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-- store for each user which mode the user has selected
replacer.user_mode = {}
-- descriptions for the dropdown menu (accessible via AUX1 + left-click)
replacer.mode_descriptions = {
"[ normal ] replace material, shape and orientation according to the stored pattern",
"[ material ] replace the material only (if possible), but keep shape and orientation",
"[ shape ] replace shape and orientation (if possible), but keep the material"}
-- internal names for the above modes (will be stored in replacer.user_mode[ player_name ])
replacer.mode_names = {"normal", "material", "shape"}
-- make sure all mode descriptions are properly escaped for the dropdown menu
for i, v in ipairs(replacer.mode_descriptions) do
replacer.mode_descriptions[i] = minetest.formspec_escape(v)
-- sometimes some few node names for on or two materials do not follow the
-- pattern of node names for that type; offer a way to translate them here
replacer.node_name_alternatives = {}
replacer.node_name_alternatives[ "default:mese_post_light_wood" ] = "default:mese_post_light"
replacer.node_name_alternatives[ "walls:desert_cobble" ] = "walls:desertcobble"
-- support for the circular saw; table contains prefixes as indices plus
-- a list of known suffixes for that prefix
replacer.saw_prefixes = {}
-- populate replacer.saw_prefixes
if(minetest.global_exists("circular_saw") and circular_saw.names) then
-- this is fixed for the saw and does not depend on which actual nodes are
-- registered for it later on;
-- we build this table replacer.saw_prefixes for faster lookup because
-- many shapes share the same prefix
for i, v in ipairs(circular_saw.names) do
local prefix = v[1].."_"
if(not(replacer.saw_prefixes[ prefix ])) then
replacer.saw_prefixes[ prefix ] = {v[2]}
table.insert(replacer.saw_prefixes[ prefix ], v[2])
-- functions
-- does node_name match any name from the circular saw?
-- or is it a node from the cnc machine?
-- and if so, which material is it?
-- returns: {created_by_machine, source node name, mod_name, prefix, material, suffix}
-- (the last four form the name of the node)
replacer.identify_shape_and_material = function(full_node_name)
local parts = full_node_name:split(":")
if(not(parts) or #parts < 2) then
return nil
local mod_name = parts[1]
local node_name = parts[2]
-- it might be a full block - or any other drawtype not really covered here
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[ full_node_name ]
if(def and def.drawtype and def.drawtype == "normal") then
return {"normal", full_node_name,
mod_name, "", node_name, ""}
-- a wooden fence rail
local prefix = "fence_rail_"
if(mod_name == "default" and node_name:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix) then
local material = node_name:sub(#prefix + 1)
return {"fence_rail", "default:"..material, "default", prefix, material, ""}
-- a wooden fence
prefix = "fence_"
if(mod_name == "default" and node_name:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix) then
local material = node_name:sub(#prefix + 1)
return {"fence", "default:"..material, "default", prefix, material, ""}
-- gates come in diffrent wood types as well
prefix = "gate_"
if(mod_name == "doors" and node_name:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix) then
local gate_suffixes = {"_open", "_closed"}
for i, suffix in ipairs(gate_suffixes) do
if(node_name:sub(-#suffix) == suffix) then
local material = node_name:sub(#prefix+1, -#suffix-1)
return {"gate", "default:"..material, "doors", prefix, material, suffix}
-- a mese post (comes in diffrent wood types)
prefix = "mese_post_light_"
if(full_node_name == "default:mese_post_light") then
return {"mese_post", "default:wood", "default", "mese_post_light_", "", ""}
elseif(mod_name == "default" and node_name:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix) then
local material = node_name:sub(#prefix + 1)
return {"mese_post", "default:"..material, "default", prefix, material, ""}
-- walls (usually made out of stone)
if(full_node_name == "walls:cobble") then
return {"walls", "default:cobble", "walls", "", "cobble", ""}
elseif(full_node_name == "walls:mossycobble") then
return {"walls", "default:mossycobble", "walls", "", "mossycobble", ""}
elseif(full_node_name == "walls:desertcobble") then
return {"walls", "default:desert_cobble", "walls", "", "desert_cobble", ""}
-- it might be a regular stair (or similar node) from MinetestGame's stair mod
if(mod_name == "stairs") then
-- stair_inner_ and stair_outer_ need to be checked before stair_ is checked
-- because they are more specific
local stair_prefixes = {"stair_inner_", "stair_outer_", "stair_", "slab_"}
for i, prefix in ipairs(stair_prefixes) do
if(node_name:sub(1,#prefix) == prefix) then
local material = node_name:sub(#prefix+1)
return {"stairs", "default:"..material,
mod_name, prefix, material, ""}
return nil
-- check if we are dealing with a node from the circular saw from moreblocks
for prefix, suffixes in pairs(replacer.saw_prefixes) do
-- the prefix matches; does any suffix match?
if(node_name:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix) then
for i, suffix in ipairs(suffixes) do
if(suffix == "" or node_name:sub(-#suffix) == suffix) then
local material = node_name:sub(#prefix + 1, -#suffix-1)
for m_name, m_parts in pairs(circular_saw.known_nodes) do
if(m_parts[2] == material) then
return {"circular_saw", m_name,
m_parts[1], prefix, material, suffix}
-- no need to check the other prefixes; they won't match either
return ""
-- check if we are dealing with a node from the cnc machine
if(minetest.global_exists("technic_cnc") and technic_cnc.programs) then
for i, data in ipairs(technic_cnc.programs) do
if(full_node_name:sub(-#data.suffix-1) == "_"..data.suffix) then
local source_node = full_node_name:sub(1,-#data.suffix-2)
local p = source_node:split(":")
return {"tecnic_cnc", source_node,
p[1], "", p[2], "_"..data.suffix}
-- TODO: pkarcs, mymillworks etc. mods, pillars, castle, ..
return nil
-- try to convert the old node into the desired new node
-- the mode is stored in replacer.user_mode[ player_name ] (fallback: normal)
replacer.get_new_node_data = function(old_node, stored_pattern, player_name)
if(not(old_node) or not(stored_pattern) or not(old_node.name)) then
return nil
-- normal mode of operation: replace material, shape and orientation
or not(replacer.user_mode[ player_name ])
or replacer.user_mode[ player_name ] == "normal") then
return stored_pattern
-- what type of node does the stored pattern represent?
local new_data = replacer.identify_shape_and_material(stored_pattern[1])
-- if the type of the stored pattern cannot be identified, then abort here
if(not(new_data)) then
return nil
local old_data = replacer.identify_shape_and_material(old_node.name)
-- if the type of the node that is to be replaced cannot be identified, then abort here
if(not(old_data)) then
return nil
-- replace material, but keep shape and orientation
if(replacer.user_mode[ player_name ] == "material") then
-- now try to replace the *material* of the old node while keeping prefix and postfix
local new_name = old_data[3]..":"..old_data[4]..new_data[5]..old_data[6]
-- handle some exceptions like mese post light wood and desert_cobble walls
if(not(minetest.registered_nodes[ new_name ])
and replacer.node_name_alternatives[ new_name ]) then
new_name = replacer.node_name_alternatives[ new_name ]
-- perhaps we need to change the mod name to the new material as well
if(not(minetest.registered_nodes[ new_name ])) then
new_name = new_data[3]..":"..old_data[4]..new_data[5]..old_data[6]
-- if the node still doesn't exist: give up
if(not(minetest.registered_nodes[ new_name ])) then
return nil
-- keep param1 and param2, but change the node name
return {new_name, old_node.param1, old_node.param2}
-- replace shape and orientation, but keep material
elseif(replacer.user_mode[ player_name ] == "shape") then
-- now try to replace the *material* of the old node while keeping prefix and postfix
local new_name = new_data[3]..":"..new_data[4]..old_data[5]..new_data[6]
-- handle some exceptions like mese post light wood and desert_cobble walls
if(not(minetest.registered_nodes[ new_name ])
and replacer.node_name_alternatives[ new_name ]) then
new_name = replacer.node_name_alternatives[ new_name ]
-- perhaps we need to change the mod name to the new material as well
if(not(minetest.registered_nodes[ new_name ])) then
new_name = old_data[3]..":"..new_data[4]..old_data[5]..new_data[6]
-- if the node still doesn't exist: give up
if(not(minetest.registered_nodes[ new_name ])) then
return nil
-- keep material, but change shape and orientation
return {new_name, stored_pattern[2], stored_pattern[3]}