Actions and Tasks Advanced_NPC Alpha-2 (DEV) ========================== IMPORTANT: In this documentation is only the explanation of the particular operation of each predefined action and task. Read reference documentation for details about API operation at []( Action (`add_action`) --------------------- #### `SET_INTERVAL` Set the interval at which the `action` are executed. { interval = 1, -- A decimal number, in seconds (default is 1 second) freeze = false, -- if true, mobs_redo API will not execute until interval is set } #### `FREEZE` This action allows to stop/execute mobs_redo API. This is good for stopping the NPC from fighting, wandering, etc. { freeze = false, -- Boolean, if true, mobs_redo API will not execute. } Tasks (`add_task`) ------------------ #### `USE_BED` Sequence of actions that allows the NPC to use a bed. { pos = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, --[[ ^ Position of bed to be used. ^ Can be a coordinate x,y,z. ^ Can be a place name of the NPC place map. Example: "bed_primary" ]] action = action, --[[ ^ Whether to get up or lay on bed ^ Defined in npc.actions.const.beds.action ^ Available options: * npc.actions.const.beds.LAY : lay * npc.actions.const.beds.GET_UP : get up } #### `WALK_TO_POS` NPC will walk to the given position. This task uses the pathfinder to calculate the nodes in the path that the NPC will walk through, then enqueues walk_step actions, combined with correct directional rotations and opening/closing of doors on the path. { end_pos = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, --[[ ^ Destination position to reach. ^ Can be a coordinate x,y,z. ^ Can be a place name of the NPC place map. The position must be walkable for the npc to stop in, or in the access position of the place. Example: "home_inside" ]] walkable = {}, --[[ ^ An array of node names to consider as walkable nodes for finding the path to the destination. ]] use_access_node = true, --[[ ^ Boolean, if true, when using places, it will find path to the "accessible" node (empty or walkable node around the target node) instead of to the target node. ^ Default is true. ]] enforce_move = true, --[[ ^ Boolean, if true and no path is found from the NPC's position to the end_pos, the NPC will be teleported to the destination (or, if use_access_node == true it will teleport to the access position) ^ Default is true. ]] }