2017-01-10 14:21:45 -05:00
-- Node functionality registry for NPC actions by Zorman2000
-- In this script, some functionality and information required for nodes
-- to be used correctly by an NPC is described.
-- To avoid as many definitions as possible, the names of the nodes
-- can actually be prefixes.
-- This table will contain the registered nodes
npc.actions.nodes = {
doors = {},
beds = {},
sittable = {}
-- Beds functionality supported by default
2017-01-11 07:54:50 -05:00
-- Functionality for default beds.
-- Since other mods may be used in the same way as the default beds,
-- this one is a global registration
2017-01-10 14:21:45 -05:00
npc.actions.nodes.default_bed_registration = {
get_lay_pos = function(pos, dir)
return {x = pos.x + dir.x / 2, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z + dir.z / 2}
type = "bed"
-- The code used in get_lay_pos is from cottages mod and slightly modified.
local cottages_bed_registration = {
get_lay_pos = function(pos, dir)
return {x = pos.x + dir.x / 2, y = pos.y + 1.4, z = pos.z + dir.z / 2}
type = "bed"
local cottages_mat_registration = {
get_lay_pos = function(pos, dir)
return {x = pos.x + dir.x / 2, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z + dir.z / 2}
type = "mat"
2017-01-11 07:54:50 -05:00
-- Sitting functionality supported by default
-- Functionality for allowing the NPC to sit on default stairs and cottages' bench
local sittable_stair_registration = {
get_sit_pos = function(pos, param2)
local result = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z};
if param2 == 0 then
result.z = result.z-0.2;
elseif param2 == 1 then
result.x = result.x-0.2;
elseif param2 == 2 then
result.z = result.z+0.2;
elseif param2 == 3 then
result.x = result.x+0.2;
return result
local cottages_bench_registration = {
get_sit_pos = function(pos, param2)
local result = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z};
if param2 == 0 then
result.z = result.z+0.3;
elseif param2 == 1 then
result.x = result.x+0.3;
elseif param2 == 2 then
result.z = result.z-0.3;
elseif param2 == 3 then
result.x = result.x-0.3;
return result
-- Registry of bed nodes
2017-01-10 14:21:45 -05:00
-- Default beds.
npc.actions.nodes.beds["beds:bed_bottom"] = npc.actions.nodes.default_bed_registration
npc.actions.nodes.beds["beds:fancy_bed_bottom"] = npc.actions.nodes.default_bed_registration
-- Cottages beds
npc.actions.nodes.beds["cottages:bed_foot"] = cottages_bed_registration
npc.actions.nodes.beds["cottages:sleeping_mat"] = cottages_mat_registration
npc.actions.nodes.beds["cottages:straw_mat"] = cottages_mat_registration
2017-01-11 07:54:50 -05:00
-- Registry of sittable nodes
-- Normal wooden stairs
npc.actions.nodes.sittable["stairs:stair_wood"] = sittable_stair_registration
-- Cottages bench
npc.actions.nodes.sittable["cottages:bench"] = cottages_bench_registration