vector.meta = vector.meta or {} vector.meta.nodes = {} vector.meta.nodes_file = { load = function() local nodesfile ='/vector_nodes.txt', "r") if nodesfile then local contents = nodesfile:read('*all') io.close(nodesfile) if contents ~= nil then local lines = string.split(contents, "\n") for _,entry in ipairs(lines) do local name, px, py, pz, meta = unpack(string.split(entry, "°")) vector.meta.set_node({x=px, y=py, z=pz}, name, meta) end end end end, save = function() --WRITE CHANGES TO FILE local output = '' for x,ys in pairs(vector.meta.nodes) do for y,zs in pairs(ys) do for z,names in pairs(zs) do for name,meta in pairs(names) do output = name.."°"..x.."°"..y.."°"..z.."°"..dump(meta).."\n" end end end end local f ='/vector_nodes.txt', "w") f:write(output) io.close(f) end } local function table_empty(tab) --looks if it's an empty table if next(tab) == nil then return true end return false end function vector.meta.nodes_info() --returns an info string of the node table local tmp = "[vector] "..dump(vector.meta.nodes).."\n[vector]:\n" for x,a in pairs(vector.meta.nodes) do for y,b in pairs(a) do for z,c in pairs(b) do for name,meta in pairs(c) do tmp = tmp..">\t"" "..x.." "..y.." "..z.." "..dump(meta).."\n" end end end end return tmp end function vector.meta.clean_node_table() --replaces {} with nil local again = true while again do again = false for x,ys in pairs(vector.meta.nodes) do if table_empty(ys) then vector.meta.nodes[x] = nil again = true else for y,zs in pairs(ys) do if table_empty(zs) then vector.meta.nodes[x][y] = nil again = true else for z,names in pairs(zs) do if table_empty(names) then vector.meta.nodes[x][y][z] = nil again = true else for name,meta in pairs(names) do if table_empty(meta) or meta == "" then vector.meta.nodes[x][y][z][name] = nil again = true end end end end end end end end end end function vector.meta.complete_node_table(pos, name) --neccesary because tab[1] wouldn't work if tab is not a table local tmp = vector.meta.nodes[pos.x] if not tmp then vector.meta.nodes[pos.x] = {} end tmp = vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y] if not tmp then vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y] = {} end tmp = vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z] if not tmp then vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z] = {} end tmp = vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z][name] if not tmp then vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z][name] = {} end end function vector.meta.get_node(pos, name) if not pos then return false end local tmp = vector.meta.nodes[pos.x] if not tmp or table_empty(tmp) then return false end tmp = vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y] if not tmp or table_empty(tmp) then return false end tmp = vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z] if not tmp or table_empty(tmp) then return false end -- if name isn't mentioned, just look if there's a node if not name then return true end tmp = vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z][name] if not tmp or table_empty(tmp) then return false end return tmp end function vector.meta.remove_node(pos) if not pos then return false end if vector.meta.get_node(pos) then vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z] = nil local xarr = vector.meta.nodes[pos.x] if table_empty(xarr[pos.y]) then vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y] = nil end if table_empty(xarr) then vector.meta.nodes[pos.x] = nil end else print("[vector_extras] Warning: The node at "..vector.pos_to_string(pos).." wasn't stored in vector.meta.nodes.") end end function vector.meta.set_node(pos, name, meta) if not (name or pos) then return false end vector.meta.complete_node_table(pos, name) meta = meta or true vector.meta.nodes[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z][name] = meta end minetest.register_chatcommand('cleanvectormetatable',{ description = 'Tidy up it.', params = "", privs = {}, func = function(name) vector.meta.clean_node_table() local tmp = vector.meta.nodes_info() minetest.chat_send_player(name, tmp) print("[vector_extras] "..tmp) end }) vector.meta.nodes_file.load()