# MTAutocolors A tool to generate a colors.txt from the registered nodes of a Minetest server. To have a colors.txt for Minetest mapping for example with [MTSatellite](https://bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtsatellite) you need a colors.txt file. You can grab one from [VanessaE](http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/colors.txt) or build one yourself. gravgun wrote the generator [automappercolors](https://github.com/MinetestForFun/minetest-minetestforfun-server/tree/master/mods/automappercolors). MTAutocolors is a slightly extended version of this generator being much faster, too (The image processor is written in Go instead of Python). It consists of two parts: 1. The included [mod](https://bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtautocolors/src/default/mods/automappercolors/) to be installed into your minetest server to extract the needed node informations. 2. The program `mtautocolors` to generate the final colors.txt file from the informations gathered by the mod. ## Build Your need a [Go](http://golang.org/) 1.8 or later [installation](https://golang.org/dl/) to compile the program. Go 1.9.2+ is recommended as there is a known issue with decoding images in earlier versions. Mercurial and Git have to be install installed. $ go get -u bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtautocolors/cmd/mtautocolors will result in a binary `mtautocolors` to be put into your PATH. ## Usage Install the [mod](https://bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtautocolors/src/default/mods/automappercolors/) into your Minetest server. Start your game. Now you can type `/amcdumpnodes` as a chat command in the Minetest client. This will result in a file `amc_nodes.txt` in the data directory of your world. Once created you can deactivate the mod until you install or remove mods or update the game in a way which changes the registered nodes. `mtautocolors` needs a few arguments. The path to the `amc_nodes.txt` file generated with the mod and paths to the images of your minetest server. This would be the root of the minetest server and/or the folder where you have the actual minetest game. Something like this (adjusted to your setting): $ mtautocolors -predefined=/predefined.json \ /home/xyz/minetest/worlds/colors/amc_nodes.txt \ /home/xyz/minetest/ /home/xyz/minetest_game > colors.txt There is an option to overwrite the machine generated behavior for certain kinds of nodes with a JSON file. Look at [predefined.json](https://bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtautocolors/src/default/predefined.json) to get the idea. Basically its a list of entries with a regular expression matching the node name and a tuple of RGBA values which should be used instead of the machine generated. Transparency: Some nodes should be transparent like glass or water. `mtautocolors` only generates a alpha channel for nodes with of certain draw types. By default this are the ones which drawtype contains 'glasslike' or 'liquid'. This can be overwritten with the `-transparent=` flag. This is Free Software under the terms of the MIT license. See [LICENSE](https://bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtautocolors/src/default/LICENSE) for details. gravgun's original is covered by the WTFPL license. See [LICENSE](https://bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtautocolors/src/default/mods/automappercolors/LICENSE) for details, too.