2017-09-05 22:47:03 -04:00
-- Basic priest occupation for Advanced NPC (WIP)
-- By Zorman2000
-- The basic priest occupation is given to NPCs that spawn on houses
-- surrounding churchs. While on the church, the priest provides
-- universal wisdom and advice, and also heals the player a limited number of times.
-- DISCLAIMER: The "teachings" in this file come from a compilation of 15 principles shared
-- among religions around the world. Zorman2000 and other contributors are not
-- necessarily aligned with the principles and morals in these teachings, nor affiliated
-- to religions that promote them.
local priest_def = {
dialogues = {
type = " given " ,
data = {
text = " Blessings be upon you, my child! " ,
tags = { " unisex " }
} ,
text = " The temple will always open the doors to everyone. " ,
tags = { " unisex " }
} ,
text = " Following the teachings is the path to a good life. " ,
tags = { " unisex " }
} ,
text = " Thanks for coming to greet me, I hope you have a blessed day! " ,
tags = { " unisex " }
} ,
text = " Welcome to the temple, how can I help you today? " ,
flag = { name = " on_church " , value = true } ,
tags = { " unisex " } ,
responses =
[ 1 ] = {
text = " I'm injured. Can you heal me? " ,
action_type = " function " ,
action = function ( self , player )
local heal_count = self.flags [ " heal_count " ]
if heal_count then
-- Increase heal count
self.flags [ " heal_count " ] = self.flags [ " heal_count " ] + 1
self.flags [ " heal_count " ] = 1
heal_count = 1
-- Check if heal count is achieved
if heal_count > 5 then
npc.chat ( self.npc_name , player : get_player_name ( ) , " I cannot heal you anymore, "
.. " my child. \n To mortals like you and me, the power of the Creator is \n "
.. " limited. Only though learning the teachings we are able to understand more "
.. " ... \n Be safe my child. " )
npc.chat ( self.npc_name , player : get_player_name ( ) ,
" Receive the blessings of the Creator! " )
effect ( self.object : getpos ( ) , 20 , " default_coral_skeleton.png " , 0.1 , 0.3 , 3 , 10 )
-- Heal one heart
player : set_hp ( player : get_hp ( ) + 2 )
} ,
[ 2 ] = {
text = " What are your teachings? " ,
action_type = " function " ,
action = function ( self , player )
local teachings = {
[ 1 ] = " Do unto others what you would have them do unto you " ,
[ 2 ] = " Honor your Father and Mother. Knowing them is the key to knowing ourselves " ,
[ 3 ] = " Sincerity is the way to heaven, \n and to think how to be sincere is the way of the man " ,
[ 4 ] = " Generosity, charity and kindness will open an individual to an unbounded reservoir of riches " ,
[ 5 ] = " Even as the scent dwells within the flower, so God within thine own heart forever abides " ,
[ 6 ] = " Acts of faith, prayer and meditation provide us with the strength that allows love for our fellow man to become an abiding force. Love is unifying. " ,
[ 7 ] = " Peacemakers are blessed. \n Peace is the natural result of individuals and nations living in close kinship " ,
[ 8 ] = " You reap what you sow. \n Even if it is a mystery, we are all ruled by this inevitable law of nature " ,
[ 9 ] = " The blessings of life are deeper than what can be appreciated by the senses " ,
[ 10 ] = " Do no harm, as we are part of the whole, and shouldn't perceive others as foreign or separate from ownself " ,
[ 11 ] = " The most beautiful thing a man can do is to forgive wrong " ,
[ 12 ] = " Judge not, lest ye be judged. Mankind is nothing but a great family and we all spring from common source " ,
[ 13 ] = " Anger clouds the mind in the very moments that clarity and objectivity are needed most. " ,
[ 14 ] = " Nature, Being, The Absolute, Creator... whatever name man chooses, there is but one force in the universe. All people and things are of one essence " ,
2017-09-08 07:31:19 -05:00
[ 15 ] = " Study the words, no doubt, but look behind them to the thought they indicate; \n having fond it, throw the words away. Live the spirit of them " ,
[ 16 ] = " The wise store up choice food and olive oil, \n but fools gulp theirs down. " ,
[ 17 ] = " An inheritance claimed too soon \n will not be blessed at the end. " ,
[ 18 ] = " Young men give glory in their strength, \n but old men are honored for their gray hair. " ,
[ 19 ] = " Humility is the fear of the Creator, or whatever name man chooses; \n its wages are riches and honor in life. " ,
[ 20 ] = " Listen, my child, and be wise, \n and set your heart on the right path. " ,
[ 21 ] = " Do not speak to fools, \n for they will scorn your prudent words. " ,
[ 22 ] = " The schemes of folly are sin, \n and people detest a mocker. " ,
[ 23 ] = " An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. " ,
[ 24 ] = " Do not envy the wicked, \n do not desire their company; \n for their hearts plot violence, \n and their lips talk about making trouble. " ,
[ 25 ] = " Do not fret because of evildoers, for the evildoer has no future hope. " ,
[ 26 ] = " It is to one's honor to avoid strife, \n but every fool is quick to quarrel "
2017-09-05 22:47:03 -04:00
npc.chat ( self.npc_name , player : get_player_name ( ) , teachings [ math.random ( 1 , # teachings ) ]
.. " . \n These are the teachings of our Creator. " )
} ,
textures = {
" npc_male_priest.png "
} ,
initial_inventory = {
{ name = " farming:bread " , count = 1 }
} ,
properties = {
initial_trader_status = npc.trade . NONE ,
enable_gift_items_hints = false
} ,
2017-09-15 14:46:08 -04:00
building_types = { } ,
2017-09-05 22:47:03 -04:00
surrounding_building_types = {
2017-09-15 14:46:08 -04:00
{ type = " church " , origin_building_types = { " hut " , " house " , " farm_tiny " , " lumberjack " } }
2017-09-05 22:47:03 -04:00
} ,
schedules_entries = {
[ 7 ] = {
-- Get out of bed
[ 1 ] = {
task = npc.actions . cmd.USE_BED ,
args = {
pos = npc.places . PLACE_TYPE.BED . PRIMARY ,
action = npc.actions . const.beds . GET_UP
} ,
-- Walk to home inside
[ 2 ] = {
task = npc.actions . cmd.WALK_TO_POS ,
chance = 95 ,
args = {
end_pos = npc.places . PLACE_TYPE.OTHER . HOME_INSIDE ,
walkable = { }
} ,
-- Allow mobs_redo wandering
[ 3 ] = { action = npc.actions . cmd.FREEZE , args = { freeze = false } }
} ,
[ 8 ] = {
-- Walk to workplace
[ 1 ] =
task = npc.actions . cmd.WALK_TO_POS ,
args = {
end_pos = npc.places . PLACE_TYPE.WORKPLACE . PRIMARY ,
walkable = { } ,
use_access_node = true
} ,
[ 2 ] =
property = npc.schedule_properties . flag ,
args = {
action = " set " ,
flag_name = " on_church " ,
flag_value = true
} ,
[ 17 ] = {
[ 1 ] =
property = npc.schedule_properties . flag ,
args = {
action = " set " ,
flag_name = " on_church " ,
flag_value = false
} ,
[ 2 ] =
task = npc.actions . cmd.WALK_TO_POS ,
args = {
end_pos = npc.places . PLACE_TYPE.OTHER . HOME_INSIDE ,
walkable = { }
} ,
[ 21 ] = {
[ 1 ] = {
task = npc.actions . cmd.WALK_TO_POS ,
args = {
end_pos = { place_type = npc.places . PLACE_TYPE.BED . PRIMARY , use_access_node = true } ,
walkable = { }
} ,
-- Use bed
[ 2 ] = {
task = npc.actions . cmd.USE_BED ,
args = {
pos = npc.places . PLACE_TYPE.BED . PRIMARY ,
action = npc.actions . const.beds . LAY
} ,
-- Stay put on bed
[ 3 ] = { action = npc.actions . cmd.FREEZE , args = { freeze = true } }
-- Register occupation
2017-09-08 07:31:19 -05:00
npc.occupations . register_occupation ( " basic_priest " , priest_def )