-- taken from Vanessa Ezekowitz' homedecor mod -- see http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=26061 or https://github.com/VanessaE/homedecor for details! function replacer_homedecor_node_is_owned(pos, placer) local ownername = false if type(IsPlayerNodeOwner) == "function" then -- node_ownership mod if HasOwner(pos, placer) then -- returns true if the node is owned if not IsPlayerNodeOwner(pos, placer:get_player_name()) then if type(getLastOwner) == "function" then -- ...is an old version ownername = getLastOwner(pos) elseif type(GetNodeOwnerName) == "function" then -- ...is a recent version ownername = GetNodeOwnerName(pos) else ownername = "someone" end end end elseif type(isprotect)=="function" then -- glomie's protection mod if not isprotect(5, pos, placer) then ownername = "someone" end end if ownername ~= false then minetest.chat_send_player( placer:get_player_name(), "Sorry, "..ownername.." owns that spot." ) return true else return false end end