#!/bin/bash TEXTURE=$1 COMPOSITE=$2 base_texture="red_base_"$TEXTURE".png" if [ -z $TEXTURE ] || [ $TEXTURE == "--help" ] || [ $TEXTURE == "-h" ] ; then { echo -e "\nUsage:" echo -e "\ngentextures.sh basename [overlay filename]" echo -e "\nThis script requires one or two parameters which supply the" echo -e "base filename of the textures, and an optional overlay. The" echo -e " is the first part of the filename that your textures" echo -e "will use when your mod is done. For example, if you supply the" echo -e "word 'cotton', this script will produce filenames like cotton_red.png" echo -e "or 'cotton_dark_blue_s50.png'. The texture that this script will" echo -e "read and recolor is derived from this parameter, and will be of" echo -e "the form 'red_base_xxxxx.png', where 'xxxx' is the basename." echo -e "\nYou can also supply an optional overlay image filename." echo -e "This image will be composited onto the output files after they" echo -e "have been colorized, but without being modified. This is useful" echo -e "when you have some part of your base image that will either get" echo -e "changed unpredictably or undesirably. Simply draw two images -" echo -e "one containing the whole image to be colored, and one containing" echo -e "the parts that should not be changed, with transparency where the" echo -e "base image should show through.\n" exit 1 } fi if [[ ! -z $TEXTURE && ! -e $base_texture ]]; then { echo -e "\nThe basename 'red_base_"$TEXTURE".png' was not found." echo -e "\nAborting.\n" exit 1 } fi if [[ ! -z $COMPOSITE && ! -e $COMPOSITE ]]; then { echo -e "\nThe requested composite file '"$COMPOSITE"' was not found." echo -e "\nAborting.\n" exit 1 } fi convert $base_texture -modulate 1,2,3 tempfile.png 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null if (( $? )) ; then { echo -e "\nImagemagick failed while testing the base texture file." echo -e "\nEither the base file 'red_base_"$TEXTURE".png isn't an image," echo "or it is broken, or Imagemagick itself just didn't work." echo -e "\nPlease check and correct your base image and try again." echo -e "\nAborting.\n" exit 1 } fi composite_file="" if [ ! -z $COMPOSITE ] ; then { convert $base_texture -modulate 1,2,3 $COMPOSITE -composite tempfile.png 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null if (( $? )) ; then { echo -e "\nImagemagick failed while testing the composite file." echo -e "\nEither the composite file '"$COMPOSITE"' isn't an image" echo "or it is broken, or Imagemagick itself just didn't work." echo -e "\nPlease check and correct your composite image and try again." echo -e "\nAborting.\n" exit 1 } fi composite_file=$COMPOSITE" -composite" } fi rm tempfile.png base_colors="red orange yellow lime green aqua cyan skyblue blue violet magenta redviolet" echo -e -n "\nGenerating filenames based on "$base_texture if [ ! -z $COMPOSITE ] ; then { echo "," echo -n "using "$COMPOSITE" as an overlay" } fi echo -e "...\n" rm -rf generated-textures mkdir generated-textures hue=0 for name in $base_colors ; do hue2=`echo "scale=10; ("$hue"*200/360)+100" |bc` echo $name "("$hue" degrees)" echo " dark" convert $base_texture -modulate 33,100,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_dark_"$name".png" echo " medium" convert $base_texture -modulate 66,100,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_medium_"$name".png" echo " full" convert $base_texture -modulate 100,100,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_"$name".png" echo " light" convert $base_texture -modulate 150,100,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_light_"$name".png" echo " dark, 50% saturation" convert $base_texture -modulate 33,50,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_dark_"$name"_s50.png" echo " medium, 50% saturation" convert $base_texture -modulate 66,50,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_medium_"$name"_s50.png" echo " full, 50% saturation" convert $base_texture -modulate 100,50,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_"$name"_s50.png" hue=$((hue+30)) done echo "greyscales" echo " black" convert $base_texture -modulate 15,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_black.png" echo " dark grey" convert $base_texture -modulate 50,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_darkgrey.png" echo " medium grey" convert $base_texture -modulate 100,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_mediumgrey.png" echo " light grey" convert $base_texture -modulate 150,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_lightgrey.png" echo " white" convert $base_texture -modulate 190,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_white.png"