-- NPC dialogue code by Zorman2000 npc.dialogue = {} npc.dialogue.POSITIVE_GIFT_ANSWER_PREFIX = "Yes, give " npc.dialogue.NEGATIVE_ANSWER_LABEL = "Nevermind" npc.dialogue.MIN_DIALOGUES = 2 npc.dialogue.MAX_DIALOGUES = 4 -- This table contains the answers of dialogue boxes npc.dialogue.dialogue_results = { options_dialogue = {}, yes_no_dialogue = {} } -- Dialogue box definitions -- The dialogue boxes are used for the player to interact with the -- NPC in dialogues. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creates and shows a multi-option dialogue based on the number of responses -- that the dialogue object contains function npc.dialogue.show_options_dialogue(self, responses, is_married_dialogue, is_casual_trade_dialogue, casual_trade_type, dismiss_option_label, player_name) local options_length = table.getn(responses) + 1 local formspec_height = (options_length * 0.7) + 0.4 local formspec = "size[7,"..tostring(formspec_height).."]" for i = 1, #responses do local y = 0.8; if i > 1 then y = (0.75 * i) end formspec = formspec.."button_exit[0.5," ..(y - 0.5)..";6,0.5;opt"..tostring(i)..";"..responses[i].text.."]" end formspec = formspec.."button_exit[0.5," ..(formspec_height - 0.7)..";6,0.5;exit;"..dismiss_option_label.."]" -- Create entry on options_dialogue table npc.dialogue.dialogue_results.options_dialogue[player_name] = { npc = self, is_married_dialogue = is_married_dialogue, is_casual_trade_dialogue = is_casual_trade_dialogue, casual_trade_type = casual_trade_type, options = responses } minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "advanced_npc:options", formspec) end -- This function is used for showing a yes/no dialogue formspec function npc.dialogue.show_yes_no_dialogue(self, prompt, positive_answer_label, positive_callback, negative_answer_label, negative_callback, player_name) npc.lock_actions(self) local formspec = "size[7,3]".. "label[0.5,0.1;"..prompt.."]".. "button_exit[0.5,1.15;6,0.5;yes_option;"..positive_answer_label.."]".. "button_exit[0.5,1.95;6,0.5;no_option;"..negative_answer_label.."]" -- Create entry into responses table npc.dialogue.dialogue_results.yes_no_dialogue[player_name] = { npc = self, yes_callback = positive_callback, no_callback = negative_callback } minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "advanced_npc:yes_no", formspec) end -- Dialogue methods -- Select random dialogue objects for an NPC based on sex -- and the relationship phase with player function npc.dialogue.select_random_dialogues_for_npc(sex, phase, favorite_items, disliked_items) local result = { normal = {}, hints = {} } local dialogues = npc.data.DIALOGUES.female if sex == npc.MALE then dialogues = npc.data.DIALOGUES.male end dialogues = dialogues[phase] -- Determine how many dialogue lines the NPC will have local number_of_dialogues = math.random(npc.dialogue.MIN_DIALOGUES, npc.dialogue.MAX_DIALOGUES) for i = 1,number_of_dialogues do local dialogue_id = math.random(1, #dialogues) result.normal[i] = dialogues[dialogue_id] -- Check if this particular dialogue has responses if result.normal[i].responses then -- Check each response to see if they have action_type == "function". -- This way the indices for this particular response will be stored -- and the function can be retrieved for execution later. for key,value in ipairs(result.normal[i].responses) do if value.action_type == "function" then result.normal[i].responses[key].dialogue_id = dialogue_id result.normal[i].responses[key].response_id = key end end end end -- Add item hints. -- Favorite items for i = 1, 2 do result.hints[i] = {} result.hints[i].text = npc.relationships.get_hint_for_favorite_item(favorite_items["fav"..tostring(i)], sex, phase) end -- Disliked items for i = 3, 4 do result.hints[i] = {} result.hints[i].text = npc.relationships.get_hint_for_disliked_item(disliked_items["dis"..tostring(i-2)], sex) end return result end -- This function will choose randomly a dialogue from the NPC data -- and process it. function npc.dialogue.start_dialogue(self, player, show_married_dialogue) -- Choose a dialogue randomly -- TODO: Add support for flags local dialogue = {} -- Construct dialogue for marriage if npc.relationships.get_relationship_phase(self, player:get_player_name()) == "phase6" and show_married_dialogue == true then dialogue = npc.relationships.MARRIED_NPC_DIALOGUE npc.dialogue.process_dialogue(self, dialogue, player:get_player_name()) return end local chance = math.random(1, 100) minetest.log("Chance: "..dump(chance)) if chance < 30 then -- If NPC is a casual trader, show a sell or buy dialogue 30% of the time, depending -- on the state of the casual trader. if self.trader_data.trader_status == npc.trade.CASUAL then -- Show buy/sell with 50% chance each local buy_or_sell_chance = math.random(1, 2) if buy_or_sell_chance == 1 then -- Show casual buy dialogue dialogue = npc.trade.CASUAL_TRADE_BUY_DIALOGUE else -- Show casual sell dialogue dialogue = npc.trade.CASUAL_TRADE_SELL_DIALOGUE end end elseif chance >= 30 and chance < 90 then dialogue = self.dialogues.normal[math.random(1, #self.dialogues.normal)] elseif chance >= 90 then dialogue = self.dialogues.hints[math.random(1, 4)] end minetest.log("Chosen dialogue: "..dump(dialogue)) npc.dialogue.process_dialogue(self, dialogue, player:get_player_name()) end -- This function processes a dialogue object and performs -- actions depending on what is defined in the object function npc.dialogue.process_dialogue(self, dialogue, player_name) -- Freeze NPC actions npc.lock_actions(self) -- Send dialogue line if dialogue.text then minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, self.nametag..": "..dialogue.text) -- Check if dialogue has responses. If it doesn't, unlock the actions -- queue and reset actions timer.' minetest.log("Responses: "..dump(dialogue.responses)) minetest.log("Condition: "..dump(not dialogue.responses)) if not dialogue.responses then npc.unlock_actions(self) end end -- Check if there are responses, then show multi-option dialogue if there are if dialogue.responses then npc.dialogue.show_options_dialogue( self, dialogue.responses, dialogue.is_married_dialogue, dialogue.casual_trade_type ~= nil, dialogue.casual_trade_type, npc.dialogue.NEGATIVE_ANSWER_LABEL, player_name ) end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions for rotating NPC to look at player -- (taken from the mobs_redo API) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local atan = function(x) if x ~= x then return 0 else return math.atan(x) end end function npc.dialogue.rotate_npc_to_player(self) local s = self.object:getpos() local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, 4) local lp = nil local yaw = 0 for n = 1, #objs do if objs[n]:is_player() then lp = objs[n]:getpos() break end end if lp then local vec = { x = lp.x - s.x, y = lp.y - s.y, z = lp.z - s.z } yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + math.pi / 2) - self.rotate if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math.pi end end self.object:setyaw(yaw) end -- Handler for dialogue formspec minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) -- Additional checks for other forms should be handled here -- Handle yes/no dialogue if formname == "advanced_npc:yes_no" then local player_name = player:get_player_name() if fields then local player_response = npc.dialogue.dialogue_results.yes_no_dialogue[player_name] -- Unlock queue, reset action timer and unfreeze NPC. npc.unlock_actions(player_response.npc) if fields.yes_option then player_response.yes_callback() elseif fields.no_option then player_response.no_callback() end end end -- Manage options dialogue if formname == "advanced_npc:options" then local player_name = player:get_player_name() if fields then -- Get player response local player_response = npc.dialogue.dialogue_results.options_dialogue[player_name] -- Check if the player hit the negative option if fields["exit"] then -- Unlock queue, reset action timer and unfreeze NPC. npc.unlock_actions(player_response.npc) end for i = 1, #player_response.options do local button_label = "opt"..tostring(i) if fields[button_label] then if player_response.options[i].action_type == "dialogue" then -- Process dialogue object minetest.log("Action: "..dump(player_response.options[i])) npc.dialogue.process_dialogue(player_response.npc, player_response.options[i].action, player_name) elseif player_response.options[i].action_type == "function" then -- Execute function - get it directly from definition -- Find NPC relationship phase with player local phase = npc.relationships.get_relationship_phase(player_response.npc, player_name) -- Check if NPC is married and the married NPC dialogue should be shown if phase == "phase6" and player_response.is_married_dialogue == true then -- Get the function definitions from the married dialogue npc.relationships.MARRIED_NPC_DIALOGUE .responses[player_response.options[i].response_id] .action(player_response.npc, player) elseif player_response.is_casual_trade_dialogue == true then -- Check if trade is casual buy or sell if player_response.casual_trade_type == npc.trade.OFFER_BUY then -- Get functions from casual buy dialogue npc.trade.CASUAL_TRADE_BUY_DIALOGUE .responses[player_response.options[i].response_id] .action(player_response.npc, player) elseif player_response.casual_trade_type == npc.trade.OFFER_SELL == true then -- Get functions from casual sell dialogue npc.trade.CASUAL_TRADE_SELL_DIALOGUE .responses[player_response.options[i].response_id] .action(player_response.npc, player) end return else -- Get dialogues for sex and phase local dialogues = npc.data.DIALOGUES[player_response.npc.sex][phase] -- Execute function dialogues[player_response.options[i].dialogue_id] .responses[player_response.options[i].response_id] .action(player_response.npc, player) -- Unlock queue, reset action timer and unfreeze NPC. npc.unlock_actions(player_response.npc) end end return end end end end end)