-- NPC Chat code by Zorman2000 -- Chat system consists of chatline and options objects that are re-used to create a conversation. -- The objects are the following: -- -- chatline = { text = "", options = {}, name = "", flag = "" } -- 1. text: What the NPC says on this chat line -- 2. options: What the player can answer to the chat line. Options are of another type of chat lines. -- If you want the player to have no options to answer, set to nil -- 3. name: The name of the NPC that will use this line. Use this when you want a specific NPC -- to speak this line. -- 4. flag: When the NPC speaks this line, this flag will be set into the entity's metadata. -- -- options = { opt = "", answer = { chatline } -- 1. opt: The text that the player can say to the NPC -- 2. answer: A chatline object (as described above) -- -- Example of conversation hierarchy -- chat_options = { -- chatline1 = { text = "Q1", options = { -- option1 = { opt = "O1", answer = { -- chatline = { text = "A1", options = nil } -- } -- }, -- chatline2 = { text = "Q2", options = nil } -- } local chat_options = { { text = "Don't talk with me know, please", options = nil, name = "Angry Guy" }, { text = "Hello, how are you doing?", options = { { opt = "Good", answer = { text = "That's good. Take care of yourself.", options = nil } }, { opt = "Great! And you?", answer = { text = "I'm doing well, thank you. See ya around!", options = nil } }, { opt = "Not so well...", answer = { text = "Hey, why not feeling good? What's wrong?", options = { { opt = "Not your business!", answer = { text = "So rude! Don't speak to me anymore!", options = nil, flag = "not_speak" } }, { opt = "It's nothing! But thank you for asking!", answer = { text = "Ok my friend. See ya around!", options = nil } }, } } } } }, { text = "I'm thinking of buying something but not sure...", options = nil }, { text = "I have traveled around the world and only like this place...", options = nil } } local options = {"Question 1","Question 2","Question 3","Question 4"} --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creates a formspec for dialog -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function create_formspec(options, close_option) local options_length = table.getn(options) + 1 local formspec_height = (options_length * 0.7) + 1 local formspec = "size[7,"..tostring(formspec_height).."]" for i, opt in ipairs(options) do local y = 0.7; if i > 1 then y = (y * i) end formspec = formspec.."button[0.5,"..y..";6,0.5;opt"..tostring(i)..";"..options[i].opt.."]" end formspec = formspec.."button_exit[0.5,"..(formspec_height - 1)..";6,0.5;exit;"..close_option.."]" return formspec end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns a random chatline for unimportant NPCs --------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_random_chatline(chat_options) local chat_options_length = table.getn(chat_options) local random_option = math.random(1, chat_options_length - 1) local found = false while found == false do for i,chatline in ipairs(chat_options) do if i == random_option and chatline.name == nil then found = true return chatline end end end end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns all chatlines for a specific NPC --------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_chatline_for_npc(chat_options, npc_name) local result = {} for i,chatline in ipairs(chat_options) do if chatline.name == npc_name then table.insert(result, chatline) end end return result end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions for rotating NPC to look at player (taken from the API itself) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local atan = function(x) if x ~= x then return 0 else return math.atan(x) end end local function rotate_npc_to_player(self) local s = self.object:getpos() local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, 4) local lp = nil local yaw = 0 for n = 1, #objs do if objs[n]:is_player() then lp = objs[n]:getpos() break end end if lp then local vec = { x = lp.x - s.x, y = lp.y - s.y, z = lp.z - s.z } yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + math.pi / 2) - self.rotate if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math.pi end end self.object:setyaw(yaw) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Drives conversation --------------------------------------------------------------------- local function show_chat_option(npc_name, self, player_name, chat_options, close_option) rotate_npc_to_player(self) self.order = "stand" local chatline = get_random_chatline(chat_options) minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, chatline.text) if chatline.options ~= nil then minetest.log("Current options: "..dump(chatline.options)) local formspec = create_formspec(chatline.options, close_option) minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "rndform", formspec) end self.order = "follow" end