2016-12-18 12:32:39 -05:00
-- Places code for Advanced NPC by Zorman2000
-- Places functionality
-- In addition, the NPCs need to know where some places are, and know
-- where there are nodes they can use. For example, they need to know where the
-- chest they use is located, both to walk to it and to use it. They also need
-- to know where the farm they work is located, or where the bed they sleep is.
-- Other mods have to be supported for this to work correctly, as there are
-- many sitting nodes, many beds, many tables, chests, etc. For now, by default,
-- support for default and cottages is going to be provided.
npc.places = {}
npc.places.nodes = {
BEDS = {
2017-01-06 07:57:42 -05:00
2017-01-12 19:40:20 -05:00
-- TODO: Register all stairs node that are supported for sitting
-- Hint: wood
2016-12-18 12:32:39 -05:00
npc.places.PLACE_TYPE = {
2016-12-28 22:10:06 -05:00
function npc.places.add_public(self, place_name, place_type, pos)
2016-12-18 12:32:39 -05:00
self.places_map[place_name] = {type=place_type, pos=pos}
-- Adds a specific node to the NPC places, and modifies the
-- node metadata to identify the NPC as the owner. This allows
-- other NPCs to avoid to take this as their own.
function npc.places.add_owned(self, place_name, place_type, pos)
-- Get node metadata
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-- Check if it is owned by an NPC?
if meta:get_string("npc_owner") == "" then
-- Set owned by NPC
meta:set_string("npc_owner", self.npc_id)
-- Add place to list
2016-12-29 21:34:15 -05:00
npc.places.add_public(self, place_name, place_type, pos)
2016-12-18 12:32:39 -05:00
return true
return false
function npc.places.get_by_type(self, place_type)
local result = {}
for place_name, place_entry in pairs(self.places_map) do
if place_entry.type == place_type then
table.insert(result, place_name)
return result
-- This function searches on a squared are of the given radius
-- for nodes of the given type. The type should be npc.places.nodes
2017-01-12 19:40:20 -05:00
function npc.places.find_node_nearby(pos, type, radius)
2016-12-18 12:32:39 -05:00
-- Determine area points
2017-01-12 19:40:20 -05:00
local start_pos = {x=pos.x - radius, y=pos.y - 1, z=pos.z - radius}
local end_pos = {x=pos.x + radius, y=pos.y + 1, z=pos.z + radius}
2016-12-18 12:32:39 -05:00
-- Get nodes
local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(start_pos, end_pos, type)
2016-12-28 22:10:06 -05:00
return nodes
2017-01-09 11:34:38 -05:00
-- TODO: This function can be improved to support a radius greater than 1.
function npc.places.find_node_orthogonally(pos, nodes, y_adjustment)
-- Calculate orthogonal points
local points = {}
table.insert(points, {x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y+y_adjustment,z=pos.z})
table.insert(points, {x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y+y_adjustment,z=pos.z})
table.insert(points, {x=pos.x,y=pos.y+y_adjustment,z=pos.z+1})
table.insert(points, {x=pos.x,y=pos.y+y_adjustment,z=pos.z-1})
local result = {}
for _,point in pairs(points) do
local node = minetest.get_node(point)
minetest.log("Found node: "..dump(node)..", at pos: "..dump(point))
for _,node_name in pairs(nodes) do
if node.name == node_name then
table.insert(result, {name=node.name, pos=point, param2=node.param2})
return result
function npc.places.find_node_in_area(start_pos, end_pos, type)
2016-12-28 22:10:06 -05:00
local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(start_pos, end_pos, type)
2016-12-18 12:32:39 -05:00
return nodes
2017-01-12 19:40:20 -05:00
-- Specialized function to find all sittable nodes supported by the
-- mod, namely default stairs and cottages' benches. Since not all
-- stairs nodes placed aren't meant to simulate benches, this function
-- is necessary in order to find stairs that are meant to be benches.
function npc.places.find_sittable_nodes_nearby(pos, radius)
local result = {}
-- Try to find sittable nodes
local nodes = npc.places.find_node_nearby(pos, npc.places.nodes.SITTABLE, radius)
-- Highly unorthodox check for emptinnes
if nodes[1] ~= nil then
for i = 1, #nodes do
-- Get node name, try to avoid using the staircase check if not a stair node
local node = minetest.get_node(nodes[i])
local i1, i2 = string.find(node.name, "stairs:")
if i1 ~= nil then
if npc.places.is_in_staircase(nodes[i]) < 1 then
table.insert(result, nodes[i])
-- Add node as it is sittable
table.insert(result, nodes[i])
-- Return sittable nodes
return result
-- Specialized function to find sittable stairs: stairs that don't
-- have any other stair above them. Only stairs using the default
-- stairs mod are supported for now.
-- Receives a position of a stair node.
npc.places.staircase = {
none = 0,
bottom = 1,
middle = 2,
top = 3
function npc.places.is_in_staircase(pos)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
-- Verify node is actually from default stairs mod
local p1, p2 = string.find(node.name, "stairs:")
if p1 ~= nil then
-- Calculate the logical position to the lower and upper stairs node location
local up_x_adj, up_z_adj = 0, 0
local lo_x_adj, lo_z_adj = 0, 0
if node.param2 == 1 then
up_z_adj = -1
lo_z_adj = 1
elseif node.param2 == 2 then
up_z_adj = 1
lo_z_adj = -1
elseif node.param2 == 3 then
up_x_adj = -1
lo_x_adj = 1
elseif node.param2 == 4 then
up_x_adj = 1
lo_x_adj = -1
-- This is not a staircase
return false
-- Calculate upper and lower position
local upper_pos = {x=pos.x + up_x_adj, y=pos.y + 1, z=pos.z + up_z_adj}
local lower_pos = {x=pos.x + lo_x_adj, y=pos.y - 1, z=pos.z + lo_z_adj}
-- Get next node
local upper_node = minetest.get_node(upper_pos)
local lower_node = minetest.get_node(lower_pos)
minetest.log("Next node: "..dump(upper_pos))
-- Check if next node is also a stairs node
local up_p1, up_p2 = string.find(upper_node.name, "stairs:")
local lo_p1, lo_p2 = string.find(lower_node.name, "stairs:")
if up_p1 ~= nil then
-- By default, think this is bottom of staircase.
local result = npc.places.staircase.bottom
-- Try downwards now
if lo_p1 ~= nil then
result = npc.places.staircase.middle
return result
-- Check if there is a staircase downwards
if lo_p1 ~= nil then
return npc.places.staircase.top
return npc.places.staircase.none
-- This is not a stairs node
return nil
2016-12-18 12:32:39 -05:00