false if the node doesn't exist in the tree, or if it has already been learned, but will return true if nothing goes wrong. It will not fail if not all prerequisites have been completed, though.