-- Actions code for Advanced NPC by Zorman2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Action functionality --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The NPCs will be able to perform five fundamental actions that will allow -- for them to perform any other kind of interaction in the world. These -- fundamental actions are: place a node, dig a node, put items on an inventory, -- take items from an inventory, find a node closeby (radius 3) and -- walk a step on specific direction. These actions will be set on an action queue. -- The queue will have the specific steps, in order, for the NPC to be able to do -- something (example, go to a specific place and put a chest there). The -- fundamental actions are added to the action queue to make a complete task for the NPC. npc.actions = {} function npc.actions.rotate(args) local self = args.self local dir = args.dir local yaw = 0 self.rotate = 0 if dir == npc.direction.north then yaw = 0 elseif dir == npc.direction.east then yaw = (3 * math.pi) / 2 elseif dir == npc.direction.south then yaw = math.pi elseif dir == npc.direction.west then yaw = math.pi / 2 end self.object:setyaw(yaw) end -- This function will make the NPC walk one step on a -- specifc direction. One step means one node. It returns -- true if it can move on that direction, and false if there is an obstacle function npc.actions.walk_step(args) local self = args.self local dir = args.dir local vel = {} if dir == npc.direction.north then vel = {x=0, y=0, z=0.98} elseif dir == npc.direction.east then vel = {x=0.98, y=0, z=0} elseif dir == npc.direction.south then vel = {x=0, y=0, z=-0.98} elseif dir == npc.direction.west then vel = {x=-0.98, y=0, z=0} end set_animation(self, "walk") npc.actions.rotate({self=self, dir=dir}) self.object:setvelocity(vel) end -- This action makes the NPC stand and remain like that function npc.actions.stand(args) local self = args.self -- Stop NPC self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=0, z=0}) -- Set stand animation set_animation(self, "stand") end -- This action makes the NPC sit on the node where it is function npc.actions.sit(args) local self = args.self -- Stop NPC self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=0, z=0}) -- Set sit animation self.object:set_animation({ x = npc.ANIMATION_SIT_START, y = npc.ANIMATION_SIT_END}, self.animation.speed_normal, 0) end -- This action makes the NPC lay on the node where it is function npc.actions.lay(args) local self = args.self -- Stop NPC self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=0, z=0}) -- Set sit animation self.object:set_animation({ x = npc.ANIMATION_LAY_START, y = npc.ANIMATION_LAY_END}, self.animation.speed_normal, 0) end -- Inventory functions for players and for nodes -- This function is a convenience function to make it easy to put -- and get items from another inventory (be it a player inv or -- a node inv) function npc.actions.put_item_on_external_inventory(args) local self = args.self local player = args.player local pos = args.pos local inv_list = args.inv_list local item_name = args.item_name local count = args.count local is_furnace = args.is_furnace local inv if player ~= nil then inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=player}) else inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos}) end -- Create ItemStack to put on external inventory local item = ItemStack(item_name.." "..count) -- Check if there is enough room to add the item on external invenotry if inv:room_for_item(inv_list, item) then -- Take item from NPC's inventory if npc.take_item_from_inventory_itemstring(self, item) then -- NPC doesn't have item and/or specified quantity return false end -- Add items to external inventory inv:add_item(inv_list, item) -- If this is a furnace, start furnace timer if is_furnace == true then minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(1.0) end return true end -- Not able to put on external inventory return false end function npc.actions.take_item_from_external_inventory(args) local self = args.self local player = args.player local pos = args.pos local inv_list = args.inv_list local item_name = args.item_name local count = args.count local inv if player ~= nil then inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=player}) else inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos}) end -- Create ItemSTack to take from external inventory local item = ItemStack(item_name.." "..count) -- Check if there is enough of the item to take if inv:contains_item(inv_list, item) then -- Add item to NPC's inventory npc.add_item_to_inventory_itemstring(self, item) -- Add items to external inventory inv:remove_item(inv_list, item) return true end -- Not able to put on external inventory return false end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tasks functionality --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tasks are operations that require many actions to perform. Basic tasks, like -- walking from one place to another, operating a furnace, storing or taking -- items from a chest, opening/closing doors, etc. are provided here. -- This function allows a NPC to use a furnace using only items from -- its own inventory. Fuel is not provided. Once the furnace is finished -- with the fuel items the NPC will take whatever was cooked and whatever -- remained to cook. The function received the position of the furnace -- to use, and the item to cook in furnace. Item is an itemstring function npc.actions.use_furnace(self, pos, item) -- Check if any item in the NPC inventory serve as fuel -- For now, just use some specific items as fuel local fuels = {"default:leaves", "default:tree"} -- Check if NPC has a fuel item for i = 1,2 do local fuel_item = npc.inventory_contains(self, fuels[i]) local src_item = npc.inventory_contains(self, item) if fuel_item ~= nil and src_item ~= nil then -- Put this item on the fuel inventory list of the furnace local args = { self = self, player = nil, pos = pos, inv_list = "fuel", item_name = npc.get_item_name(fuel_item.item_string), count = npc.get_item_count(fuel_item.item_string) } minetest.log("Adding fuel action") npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.put_item_on_external_inventory, args) -- Put the item that we want to cook on the furnace args = { self = self, player = nil, pos = pos, inv_list = "src", item_name = npc.get_item_name(src_item.item_string), count = npc.get_item_count(src_item.item_string), is_furnace = true } minetest.log("Adding src action") npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.put_item_on_external_inventory, args) return true end end -- Couldn't use the furnace due to lack of items return false end function npc.actions.walk_to_pos(self, end_pos) local start_pos = self.object:getpos() -- Find path local path = npc.actions.find_path({x=start_pos.x, y=start_pos.y-1, z=start_pos.z}, end_pos) if path ~= nil then minetest.log("Found path to node: "..dump(end_pos)) -- Add a first step local dir = npc.actions.get_direction(start_pos, path[1].pos) npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.walk_step, {self = self, dir = dir}) -- Add subsequent steps for i = 1, #path do --minetest.log("Path: (i) "..dump(path[i])..": Path i+1 "..dump(path[i+1])) -- Do not add an extra step if i == #path then -- Add direction to last node local dir = npc.actions.get_direction(path[i].pos, end_pos) -- Add stand animation at end npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.stand, {self = self}) -- Rotate to face the end node npc.actions.rotate({self = self, dir = dir}) break end -- Get direction to move from path[i] to path[i+1] local dir = npc.actions.get_direction(path[i].pos, path[i+1].pos) -- Add walk action to action queue npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.walk_step, {self = self, dir = dir}) end end end local function vector_opposite(v) return vector.multiply(v, -1) end local function get_unit_dir_vector_based_on_diff(v) if math.abs(v.x) > math.abs(v.z) then return {x=(v.x/math.abs(v.x)) * -1, y=0, z=0} elseif math.abs(v.z) > math.abs(v.x) then return {x=0, y=0, z=(v.z/math.abs(v.z)) * -1} elseif math.abs(v.x) == math.abs(v.z) then return {x=(v.x/math.abs(v.x)) * -1, y=0, z=0} end end -- This function returns the direction enum -- for the moving from v1 to v2 function npc.actions.get_direction(v1, v2) local dir = vector.subtract(v2, v1) if dir.x ~= 0 then if dir.x > 0 then return npc.direction.east else return npc.direction.west end elseif dir.z ~= 0 then if dir.z > 0 then return npc.direction.north else return npc.direction.south end end end local function is_good_node(node) -- Is openable is to support doors, fence gates and other -- doors from other mods. Currently, default doors and gates -- will be supported. Cottages doors should also be supported. --minetest.log("Node name: "..dump(node.name)) local is_openable = false local start_i,end_i = string.find(node.name, "doors:") is_openable = start_i ~= nil --minetest.log("Is node openable: "..dump(is_openable)) --minetest.log("Is node walkable: "..dump(not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].walkable)) if not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].walkable then return "W" elseif is_openable then return "O" else return "N" end end DIFF_LIMIT = 125 -- Finds paths ignoring vertical obstacles -- This function is recursive and attempts to move all the time on -- the direction that will definetely lead to the end position. local function find_path_recursive(start_pos, end_pos, path_nodes, last_dir, last_good_dir) --minetest.log("Start pos: "..dump(start_pos)) -- Find difference. The purpose of this is to weigh movement, attempting -- the largest difference first, or both if equal. local diff = vector.subtract(start_pos, end_pos) --minetest.log("Difference: "..dump(diff)) -- End if difference is larger than max difference possible (limit) if math.abs(diff.x) > DIFF_LIMIT or math.abs(diff.z) > DIFF_LIMIT then -- Cannot find feasable path return nil end -- Determine direction to move local dir_vector = get_unit_dir_vector_based_on_diff(diff) --minetest.log("Direction vector: "..dump(dir_vector)) if last_good_dir ~= nil then dir_vector = last_good_dir end -- Get next position based on direction local next_pos = vector.add(start_pos, dir_vector) --minetest.log("Next pos: "..dump(next_pos)) -- Check if next_pos is actually within one block from the -- expected position. If so, finish local diff_to_end = vector.subtract(next_pos, end_pos) if math.abs(diff_to_end.x) < 1 and math.abs(diff_to_end.y) < 1 and math.abs(diff_to_end.z) < 1 then --minetest.log("Diff to end: "..dump(diff_to_end)) table.insert(path_nodes, {pos=next_pos, type="E"}) minetest.log("Found path to end.") return path_nodes end -- Check if movement is possible on the calculated direction local next_node = minetest.get_node(next_pos) -- If direction vector is opposite to the last dir, then do not attempt to walk into it --minetest.log("Next node is walkable: "..dump(not minetest.registered_nodes[next_node.name].walkable)) local attempted_to_go_opposite = false if last_dir ~= nil and vector.equals(dir_vector, vector_opposite(last_dir)) then attempted_to_go_opposite = true --minetest.log("Last dir: "..dump(last_dir)) --minetest.log("Calculated dir vector is the opposite of last dir: "..dump(vector.equals(dir_vector, vector_opposite(last_dir)))) end local node_type = is_good_node(next_node) if node_type ~= "N" and (not attempted_to_go_opposite) then table.insert(path_nodes, {pos=next_pos, type=node_type}) return find_path_recursive(next_pos, end_pos, path_nodes, nil, nil) else --minetest.log("------------ Second attempt ------------") -- If not walkable, attempt turn into the other coordinate -- Determine this coordinate based on what was the last calculated direction -- that didn't needed correction (last good dir). If this doesn't exists (e.g. -- there has been no correction for a while) then select the direction by -- trying to shorten the distance between NPC and the end node. --minetest.log("Last known good dir: "..dump(last_good_dir)) local step = 0 if last_good_dir == nil then -- Store the current direction vector as the last non-corrected -- calculated direction last_good_dir = dir_vector -- Determine which direction to move if dir_vector.x == 0 then --minetest.log("Choosing x direction") step = diff.x/math.abs(diff.x) * -1 if diff.x == 0 then if last_dir ~= nil then step = last_dir.x else -- Set a default step to avoid locks step = 1 end end dir_vector = {x = step, y = 0, z = 0} elseif dir_vector.z == 0 then step = diff.z/math.abs(diff.z) * -1 if diff.z == 0 then if last_dir ~= nil then step = last_dir.z else -- Set a default step to avoid locks step = 1 end end dir_vector = {x = 0, y = 0, z = step} end --minetest.log("Re-calculated dir vector: "..dump(dir_vector)) next_pos = vector.add(start_pos, dir_vector) else dir_vector = last_good_dir if dir_vector.x == 0 then --minetest.log("Moving into x direction") step = last_dir.x elseif dir_vector.z == 0 then --minetest.log("Moving into z direction") step = last_dir.z end dir_vector = last_dir next_pos = vector.add(start_pos, dir_vector) end -- Check if new node is walkable next_node = minetest.get_node(next_pos) --minetest.log("Next node is walkable: "..dump(not minetest.registered_nodes[next_node.name].walkable)) local node_type = is_good_node(next_node) if node_type ~= "N" then table.insert(path_nodes, {pos=next_pos, type=node_type}) return find_path_recursive(next_pos, end_pos, path_nodes, dir_vector, last_good_dir) else last_good_dir = dir_vector --minetest.log("------------ Third attempt ------------") -- If not walkable, then try the next node if dir_vector.x ~= 0 then --minetest.log("Move into opposite z dir") dir_vector = get_unit_dir_vector_based_on_diff(start_pos, diff) vector.multiply(dir_vector, -1) elseif dir_vector.z ~= 0 then --minetest.log("Move into opposite x dir") dir_vector = get_unit_dir_vector_based_on_diff(start_pos, diff) vector.multiply(dir_vector, -1) end --minetest.log("New direction: "..dump(dir_vector)) next_pos = vector.add(start_pos, dir_vector) --minetest.log("New next_pos: "..dump(next_pos)) next_node = minetest.get_node(next_pos) --minetest.log("Next node is walkable: "..dump(not minetest.registered_nodes[next_node.name].walkable)) local node_type = is_good_node(next_node) if node_type ~= "N" then table.insert(path_nodes, {pos=next_pos, type=node_type}) return find_path_recursive(next_pos, end_pos, path_nodes, dir_vector, last_good_dir) else -- Try to return back, opposite of last dir. For now return nil as this code -- is not good enough to work correctly. return nil end end end end function npc.actions.find_path(start_pos, end_pos) return find_path_recursive(start_pos, end_pos, {}, nil, nil) end