-- Pathfinding code by Zorman2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pathfinding functionality --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This class contains functions that allows to map the 3D map of Minetest into -- a 2D array (basically by ignoring the y coordinate for the moment being) in order -- to use the A* pathfinding algorithm to find the shortest path from one node to -- another. The A* algorithm implementation is in the external Jumper LUA library, -- by Roland Yonaba (https://github.com/Yonaba/Jumper). -- Mapping algorithm: transforms a Minetest map surface to a 2d grid. local path = minetest.get_modpath("advanced_npc") -- Below code for require is taken and slightly modified -- from irc mod by Diego Martinez (kaeza) -- https://github.com/minetest-mods/irc -- Handle mod security if needed local ie, req_ie = _G, minetest.request_insecure_environment if req_ie then ie = req_ie() end if not ie then error("The Advances NPC mod requires access to insecure functions in ".. "order to work. Please add the Advanced NPC mod to the ".. "secure.trusted_mods setting or disable the mod.") end -- Modify package path so that it can find the Jumper library files ie.package.path = path .. "/Jumper/?.lua;".. ie.package.path -- Require the main files from Jumper local Grid = ie.require("jumper.grid") local Pathfinder = ie.require("jumper.pathfinder") pathfinder = {} pathfinder.node_types = { start = 0, goal = 1, walkable = 2, openable = 3, non_walkable = 4 } pathfinder.nodes = { openable_prefix = { "doors:", "cottages:gate", "cottages:half_door" } } -- This function uses the mapping functions and the A* algorithm implementation -- of the Jumper library to find a path from start_pos to end_pos. The range is -- an extra amount of nodes to search in both the x and z coordinates. function pathfinder.find_path(start_pos, end_pos, range, walkable_nodes) -- Set walkable nodes to empty if parameter wasn't used if walkable_nodes == nil then walkable_nodes = {} end -- Map the Minetest area to a 2D array local map = pathfinder.create_map(start_pos, end_pos, range, walkable_nodes) -- Find start and end positions local pos = pathfinder.find_start_and_end_pos(map) -- Normalize the map local normalized_map = pathfinder.normalize_map(map) -- Create pathfinder object local grid_object = Grid(normalized_map) -- Define what is a walkable node local walkable = 0 -- Pathfinder object using A* algorithm local finder = Pathfinder(grid_object, "ASTAR", walkable) -- Set orthogonal mode meaning it will not move in diagonal directions finder:setMode("ORTHOGONAL") -- Calculates the path, and its length local path = finder:getPath(pos.start_pos.x, pos.start_pos.z, pos.end_pos.x, pos.end_pos.z) --minetest.log("Found path: "..dump(path)) -- Pretty-printing the results if path then return pathfinder.get_path(map, path:nodes()) end end -- This function is used to determine if a node is walkable -- or openable, in which case is good to use when finding a path local function is_good_node(node, exceptions) -- Is openable is to support doors, fence gates and other -- doors from other mods. Currently, default doors, gates -- and cottages doors are supported. local is_openable = false for _,node_prefix in pairs(pathfinder.nodes.openable_prefix) do local start_i,end_i = string.find(node.name, node_prefix) if start_i ~= nil then is_openable = true break end end if not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].walkable then return pathfinder.node_types.walkable elseif is_openable then return pathfinder.node_types.openable else for i = 1, #exceptions do if node.name == exceptions[i] then return pathfinder.node_types.walkable end end return pathfinder.node_types.non_walkable end end function pathfinder.create_map(start_pos, end_pos, extra_range, walkables) -- Unused, will not use voxel areas for now --local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air") minetest.log("Start pos: "..dump(start_pos)) minetest.log("End pos: "..dump(end_pos)) -- Calculate all signs to ensure: -- 1. Correct area calculation -- 2. Iterate in the correct direction local start_x_sign = (start_pos.x - end_pos.x) / math.abs(start_pos.x - end_pos.x) local start_z_sign = (start_pos.z - end_pos.z) / math.abs(start_pos.z - end_pos.z) local end_x_sign = (end_pos.x - start_pos.x) / math.abs(end_pos.x - start_pos.x) local end_z_sign = (end_pos.z - start_pos.z) / math.abs(end_pos.z - start_pos.z) --minetest.log("Start x sign: "..dump(start_x_sign)..", end x sign: "..dump(end_x_sign)) --minetest.log("End z sign: "..dump(start_z_sign)..", end z sign: "..dump(end_z_sign)) -- Get starting and ending positions, adding the extra nodes to the area local pos1 = {x=start_pos.x + (extra_range * start_x_sign), y = start_pos.y - 1, z=start_pos.z + (extra_range * start_z_sign)} local pos2 = {x=end_pos.x + (extra_range * end_x_sign), y = end_pos.y, z=end_pos.z + (extra_range * end_z_sign)} --minetest.log("Pos 1: "..dump(pos1)) --minetest.log("Pos 2: "..dump(pos2)) -- Get Voxel Area - Not used for the moment -- local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() -- local emin, emax = vm:read_from_map(pos1, pos2) -- local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge=emin, MaxEdge=emax}) -- local data = vm:get_data() local grid = {} -- Loop through the area and classify nodes for z = 1, math.abs(pos1.z - pos2.z) do local current_row = {} for x = 1, math.abs(pos1.x - pos2.x) do -- Calculate current position local current_pos = {x=pos1.x + (x*end_x_sign), y=pos1.y, z=pos1.z + (z*end_z_sign)} -- Check if this is the starting position if current_pos.x == start_pos.x and current_pos.z == start_pos.z then -- Is start position table.insert(current_row, {pos=current_pos, type=pathfinder.node_types.start}) elseif current_pos.x == end_pos.x and current_pos.z == end_pos.z then -- Is ending position or goal position table.insert(current_row, {pos=current_pos, type=pathfinder.node_types.goal}) else -- Check if node is walkable local node = minetest.get_node(current_pos) if node.name == "default:air" then -- If air do no more checks table.insert(current_row, {pos=current_pos, type=pathfinder.node_types.walkable}) else -- Check if it is of a walkable or openable type table.insert(current_row, {pos=current_pos, type=is_good_node(node, walkables)}) end end end -- Insert the converted row into the grid table.insert(grid, current_row) end return grid end -- Utility function to print the created map to the console. -- Used for debug. local function print_map(map) for z,row in pairs(map) do local row_string = "[" for x,node in pairs(row) do if node.type == 2 then row_string = row_string.."- " else row_string = row_string..node.type.." " end -- Use the following if the coordinates are also needed --row_string = row_string..node.type..": {"..node.pos.x..", "..node.pos.y..", "..node.pos.z.."}, " end row_string = row_string.."]" print(row_string) end end -- This function find the starting and ending points in the -- map representation, and returns the coordinates in the map -- for the pathfinding algorithm to use function pathfinder.find_start_and_end_pos(map) -- This is for debug --print_map(map) local result = {} for z,row in pairs(map) do for x,node in pairs(row) do if node.type == pathfinder.node_types.start then --minetest.log("Start node: "..dump(node)) result["start_pos"] = {x=x, z=z} elseif node.type == pathfinder.node_types.goal then --minetest.log("End node: "..dump(node)) result["end_pos"] = {x=x, z=z} end end end minetest.log("Found start and end positions: "..dump(result)) return result end -- This function transforms the grid into binary values -- (0 walkable, 1 non-walkable) for the pathfinding algorithm. function pathfinder.normalize_map(map) local result = {} for _,row in pairs(map) do local result_row = {} for _,node in pairs(row) do if node.type ~= pathfinder.node_types.non_walkable then table.insert(result_row, 0) else table.insert(result_row, 1) end end table.insert(result, result_row) end return result end -- This function returns an array of tables with to parameters: type and pos. -- The position parameter is the actual coordinate on the Minetest map. The -- type is the type of the node at the coordinate defined as pathfinder.node_types. function pathfinder.get_path(map, path_nodes) local result = {} for node, count in path_nodes do table.insert(result, map[node:getY()][node:getX()]) -- For debug --minetest.log("Node: "..dump(map[node:getY()][node:getX()])) --print(('Step: %d - x: %d - y: %d'):format(count, node:getX(), node:getY())) end return result end