local function initialize_data(meta) local NEAREST_MAX_DISTANCE = tonumber(minetest.setting_get("moremesecons_commandblock.nearest_max_distance")) or 8 if NEAREST_MAX_DISTANCE <= 0 then NEAREST_MAX_DISTANCE = 1 end local commands = meta:get_string("commands") meta:set_string("formspec", "invsize[9,5;]" .. "textarea[0.5,0.5;8.5,4;commands;Commands;"..commands.."]" .. "label[1,3.8;@nearest is replaced by the nearest player name ("..tostring(NEAREST_MAX_DISTANCE).." nodes max for the nearest distance)".."]" .. "button_exit[3.3,4.5;2,1;submit;Submit]") local owner = meta:get_string("owner") if owner == "" then owner = "not owned" else owner = "owned by " .. owner end meta:set_string("infotext", "Command Block\n" .. "(" .. owner .. ")\n" .. "Commands: "..commands) end local function construct(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("commands", "tell @nearest Commandblock unconfigured") meta:set_string("owner", "") initialize_data(meta) end local function after_place(pos, placer) if placer then local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("owner", placer:get_player_name()) initialize_data(meta) end end local function receive_fields(pos, _, fields, player) if not fields.submit then return end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local owner = meta:get_string("owner") if owner ~= "" and player:get_player_name() ~= owner then return end meta:set_string("commands", fields.commands) initialize_data(meta) end local function resolve_commands(commands, pos) local nearest = nil local min_distance = math.huge local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for index, player in pairs(players) do local distance = vector.distance(pos, player:getpos()) if distance < min_distance then min_distance = distance nearest = player:get_player_name() end end new_commands = commands:gsub("@nearest", nearest) return new_commands, min_distance, new_commands ~= commands end local function commandblock_action_on(pos, node) local NEAREST_MAX_DISTANCE = tonumber(minetest.setting_get("moremesecons_commandblock.nearest_max_distance")) or 8 if NEAREST_MAX_DISTANCE <= 0 then NEAREST_MAX_DISTANCE = 1 end local accepted_commands = {} do local commands_str = minetest.setting_get("moremesecons_commandblock.authorized_commands") if commands_str then for command in string.gmatch(commands_str, "([^ ]+)") do accepted_commands[command] = true end else accepted_commands = {tell = true} end end if node.name ~= "moremesecons_commandblock:commandblock_off" then return end minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "moremesecons_commandblock:commandblock_on"}) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local owner = meta:get_string("owner") if owner == "" then return end local commands, distance, nearest_in_commands = resolve_commands(meta:get_string("commands"), pos) if distance > NEAREST_MAX_DISTANCE and nearest_in_commands then minetest.chat_send_player(owner, "The nearest player is too far to use his name in the commands of a craftable command block.") return end for _, command in pairs(commands:split("\n")) do local pos = command:find(" ") local cmd, param = command, "" if pos then cmd = command:sub(1, pos - 1) param = command:sub(pos + 1) end local cmddef = minetest.chatcommands[cmd] if not accepted_commands[cmd] and next(accepted_commands) then minetest.chat_send_player(owner, "You can not execute the command "..cmd.." with a craftable command block ! This event will be reported.") minetest.log("action", "Player "..owner.." tryed to execute an unauthorized command with a craftable command block.") return end if not cmddef then minetest.chat_send_player(owner, "The command "..cmd.." does not exist") return end local has_privs, missing_privs = minetest.check_player_privs(owner, cmddef.privs) if not has_privs then minetest.chat_send_player(owner, "You don't have permission " .."to run "..cmd .." (missing privileges: " ..table.concat(missing_privs, ", ")..")") return end cmddef.func(owner, param) end end local function commandblock_action_off(pos, node) if node.name == "moremesecons_commandblock:commandblock_on" then minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "moremesecons_commandblock:commandblock_off"}) end end local function can_dig(pos, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local owner = meta:get_string("owner") return owner == "" or owner == player:get_player_name() end minetest.register_node("moremesecons_commandblock:commandblock_off", { description = "Craftable Command Block", tiles = {"moremesecons_commandblock_off.png"}, groups = {cracky=2, mesecon_effector_off=1}, on_construct = construct, after_place_node = after_place, on_receive_fields = receive_fields, can_dig = can_dig, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), mesecons = {effector = { action_on = commandblock_action_on }} }) minetest.register_node("moremesecons_commandblock:commandblock_on", { tiles = {"moremesecons_commandblock_on.png"}, groups = {cracky=2, mesecon_effector_on=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, light_source = 10, drop = "moremesecons_commandblock:commandblock_off", on_construct = construct, after_place_node = after_place, on_receive_fields = receive_fields, can_dig = can_dig, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), mesecons = {effector = { action_off = commandblock_action_off }} }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "moremesecons_commandblock:commandblock_off", recipe = { {"group:mesecon_conductor_craftable","default:mese_crystal","group:mesecon_conductor_craftable"}, {"default:mese_crystal","group:mesecon_conductor_craftable","default:mese_crystal"}, {"group:mesecon_conductor_craftable","default:mese_crystal","group:mesecon_conductor_craftable"} } })