local JAMMER_MAX_DISTANCE = 10 -- see wireless jammer local get = vector.get_data_from_pos local set = vector.set_data_to_pos local remove = vector.remove_data_from_pos local jammers = {} local function add_jammer(pos) if get(jammers, pos.z,pos.y,pos.x) then return end set(jammers, pos.z,pos.y,pos.x, true) end local function remove_jammer(pos) remove(jammers, pos.z,pos.y,pos.x) end local function is_jammed(pos) local pz,py,px = vector.unpack(pos) for z,yxs in pairs(jammers) do if math.abs(pz-z) <= JAMMER_MAX_DISTANCE then for y,xs in pairs(yxs) do if math.abs(py-y) <= JAMMER_MAX_DISTANCE then for x in pairs(xs) do if math.abs(px-x) <= JAMMER_MAX_DISTANCE and (px-x)^2+(py-y)^2+(pz-z)^2 <= JAMMER_MAX_DISTANCE^2 then return true end end end end end end return false end minetest.after(0, function() -- After loading all mods, override some functions local jammed local actual_node_get = minetest.get_node_or_nil local function temp_node_get(pos, ...) local node = actual_node_get(pos, ...) if jammed == nil and node then jammed = is_jammed(pos) end return node end local actual_is_conductor_off = mesecon.is_conductor_off local function temp_is_conductor_off(...) if jammed then -- go to the next elseif, there's is_effector return end local v = actual_is_conductor_off(...) if v then -- it continues to the next frontier jammed = nil end return v end local actual_is_effector = mesecon.is_effector local function temp_is_effector(...) local abort_here = jammed -- the last elseif before continuing, jammed needs to be nil then jammed = nil if abort_here then return end return actual_is_effector(...) end local actual_turnon = mesecon.turnon function mesecon.turnon(...) --set those to the temporary functions minetest.get_node_or_nil = temp_node_get mesecon.is_conductor_off = temp_is_conductor_off mesecon.is_effector = temp_is_effector actual_turnon(...) minetest.get_node_or_nil = actual_node_get mesecon.is_conductor_off = actual_is_conductor_off mesecon.is_effector = actual_is_effector -- safety jammed = nil end end) mesecon.register_node("moremesecons_jammer:jammer", { description = "Mesecons Jammer", paramtype = "light", },{ tiles = {"moremesecons_jammer_off.png"}, groups = {dig_immediate=2}, mesecons = {effector = { action_on = function(pos) add_jammer(pos) minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moremesecons_jammer:jammer_on"}) end }}, },{ tiles = {"moremesecons_jammer_on.png"}, groups = {dig_immediate=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, mesecons = {effector = { action_off = function(pos) remove_jammer(pos) minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moremesecons_jammer:jammer_off"}) end }}, on_destruct = remove_jammer, on_construct = add_jammer, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "moremesecons_jammer:jammer_off", recipe = {{"group:mesecon_conductor_craftable", "default:mese", "group:mesecon_conductor_craftable"}, {"", "moremesecons_wireless:jammer_off", ""}} }) minetest.register_lbm({ name = "moremesecons_jammer:add_jammer", nodenames = {"moremesecons_jammer:jammer_on"}, action = add_jammer })