------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NPC dialogue code by Zorman2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- npc.dialogue = {} npc.dialogue.POSITIVE_GIFT_ANSWER_PREFIX = "Yes, give " npc.dialogue.NEGATIVE_ANSWER_LABEL = "Nevermind" npc.dialogue.MIN_DIALOGUES = 2 npc.dialogue.MAX_DIALOGUES = 4 npc.dialogue.dialogue_type = { married = 1, casual_trade = 2, dedicated_trade = 3, custom_trade = 4 } -- This table contains the answers of dialogue boxes npc.dialogue.dialogue_results = { options_dialogue = {}, yes_no_dialogue = {} } npc.dialogue.tags = { UNISEX = "unisex", MALE = "male", FEMALE = "female", -- Relationship based tags - these are one-to-one with the -- phase names. PHASE_1 = "phase1", PHASE_2 = "phase2", PHASE_3 = "phase3", PHASE_4 = "phase4", PHASE_5 = "phase5", GIFT_ITEM_HINT = "gift_item_hint", GIFT_ITEM_RESPONSE = "gift_item_response", GIFT_ITEM_LIKED = "gift_item_liked", GIFT_ITEM_UNLIKED = "gift_item_unliked", -- Occupation-based tags - these are one-to-one with the -- default occupation names BASIC = "basic", -- Dialogues related to the basic occupation should -- use this. As basic occupation is generic, any occupation -- should be able to use these dialogues. DEFAULT_FARMER = "default_farmer", DEFAULT_COOKER = "default_cooker" } -- This table will contain all the registered dialogues for NPCs npc.dialogue.registered_dialogues = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dialogue registration functions -- All dialogues will be registered by providing a definition. -- A unique key will be assigned to them. The dialogue definition is the following: -- { -- text: "", -- ^ The "spoken" dialogue line -- flag: -- ^ If the flag with the specified name has the specified value -- then this dialogue is valid -- { -- name: "" -- ^ Name of the flag -- value: -- ^ Expected value of the flag. A flag can be a function. In such a case, it is -- expected the function will return this value. -- }, -- tags = { -- -- Tags are an array of string that allow to classify dialogues -- -- A dialogue can have as many tags as desired and can take any form. -- -- However, for consistency, some predefined tags can be found at -- -- npc.dialogue.tags. -- -- Example: -- "phase1", -- "any" -- } -- responses = { -- -- Array of responses the player can choose. A response can be of -- -- two types: as [1] or as [2] (see example below) -- [1] = { -- text = "Yes", -- -- Text displayed to the player -- action_type = "dialogue", -- -- Type of action that happens when the player chooses this response. -- -- can be "dialogue" or "function". This example shows "dialogue" -- action = { -- text = "It's so beautiful, and big, and large, and infinite, and..." -- }, -- }, -- -- A table containing a dialogue. This means you can include not only -- -- text but also flag and responses as well. Dialogues are recursive. -- [2] = { -- text = "No", -- action_type = "function", -- action = function(self, player) -- -- A function will have access to self, which is the NPC -- -- and the player, which is the player ObjectRef. You can -- -- pretty much do anything here. The example here is very simple, -- -- just sending a chat message. But you can add items to players -- -- or to NPCs and so on. -- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Oh, ok...") -- end, -- }, -- } -- } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The register dialogue function will just receive the definition as -- explained above. The unique key will be the index it gets into the -- array when inserted. function npc.dialogue.register_dialogue(def) -- If def has not tags then apply the default ones if not def.tags then def.tags = {npc.dialogue.tags.UNISEX, npc.dialogue.tags.PHASE_1} end -- Insert dialogue into table table.insert(npc.dialogue.registered_dialogues, def) --minetest.log("Dialogues: "..dump(npc.dialogue.registered_dialogues)) end -- This function returns a table of dialogues that meet the given -- tags array. The keys in the table are the keys in -- npc.dialogue.registered_dialogues, therefore you can use them to --retrieve specific dialogues. However, it should be stored by the NPC. function npc.dialogue.search_dialogue_by_tags(tags, find_all) --minetest.log("Tags being searched: "..dump(tags)) local result = {} for key, def in pairs(npc.dialogue.registered_dialogues) do -- Check if def.tags have any of the provided tags local tags_found = 0 --minetest.log("Tags on dialogue def: "..dump(def.tags)) for i = 1, #tags do if npc.utils.array_contains(def.tags, tags[i]) then tags_found = tags_found + 1 end end --minetest.log("Tags found: "..dump(tags_found)) -- Check if we found all tags if find_all then if tags_found == #tags then -- Add result result[key] = def end elseif not find_all then if tags_found == #tags or tags_found == #def.tags then -- Add result result[key] = def end end -- if (find_all == true and tags_found == #tags) -- or (not find_all and tags_found == #def.tags) then -- end end return result end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dialogue box definitions -- The dialogue boxes are used for the player to interact with the -- NPC in dialogues. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creates and shows a multi-option dialogue based on the number of responses -- that the dialogue object contains function npc.dialogue.show_options_dialogue(self, dialogue, dismiss_option_label, player_name) local responses = dialogue.responses local options_length = table.getn(responses) + 1 local formspec_height = (options_length * 0.7) + 0.4 local formspec = "size[7,"..tostring(formspec_height).."]" for i = 1, #responses do local y = 0.8; if i > 1 then y = (0.75 * i) end formspec = formspec.."button_exit[0.5," ..(y - 0.5)..";6,0.5;opt"..tostring(i)..";"..responses[i].text.."]" end formspec = formspec.."button_exit[0.5," ..(formspec_height - 0.7)..";6,0.5;exit;"..dismiss_option_label.."]" -- Create entry on options_dialogue table npc.dialogue.dialogue_results.options_dialogue[player_name] = { npc = self, is_married_dialogue = (dialogue.dialogue_type == npc.dialogue.dialogue_type.married), is_casual_trade_dialogue = (dialogue.dialogue_type == npc.dialogue.dialogue_type.casual_trade), is_dedicated_trade_dialogue = (dialogue.dialogue_type == npc.dialogue.dialogue_type.dedicated_trade), is_custom_trade_dialogue = (dialogue.dialogue_type == npc.dialogue.dialogue_type.custom_trade), casual_trade_type = dialogue.casual_trade_type, options = responses } minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "advanced_npc:options", formspec) end -- This function is used for showing a yes/no dialogue formspec function npc.dialogue.show_yes_no_dialogue(self, prompt, positive_answer_label, positive_callback, negative_answer_label, negative_callback, player_name) npc.lock_actions(self) local formspec = "size[7,3]".. "label[0.5,0.1;"..prompt.."]".. "button_exit[0.5,1.15;6,0.5;yes_option;"..positive_answer_label.."]".. "button_exit[0.5,1.95;6,0.5;no_option;"..negative_answer_label.."]" -- Create entry into responses table npc.dialogue.dialogue_results.yes_no_dialogue[player_name] = { npc = self, yes_callback = positive_callback, no_callback = negative_callback } minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "advanced_npc:yes_no", formspec) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dialogue methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This function sets a unique response ID (made of :) to -- each response that features a function. This is to be able to locate the -- function easily later local function set_response_ids_recursively(dialogue, depth, dialogue_id) -- Base case: dialogue object with no responses and no r,esponses below it if dialogue.responses == nil and (dialogue.action_type == "dialogue" and dialogue.action.responses == nil) then return elseif dialogue.responses ~= nil then -- Assign a response ID to each response local response_id_prefix = tostring(depth)..":" for key,value in ipairs(dialogue.responses) do if value.action_type == "function" then value.response_id = response_id_prefix..key value.dialogue_id = dialogue_id else -- We have a dialogue action type. Need to check if dialogue has further responses if value.action.responses ~= nil then set_response_ids_recursively(value.action, depth + 1, dialogue_id) end end end end end -- Select random dialogue objects for an NPC based on sex -- and the relationship phase with player function npc.dialogue.select_random_dialogues_for_npc(self, phase) local result = { normal = {}, hints = {} } local phase_tag = "phase1" if phase then phase_tag = phase end local search_tags = { "unisex", self.sex, phase_tag, self.occupation } local dialogues = npc.dialogue.search_dialogue_by_tags(search_tags) minetest.log("dialogues found by tag search: "..dump(dialogues)) -- Determine how many dialogue lines the NPC will have local number_of_dialogues = math.random(npc.dialogue.MIN_DIALOGUES, npc.dialogue.MAX_DIALOGUES) for i = 1,number_of_dialogues do local dialogue_id = math.random(1, #dialogues) result.normal[i] = dialogue_id --set_response_ids_recursively(result.normal[i], 0, dialogue_id) end -- Add item hints. for i = 1, 2 do local hints = npc.relationships.get_dialogues_for_gift_item( self.gift_data.favorite_items["fav"..tostring(i)], npc.dialogue.tags.GIFT_ITEM_HINT, npc.dialogue.tags.GIFT_ITEM_LIKED, self.sex, phase_tag) for key, value in pairs(hints) do result.hints[i] = key end end for i = 3, 4 do local hints = npc.relationships.get_dialogues_for_gift_item( self.gift_data.disliked_items["dis"..tostring(i-2)], npc.dialogue.tags.GIFT_ITEM_HINT, npc.dialogue.tags.GIFT_ITEM_UNLIKED, self.sex) for key, value in pairs(hints) do result.hints[i] = key end end -- Favorite items -- for i = 1, 2 do -- result.hints[i] = {} -- result.hints[i].text = -- npc.relationships.get_hint_for_favorite_item( -- self.gift_data.favorite_items["fav"..tostring(i)], self.sex, phase_tag) -- end -- -- Disliked items -- for i = 3, 4 do -- result.hints[i] = {} -- result.hints[i].text = -- npc.relationships.get_hint_for_disliked_item( -- self.gift_data.disliked_items["dis"..tostring(i-2)], self.sex, phase_tag) -- end minetest.log("Dialogue results:"..dump(result)) return result end -- This function creates a multi-option dialogue from the custom trades that the -- NPC have. function npc.dialogue.create_custom_trade_options(self, player) -- Create the action for each option local actions = {} for i = 1, #self.trader_data.custom_trades do table.insert(actions, function() npc.trade.show_custom_trade_offer(self, player, self.trader_data.custom_trades[i]) end) end -- Default text to be shown for dialogue prompt local text = npc.trade.CUSTOM_TRADES_PROMPT_TEXT -- Get the options from each custom trade entry local options = {} if #self.trader_data.custom_trades == 1 then table.insert(options, self.trader_data.custom_trades[1].button_prompt) text = self.trader_data.custom_trades[1].option_prompt else for i = 1, #self.trader_data.custom_trades do table.insert(options, self.trader_data.custom_trades[i].button_prompt) end end -- Create dialogue object local dialogue = npc.dialogue.create_option_dialogue(text, options, actions) dialogue.dialogue_type = npc.dialogue.dialogue_type.custom_trade return dialogue end -- This function will choose randomly a dialogue from the NPC data -- and process it. function npc.dialogue.start_dialogue(self, player, show_married_dialogue) -- Choose a dialogue randomly local dialogue = {} -- Construct dialogue for marriage if npc.relationships.get_relationship_phase(self, player:get_player_name()) == "phase6" and show_married_dialogue == true then dialogue = npc.relationships.MARRIED_NPC_DIALOGUE npc.dialogue.process_dialogue(self, dialogue, player:get_player_name()) return end -- Show options dialogue for dedicated trader if self.trader_data.trader_status == npc.trade.TRADER then dialogue = npc.trade.DEDICATED_TRADER_PROMPT npc.dialogue.process_dialogue(self, dialogue, player:get_player_name()) return end local chance = math.random(1, 100) if chance < 30 then -- Show trading options for casual traders -- If NPC has custom trading options, these will be -- shown as well with equal chance as the casual -- buy/sell options if self.trader_data.trader_status == npc.trade.NONE then -- Show custom trade options if available if table.getn(self.trader_data.custom_trades) > 0 then -- Show custom trade options dialogue = npc.dialogue.create_custom_trade_options(self, player) end elseif self.trader_data.trader_status == npc.trade.CASUAL then local max_trade_chance = 2 if table.getn(self.trader_data.custom_trades) > 0 then max_trade_chance = 3 end -- Show buy/sell with 50% chance each local trade_chance = math.random(1, max_trade_chance) if trade_chance == 1 then -- Show casual buy dialogue dialogue = npc.trade.CASUAL_TRADE_BUY_DIALOGUE elseif trade_chance == 2 then -- Show casual sell dialogue dialogue = npc.trade.CASUAL_TRADE_SELL_DIALOGUE elseif trade_chance == 3 then -- Show custom trade options dialogue = npc.dialogue.create_custom_trade_options(self, player) end end elseif chance >= 30 and chance < 90 then -- Choose a random dialogue from the common ones dialogue = self.dialogues.normal[math.random(1, #self.dialogues.normal)] elseif chance >= 90 then -- Choose a random dialogue line from the favorite/disliked item hints dialogue = self.dialogues.hints[math.random(1, 4)] end local dialogue_result = npc.dialogue.process_dialogue(self, dialogue, player:get_player_name()) if dialogue_result == false then -- Try to find another dialogue line npc.dialogue.start_dialogue(self, player, show_married_dialogue) end end -- This function processes a dialogue object and performs -- actions depending on what is defined in the object function npc.dialogue.process_dialogue(self, dialogue, player_name) -- Freeze NPC actions npc.lock_actions(self) if type(dialogue) ~= "table" then dialogue = npc.dialogue.registered_dialogues[dialogue] minetest.log("Found dialogue: "..dump(dialogue)) end -- Check if this dialogue has a flag definition if dialogue.flag then -- Check if the NPC has this flag local flag_value = npc.get_flag(self, dialogue.flag.name) if flag_value ~= nil then -- Check if value of the flag is equal to the expected value if flag_value ~= dialogue.flag.value then -- Do not process this dialogue return false end else if (type(dialogue.flag.value) == "boolean" and dialogue.flag.value ~= false) or (type(dialogue.flag.value) == "number" and dialogue.flag.value > 0) then -- Do not process this dialogue return false end end end -- Send dialogue line if dialogue.text then npc.chat(self.npc_name, player_name, dialogue.text) end -- Check if dialogue has responses. If it doesn't, unlock the actions -- queue and reset actions timer.' if not dialogue.responses then npc.unlock_actions(self) end -- Check if there are responses, then show multi-option dialogue if there are if dialogue.responses then npc.dialogue.show_options_dialogue( self, dialogue, npc.dialogue.NEGATIVE_ANSWER_LABEL, player_name ) end -- Dialogue object processed successfully return true end function npc.dialogue.create_option_dialogue(prompt, options, actions) local result = {} result.text = prompt result.responses = {} for i = 1, #options do table.insert(result.responses, {text = options[i], action_type="function", action=actions[i]}) end return result end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions for rotating NPC to look at player -- (taken from the mobs_redo API) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local atan = function(x) if x ~= x then return 0 else return math.atan(x) end end function npc.dialogue.rotate_npc_to_player(self) local s = self.object:getpos() local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, 4) local lp = nil local yaw = 0 for n = 1, #objs do if objs[n]:is_player() then lp = objs[n]:getpos() break end end if lp then local vec = { x = lp.x - s.x, y = lp.y - s.y, z = lp.z - s.z } yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + math.pi / 2) - self.rotate if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math.pi end end self.object:setyaw(yaw) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Answer processing functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This function locates a response object that has function on the dialogue tree. local function get_response_object_by_id_recursive(dialogue, current_depth, response_id) if dialogue.responses == nil and (dialogue.action_type == "dialogue" and dialoge.action.responses == nil) then return nil elseif dialogue.responses ~= nil then -- Get current depth and response ID local d_i1, d_i2 = string.find(response_id, ":") minetest.log("N1: "..dump(string.sub(response_id, 0, d_i1))..", N2: "..dump(string.sub(response_id, 1, d_i1-1))) local depth = tonumber(string.sub(response_id, 0, d_i1-1)) local id = tonumber(string.sub(response_id, d_i2 + 1)) minetest.log("Depth: "..dump(depth)..", id: "..dump(id)) -- Check each response for key,value in ipairs(dialogue.responses) do minetest.log("Key: "..dump(key)..", value: "..dump(value)..", comp1: "..dump(current_depth == depth)) if value.action_type == "function" then -- Check if we are on correct response and correct depth if current_depth == depth then if key == id then return value end end else minetest.log("Entering again...") -- We have a dialogue action type. Need to check if dialogue has further responses if value.action.responses ~= nil then local response = get_response_object_by_id_recursive(value.action, current_depth + 1, response_id) if response ~= nil then return response end end end end end end -- Handler for dialogue formspec minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) -- Additional checks for other forms should be handled here -- Handle yes/no dialogue if formname == "advanced_npc:yes_no" then local player_name = player:get_player_name() if fields then local player_response = npc.dialogue.dialogue_results.yes_no_dialogue[player_name] -- Unlock queue, reset action timer and unfreeze NPC. npc.unlock_actions(player_response.npc) if fields.yes_option then player_response.yes_callback() elseif fields.no_option then player_response.no_callback() end end end -- Manage options dialogue if formname == "advanced_npc:options" then local player_name = player:get_player_name() if fields then -- Get player response local player_response = npc.dialogue.dialogue_results.options_dialogue[player_name] -- Check if the player hit the negative option or esc button if fields["exit"] or fields["quit"] == "true" then -- Unlock queue, reset action timer and unfreeze NPC. npc.unlock_actions(player_response.npc) end for i = 1, #player_response.options do local button_label = "opt"..tostring(i) if fields[button_label] then if player_response.options[i].action_type == "dialogue" then -- Process dialogue object npc.dialogue.process_dialogue(player_response.npc, player_response.options[i].action, player_name) elseif player_response.options[i].action_type == "function" then -- Execute function - get it directly from definition -- Find NPC relationship phase with player local phase = npc.relationships.get_relationship_phase(player_response.npc, player_name) -- Check if NPC is married and the married NPC dialogue should be shown if phase == "phase6" and player_response.is_married_dialogue == true then -- Get the function definitions from the married dialogue npc.relationships.MARRIED_NPC_DIALOGUE .responses[player_response.options[i].response_id] .action(player_response.npc, player) elseif player_response.is_casual_trade_dialogue == true then -- Check if trade is casual buy or sell if player_response.casual_trade_type == npc.trade.OFFER_BUY then -- Get functions from casual buy dialogue npc.trade.CASUAL_TRADE_BUY_DIALOGUE .responses[player_response.options[i].response_id] .action(player_response.npc, player) elseif player_response.casual_trade_type == npc.trade.OFFER_SELL == true then -- Get functions from casual sell dialogue npc.trade.CASUAL_TRADE_SELL_DIALOGUE .responses[player_response.options[i].response_id] .action(player_response.npc, player) end return elseif player_response.is_dedicated_trade_dialogue == true then -- Get the functions for a dedicated trader prompt npc.trade.DEDICATED_TRADER_PROMPT .responses[player_response.options[i].response_id] .action(player_response.npc, player) return elseif player_response.is_custom_trade_dialogue == true then -- Functions for a custom trade should be available from the same dialogue -- object as it is created in memory minetest.log("Player response: "..dump(player_response.options[i])) player_response.options[i].action(player_response.npc, player) else -- Get dialogues for sex and phase local dialogues = npc.data.DIALOGUES[player_response.npc.sex][phase] minetest.log("Object: "..dump(dialogues[player_response.options[i].dialogue_id])) local response = get_response_object_by_id_recursive(dialogues[player_response.options[i].dialogue_id], 0, player_response.options[i].response_id) minetest.log("Found: "..dump(response)) -- Execute function response.action(player_response.npc, player) -- Execute function -- dialogues[player_response.options[i].dialogue_id] -- .responses[player_response.options[i].response_id] -- .action(player_response.npc, player) -- Unlock queue, reset action timer and unfreeze NPC. npc.unlock_actions(player_response.npc) end end return end end end end end)