mirror of https://github.com/mt-mods/signs_lib.git synced 2025-03-31 17:20:22 +02:00

use a meta key to select wide-font mode

instead of using a separate node
add LBM to convert old nodes.
This commit is contained in:
Vanessa Dannenberg 2019-09-21 21:38:31 -04:00
parent 77987d12b9
commit d41e2ffd73

View File

@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ signs_lib.standard_steel_sign_sounds = table.copy(minetest.registered_items["def
signs_lib.default_text_scale = {x=10, y=10}
signs_lib.old_widefont_signs = {}
signs_lib.block_list = {}
signs_lib.totalblocks = 0
signs_lib.standard_yaw = {
math.pi / -2,
@ -614,6 +619,8 @@ end
local function make_sign_texture(lines, pos)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local def = minetest.registered_items[node.name]
if not def or not def.entity_info then return end
@ -622,16 +629,21 @@ local function make_sign_texture(lines, pos)
local line_height
local char_width
local colorbgw
local widemult = 1
if meta:get_int("widefont") == 1 then
widemult = 0.5
if def.font_size and def.font_size == 31 then
font_size = 31
line_width = math.floor(signs_lib.avgwidth31 * def.chars_per_line) * def.horiz_scaling
line_width = math.floor(signs_lib.avgwidth31 * def.chars_per_line) * (def.horiz_scaling * widemult)
line_height = signs_lib.lineheight31
char_width = signs_lib.charwidth31
colorbgw = signs_lib.colorbgw31
font_size = 15
line_width = math.floor(signs_lib.avgwidth15 * def.chars_per_line) * def.horiz_scaling
line_width = math.floor(signs_lib.avgwidth15 * def.chars_per_line) * (def.horiz_scaling * widemult)
line_height = signs_lib.lineheight15
char_width = signs_lib.charwidth15
colorbgw = signs_lib.colorbgw15
@ -667,31 +679,17 @@ function signs_lib.set_obj_text(pos, text)
signs_lib.spawn_entity(pos, make_sign_texture(split(text_ansi), pos))
local function make_widefont_nodename(name)
if string.find(name, "_widefont") then return name end
if string.find(name, "_onpole") then
if string.find(name, "_horiz") then
return string.gsub(name, "_onpole_horiz", "_widefont_onpole_horiz")
return string.gsub(name, "_onpole", "_widefont_onpole")
elseif string.find(name, "_hanging") then
return string.gsub(name, "_hanging", "_widefont_hanging")
return name.."_widefont"
function signs_lib.construct_sign(pos)
local form = "size[6,4]"..
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local wname = make_widefont_nodename(node.name)
local def = minetest.registered_items[node.name]
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if minetest.registered_items[wname] then
if def.allow_widefont then
local state = "off"
if string.find(node.name, "widefont") then state = "on" end
if meta:get_int("widefont") == 1 then state = "on" end
form = form.."label[1,3.4;Use wide font]"..
@ -701,7 +699,6 @@ function signs_lib.construct_sign(pos)
form = form.."button_exit[2,3.4;2,1;ok;"..S("Write").."]"
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", form)
local i = meta:get_string("infotext")
if i == "" then -- it wasn't even set, so set it.
@ -751,21 +748,22 @@ function signs_lib.receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, sender)
signs_lib.update_sign(pos, fields)
elseif fields.on or fields.off then
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local newname
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local change
if fields.on and string.find(node.name, "widefont") then
newname = string.gsub(node.name, "_widefont", "")
elseif fields.off and not string.find(node.name, "widefont") then
newname = make_widefont_nodename(node.name)
if fields.on and meta:get_int("widefont") == 1 then
meta:set_int("widefont", 0)
change = true
elseif fields.off and meta:get_int("widefont") == 0 then
meta:set_int("widefont", 1)
change = true
if newname then
if change then
minetest.log("action", S("@1 flipped the wide-font switch to \"@2\" at @3",
(sender:get_player_name() or ""),
(fields.on and "off" or "on"),
minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = newname, param2 = node.param2})
signs_lib.update_sign(pos, fields)
@ -962,7 +960,53 @@ function signs_lib.register_fence_with_sign()
minetest.log("warning", "[signs_lib] ".."Attempt to call no longer used function signs_lib.register_fence_with_sign()")
local function register_sign(name, rdef)
The main sign registration function
Example minimal recommended def for writable signs:
signs_lib.register_sign("foo:my_cool_sign", {
description = "Wooden cool sign",
inventory_image = "signs_lib_sign_cool_inv.png",
tiles = {
number_of_lines = 2,
horiz_scaling = 0.8,
vert_scaling = 1,
line_spacing = 9,
font_size = 31,
x_offset = 7,
y_offset = 4,
chars_per_line = 40,
entity_info = "standard"
* default def assumes a wallmounted sign with on-pole being allowed.
*For signs that can support being on a pole, include in the def:
allow_onpole = true,
(defaults to disabled)
*For signs that can support being on a horizontal pole, include in the def:
allow_onpole_horizontal = true,
(defaults to disabled)
* onpole/onpole_horizontal are independent; one may be allowed without the other
* "standard" entity info implies the standard wood/steel sign model, in
wallmounted mode. For facedir signs using the standard model, use:
entity_info = {
mesh = "signs_lib_standard_wall_sign_entity.obj",
yaw = signs_lib.standard_yaw
function signs_lib.register_sign(name, rdef)
local def = table.copy(rdef)
if rdef.entity_info == "standard" then
@ -1100,64 +1144,9 @@ local function register_sign(name, rdef)
minetest.register_node(":"..name.."_hanging", hdef)
table.insert(signs_lib.lbm_restore_nodes, name.."_hanging")
The main sign registration function
Example minimal recommended def for writable signs:
signs_lib.register_sign("foo:my_cool_sign", {
description = "Wooden cool sign",
inventory_image = "signs_lib_sign_cool_inv.png",
tiles = {
number_of_lines = 2,
horiz_scaling = 0.8,
vert_scaling = 1,
line_spacing = 9,
font_size = 31,
x_offset = 7,
y_offset = 4,
chars_per_line = 40,
entity_info = "standard"
* default def assumes a wallmounted sign with on-pole being allowed.
*For signs that can support being on a pole, include in the def:
allow_onpole = true,
(defaults to disabled)
*For signs that can support being on a horizontal pole, include in the def:
allow_onpole_horizontal = true,
(defaults to disabled)
* onpole/onpole_horizontal are independent; one may be allowed without the other
* "standard" entity info implies the standard wood/steel sign model, in
wallmounted mode. For facedir signs using the standard model, use:
entity_info = {
mesh = "signs_lib_standard_wall_sign_entity.obj",
yaw = signs_lib.standard_yaw
function signs_lib.register_sign(name, rdef)
register_sign(name, rdef)
if rdef.allow_widefont then
local wdef = table.copy(minetest.registered_items[name])
wdef.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
wdef.horiz_scaling = wdef.horiz_scaling / 2
register_sign(name.."_widefont", wdef)
table.insert(signs_lib.old_widefont_signs, name.."_widefont")
@ -1207,8 +1196,22 @@ minetest.register_lbm({
signs_lib.block_list = {}
signs_lib.totalblocks = 0
-- Convert widefont sign nodes to use one base node with meta flag to select wide mode
nodenames = signs_lib.old_widefont_signs,
name = "signs_lib:convert_widefont_signs",
label = "Convert widefont sign nodes",
run_at_every_load = false,
action = function(pos, node)
local basename = string.gsub(node.name, "_widefont", "")
minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = basename, param2 = node.param2})
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_int("widefont", 1)
-- Maintain a list of currently-loaded blocks