-- Phase 1 dialogues, unisex npc.dialogue.register_dialogue({ text = "Hello there!", tags = {"unisex", "phase1"} }) npc.dialogue.register_dialogue({ text = "How are you doing?", tags = {"unisex", "phase1"} }) npc.dialogue.register_dialogue({ text = "Just living another day...", tags = {"unisex", "phase1"} }) -- Phase 1 dialogues, female npc.dialogue.register_dialogue({ text = "Is there any woman in this area more beautiful than I am?", tags = {"female", "phase1"} }) npc.dialogue.register_dialogue({ text = "Hello! Have you been to the sea?", tags = {"female", "phase1"}, responses = { [1] = { text = "No, never before", action_type = "function", action = function(self, player) minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Oh, never? How come! You should.".. "\nHere, take this. It will guide you to the sea...") end }, [2] = { text = "Yes, sure", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "It's so beautiful, and big, and large, and infinite, and..." } }, [3] = { text = "Of course! And to all the seas in the world!", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "Awww you are no fun then! Go on then know-it-all!" } } } }) npc.dialogue.register_dialogue({ text = "Hello there, could you help me?", tags = {"phase1", "female"}, flag = {name="received_money_help", value=false}, responses = { [1] = { text = "Yes, how can I help?", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "Could you please give me 3 "..npc.trade.prices.currency.tier3.name.."?", responses = { [1] = { text = "Yes, ok, here", action_type = "function", action = function(self, player) -- Take item if npc.actions.execute(self, npc.actions.cmd.TAKE_ITEM, { player=player:get_player_name(), pos=nil, inv_list="main", item_name=npc.trade.prices.currency.tier3.string, count=3 }) then -- Send message npc.chat(self.npc_name, player:get_player_name(), "Thank you, thank you so much!") -- Set flag npc.add_flag(self, "received_money_help", true) -- Add chat line --table.insert(self.dialogues.normal, npc.data.DIALOGUES.female["phase1"][8]) else npc.chat(self.npc_name, player:get_player_name(), "Looks like you don't have that amount of money...") end end }, [2] = { text = "No, I'm sorry", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "Oh..." } } } } }, [2] = { text = "No, I'm sorry, can't now", action_type = "function", action = function(self, player) npc.chat(self.npc_name, player:get_player_name(), "Oh, ok...") end } } }) npc.dialogue.register_dialogue({ text = "Thank you so much for your help, thank you!", flag = {name="received_money_help", value=true}, tags = {"phase1", "female"} }) -- Phase 1 dialogues, male npc.dialogue.register_dialogue({ text = "Hunting is the best pasttime!", tags = {"male", "phase1"} }) npc.dialogue.register_dialogue({ text = "I hope my wheat grows well this harvest.", tags = {"male", "default_farmer"} })