-- Random data provider to create random NPCs by Zorman2000 npc.data = {} npc.data.DIALOGUES = { female = {}, male = {} } -- Female dialogue options defined by phase -- Phase 1 npc.data.DIALOGUES.female["phase1"] = { [1] = { text = "Hello there!" }, [2] = { text = "How are you doing?" }, [3] = { text = "Hey, I haven't seen you before!" }, [4] = { text = "Just another day..." }, [5] = { text = "The weather is nice today" }, [6] = { text = "Hello! Have you been to the sea?", responses = { [1] = { text = "No, never before", action_type = "function", action = function(self, player) minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Oh, never? How come! You should.".. "\nHere, take this. It will guide you to the sea...") end }, [2] = { text = "Yes, sure", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "It's so beautiful, and big, and large, and infinite, and..." } }, [3] = { text = "Of course! And to all the seas in the world!", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "Awww you are no fun then! Go on then know-it-all!" } } } }, [7] = { text = "Hello there, could you help me?", flag = {name="received_money_help", value=false}, responses = { [1] = { text = "Yes, how can I help?", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "Could you please give me 3 "..npc.trade.prices.currency.tier3.name.."?", responses = { [1] = { text = "Yes, ok, here", action_type = "function", action = function(self, player) -- Take item local args = { player=player, pos=nil, inv_list="main", item_name=npc.trade.prices.currency.tier3.string, count=3 } npc.actions.take_item_from_external_inventory(self, { player=player:get_player_name(), pos=nil, inv_list="main", item_name=npc.trade.prices.currency.tier3.string, count=3 }) -- Send message minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Thank you, thank you so much!") -- Set flag npc.add_flag(self, "received_money_help", true) -- Add chat line table.insert(self.dialogues.normal, npc.data.DIALOGUES.female["phase1"][8]) end }, [2] = { text = "No, I'm sorry", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "Oh..." } } } } }, [2] = { text = "No, I'm sorry, can't now", action_type = "function", action = function(self, player) minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Oh, ok...") end } } }, [8] = { text = "Thank you so much for your help, thank you!", flag = {name="received_money_help", value=true} } } -- Phase 2 npc.data.DIALOGUES.female["phase2"] = { [1] = { text = "Hey buddy!" }, [2] = { text = "Hey buddy!" }, [3] = { text = "Hey buddy!" }, [4] = { text = "Hey buddy!" } } -- Phase 3 npc.data.DIALOGUES.female["phase3"] = { [1] = { text = "Hi there! Great to see you!" }, [2] = { text = "Hi there! Great to see you!" }, [3] = { text = "Hi there! Great to see you!" }, [4] = { text = "Hi there! Great to see you!" } } -- Phase 4 npc.data.DIALOGUES.female["phase4"] = { [1] = { text = "I was honestly looking forward to talk to you!" }, [2] = { text = "I was honestly looking forward to talk to you!" }, [3] = { text = "I was honestly looking forward to talk to you!" }, [4] = { text = "I was honestly looking forward to talk to you!" } } -- Phase 5 npc.data.DIALOGUES.female["phase5"] = { [1] = { text = "You are the love of my life" }, [2] = { text = "You are the love of my life" }, [3] = { text = "You are the love of my life" }, [4] = { text = "You are the love of my life" } } -- Phase 6 npc.data.DIALOGUES.female["phase6"] = { [1] = { text = "You are the best thing that has happened to me!" }, [2] = { text = "You are the best thing that has happened to me!" }, [3] = { text = "You are the best thing that has happened to me!" }, [4] = { text = "You are the best thing that has happened to me!" }, } -- Male dialogue options defined by phase -- Phase 1 npc.data.DIALOGUES.male["phase1"] = { [1] = { text = "Hello!" }, [2] = { text = "Welcome to our village, stranger." }, [3] = { text = "Just a great day to go to the woods..." }, [4] = { text = "Bah, stone! Useless stuff." }, [5] = { text = "What do you think of this weather?" }, [6] = { text = "Hello! Have you been to the sea?", responses = { [1] = { text = "No, never before", action_type = "function", action = function(npc, player) minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Then you are not worth my time.") end }, [2] = { text = "Yes, sure", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "Then you should appreciate it as a great pirate of the seven seas do!" } }, [3] = { text = "Of course! And to all the seas in the world!", action_type = "dialogue", action = { text = "No my friend, I don't think so! I have been to all the seas!" } } } } } -- Phase 2 npc.data.DIALOGUES.male["phase2"] = { [1] = { text = "Hey buddy!" }, [2] = { text = "Hey buddy!" }, [3] = { text = "Hey buddy!" }, [4] = { text = "Hey buddy!" } } -- Phase 3 npc.data.DIALOGUES.male["phase3"] = { [1] = { text = "Hi there! Great to see you!" }, [2] = { text = "Hi there! Great to see you!" }, [3] = { text = "Hi there! Great to see you!" }, [4] = { text = "Hi there! Great to see you!" } } -- Phase 4 npc.data.DIALOGUES.male["phase4"] = { [1] = { text = "I was honestly looking forward to talk to you!" }, [2] = { text = "I was honestly looking forward to talk to you!" }, [3] = { text = "I was honestly looking forward to talk to you!" }, [4] = { text = "I was honestly looking forward to talk to you!" } } -- Phase 5 npc.data.DIALOGUES.male["phase5"] = { [1] = { text = "You are the love of my life" }, [2] = { text = "You are the love of my life" }, [3] = { text = "You are the love of my life" }, [4] = { text = "You are the love of my life" } } -- Phase 6 npc.data.DIALOGUES.male["phase6"] = { [1] = { text = "You are the best thing that has happened to me!" }, [2] = { text = "You are the best thing that has happened to me!" }, [3] = { text = "You are the best thing that has happened to me!" }, [4] = { text = "You are the best thing that has happened to me!" }, } -- Names npc.data.FIRST_NAMES = { female = { "Kimy", "Lili", "Coraline", "Gloria", "Mary", "Mayra", "Arlene", "Tita", "Lola", "Olivia", "Katherine", "Cataline", "Pinky", "Kathleen", "Marilyn", "Sunshine", "April", "Rainy", "Lulu", "Sandra", "Marlene", "Lany", "Zoe", "Jolie", "Vicky", "Natalia", "Evelyn", "Elizabeth", "Giselle", "Jasmine", "Karla", "Leslie", "Karen", "Dana", "Merry", "Helena", "Rose", "Thalia", "Luna", "Valery", "Carol", "Paulette", "Rosie", "Leti", "Sophie", "Miranda", "Arianne", "Lizzy", "Amy", "Chole", "Alisson" }, male = { "Jote", "Luis", "Charles", "Joseph", "Gerald", "Kiko", "Michael", "Alexis", "Rafa" } } -- Items -- Favorite items, disliked items lists npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS = { female = {}, male = {} } -- Define items by phase -- Female npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.female["phase1"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Some fresh bread would be good!"}, {item = "farming:seed_cotton", response = "Thank you, I will plant this really soon", hint = "I would like to have some cotton plants around"}, {item = "farming:seed_wheat", response = "Thank you! These seeds will make a good wheat plant!", hint = "I've been thinking I should get wheat seeds"}, {item = "flowers:rose", response = "Thanks...", hint = "Red roses make a nice gift!"}, {item = "flowers:geranium", response = "Oh, for me? Thank you!", hint = "Blue geraniums are so beautiful"}, {item = "default:clay_lump", response = "Thanks! Now, what can I do with this...", hint = "If I had some clay lump, I may do some pottery"}, {item = "mobs:meat_raw", response = "This will be great for tonight! Thanks", hint = "A good dinner always have meat"}, {item = "mobs:leather", response = "Thank you! I needed this leather!", hint = "If only I could get some leather"}, {item = "default:sapling", response = "Now I can plant that tree...", hint = "I really would like an apple tree close by."} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.female["phase2"] = { {item = "farming:cotton", response = "This is going to be very helpful, thank you!", hint = "If I just had some cotton lying around..."}, {item = "wool:white", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Have you seen a white sheep? I need some wool."} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.female["phase3"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Some fresh bread would be good!"} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.female["phase4"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "SOme fresh bread would be good!"} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.female["phase5"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Some fresh bread would be good!"} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.female["phase6"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Some fresh bread would be good!"} } -- Male npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.male["phase1"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Some fresh bread would be good!"}, {item = "farming:seed_cotton", response = "Thank you, I will plant this really soon", hint = "I would like to have some cotton plants around"}, {item = "farming:seed_wheat", response = "Thank you! These seeds will make a good wheat plant!", hint = "I've been thinking I should get wheat seeds"}, {item = "default:wood", response = "Thanks, I needed this.", hint = "Some wood without having to cut a tree would be good."}, {item = "default:tree", response = "Excellent to get that furnace going!", hint = "I need logs, do you have some?"}, {item = "default:clay_lump", response = "Thanks! Now, what can I do with this...", hint = "I wish I had some clay"}, {item = "mobs:meat_raw", response = "This makes a great meal. Thank you", hint = "Meat is always great"}, {item = "mobs:leather", response = "Time to tan some leathers!", hint = "I have been needing leather these days"}, {item = "default:sapling", response = "Thanks, I will plant this right now", hint = "I really would like an apple tree close by."} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.male["phase2"] = { {item = "farming:cotton", response = "This is going to be very helpful, thank you!", hint = "If I just had some cotton lying around..."}, {item = "wool:white", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Have you seen a white sheep? I need some wool."} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.male["phase3"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Some fresh bread would be good!"} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.male["phase4"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "SOme fresh bread would be good!"} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.male["phase5"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Some fresh bread would be good!"} } npc.FAVORITE_ITEMS.male["phase6"] = { {item = "default:apple", response = "Hey, I really wanted an apple, thank you!", hint = "I could really do with an apple..."}, {item = "farming:bread", response = "Thanks, you didn't have to, but thanks...", hint = "Some fresh bread would be good!"} } -- Disliked items npc.DISLIKED_ITEMS = { female = { {item = "default:stone", response = "Stone, oh... why do you give me this?", hint = "Why would someone want a stone?"}, {item = "default:cobble", response = "Cobblestone? No, no, why?", hint = "Anything worst than stone is cobblestone."} }, male = { {item = "default:stone", response = "Bah! Stone? I don't need this thing!", hint = "Stones are useless!"}, {item = "default:cobble", response = "Cobblestone!? Wow, you sure think a lot before giving a gift...", hint = "If I really hate something, that's cobblestone!"} } }