
802 lines
30 KiB

-- Actions code for Advanced NPC by Zorman2000
-- Action functionality
-- The NPCs will be able to perform five fundamental actions that will allow
-- for them to perform any other kind of interaction in the world. These
-- fundamental actions are: place a node, dig a node, put items on an inventory,
-- take items from an inventory, find a node closeby (radius 3) and
-- walk a step on specific direction. These actions will be set on an action queue.
-- The queue will have the specific steps, in order, for the NPC to be able to do
-- something (example, go to a specific place and put a chest there). The
-- fundamental actions are added to the action queue to make a complete task for the NPC.
npc.actions = {}
-- Describes actions with doors or openable nodes
npc.actions.const = {
doors = {
action = {
OPEN = 1,
state = {
OPEN = 1,
beds = {
LAY = 1,
GET_UP = 2
sittable = {
SIT = 1,
GET_UP = 2
-- Actions
-- The following action alters the timer interval for executing actions, therefore
-- making waits and pauses possible, or increase timing when some actions want to
-- be performed faster, like walking.
function npc.actions.set_interval(args)
local self = args.self
local new_interval = args.interval
local freeze_mobs_api = args.freeze
self.actions.action_interval = new_interval
return not freeze_mobs_api
-- The following action is for allowing the rest of mobs redo API to be executed
-- after this action ends. This is useful for times when no action is needed
-- and the NPC is allowed to roam freely.
function npc.actions.freeze(args)
local freeze_mobs_api = args.freeze
minetest.log("Received: "..dump(freeze_mobs_api))
minetest.log("Returning: "..dump(not(freeze_mobs_api)))
return not(freeze_mobs_api)
-- This action is to rotate to mob to a specifc direction. Currently, the code
-- contains also for diagonals, but remaining in the orthogonal domain is preferrable.
function npc.actions.rotate(args)
local self = args.self
local dir = args.dir
local yaw = 0
self.rotate = 0
if dir == npc.direction.north then
yaw = 0
elseif dir == npc.direction.north_east then
yaw = (7 * math.pi) / 4
elseif dir == npc.direction.east then
yaw = (3 * math.pi) / 2
elseif dir == npc.direction.south_east then
yaw = (5 * math.pi) / 4
elseif dir == npc.direction.south then
yaw = math.pi
elseif dir == npc.direction.south_west then
yaw = (3 * math.pi) / 4
elseif dir == npc.direction.west then
yaw = math.pi / 2
elseif dir == npc.direction.north_west then
yaw = math.pi / 4
-- This function will make the NPC walk one step on a
-- specifc direction. One step means one node. It returns
-- true if it can move on that direction, and false if there is an obstacle
function npc.actions.walk_step(args)
local self = args.self
local dir = args.dir
local vel = {}
if dir == npc.direction.north then
vel = {x=0, y=0, z=0.98}
elseif dir == npc.direction.east then
vel = {x=0.98, y=0, z=0}
elseif dir == npc.direction.south then
vel = {x=0, y=0, z=-0.98}
elseif dir == npc.direction.west then
vel = {x=-0.98, y=0, z=0}
-- Rotate NPC
npc.actions.rotate({self=self, dir=dir})
-- Set velocity so that NPC walks
-- Set walk animation
self.animation.speed_normal, 0)
-- This action makes the NPC stand and remain like that
function npc.actions.stand(args)
local self = args.self
local pos = args.pos
local dir = args.dir
-- Stop NPC
self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=0, z=0})
-- If position given, set to that position
if pos ~= nil then
-- If dir given, set to that dir
if dir ~= nil then
npc.actions.rotate({self=self, dir=dir})
-- Set stand animation
self.animation.speed_normal, 0)
-- This action makes the NPC sit on the node where it is
function npc.actions.sit(args)
local self = args.self
local pos = args.pos
local dir = args.dir
-- Stop NPC
self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=0, z=0})
-- If position given, set to that position
if pos ~= nil then
-- If dir given, set to that dir
if dir ~= nil then
npc.actions.rotate({self=self, dir=dir})
-- Set sit animation
self.animation.speed_normal, 0)
-- This action makes the NPC lay on the node where it is
function npc.actions.lay(args)
local self = args.self
local pos = args.pos
-- Stop NPC
self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=0, z=0})
-- If position give, set to that position
if pos ~= nil then
-- Set sit animation
self.animation.speed_normal, 0)
-- Inventory functions for players and for nodes
-- This function is a convenience function to make it easy to put
-- and get items from another inventory (be it a player inv or
-- a node inv)
function npc.actions.put_item_on_external_inventory(args)
local self = args.self
local player = args.player
local pos = args.pos
local inv_list = args.inv_list
local item_name = args.item_name
local count = args.count
local is_furnace = args.is_furnace
local inv
if player ~= nil then
inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=player})
inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos})
-- Create ItemStack to put on external inventory
local item = ItemStack(item_name.." "..count)
-- Check if there is enough room to add the item on external invenotry
if inv:room_for_item(inv_list, item) then
-- Take item from NPC's inventory
if npc.take_item_from_inventory_itemstring(self, item) then
-- NPC doesn't have item and/or specified quantity
return false
-- Add items to external inventory
inv:add_item(inv_list, item)
-- If this is a furnace, start furnace timer
if is_furnace == true then
return true
-- Not able to put on external inventory
return false
function npc.actions.take_item_from_external_inventory(args)
local self = args.self
local player = args.player
local pos = args.pos
local inv_list = args.inv_list
local item_name = args.item_name
local count = args.count
local inv
if player ~= nil then
inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=player})
inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos})
-- Create ItemSTack to take from external inventory
local item = ItemStack(item_name.." "..count)
-- Check if there is enough of the item to take
if inv:contains_item(inv_list, item) then
-- Add item to NPC's inventory
npc.add_item_to_inventory_itemstring(self, item)
-- Add items to external inventory
inv:remove_item(inv_list, item)
return true
-- Not able to put on external inventory
return false
function npc.actions.check_external_inventory_contains_item(args)
local self = args.self
local player = args.player
local pos = args.pos
local inv_list = args.inv_list
local item_name = args.item_name
local count = args.count
local inv
if player ~= nil then
inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=player})
inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos})
-- Create ItemStack for checking the external inventory
local item = ItemStack(item_name.." "..count)
-- Check if inventory contains item
return inv:contains_item(inv_list, item)
-- TODO: Refactor this function so that it uses a table to check
-- for doors instead of having separate logic for each door type
function npc.actions.get_openable_node_state(node, npc_dir)
minetest.log("Node name: "..dump(
local state = npc.actions.const.doors.state.CLOSED
-- Check for default doors and gates
local a_i1, a_i2 = string.find(, "_a")
-- Check for cottages gates
local open_i1, open_i2 = string.find(, "_close")
-- Check for cottages half door
local half_door_is_closed = false
if == "cottages:half_door" then
half_door_is_closed = (node.param2 + 2) % 4 == npc_dir
if a_i1 == nil and open_i1 == nil and not half_door_is_closed then
state = npc.actions.const.doors.state.OPEN
minetest.log("Door state: "..dump(state))
return state
-- This function is used to open or close openable nodes.
-- Currently supported openable nodes are: any doors using the
-- default doors API, and the cottages mod gates and doors.
function npc.actions.use_door(args)
local self = args.self
local pos = args.pos
local action = args.action
local dir = args.dir
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local state = npc.actions.get_openable_node_state(node, dir)
local clicker = self.object
if action ~= state then
minetest.registered_nodes[].on_rightclick(pos, node, clicker, nil, nil)
-- Tasks functionality
-- Tasks are operations that require many actions to perform. Basic tasks, like
-- walking from one place to another, operating a furnace, storing or taking
-- items from a chest, are provided here.
-- This function allows a NPC to use a furnace using only items from
-- its own inventory. Fuel is not provided. Once the furnace is finished
-- with the fuel items the NPC will take whatever was cooked and whatever
-- remained to cook. The function received the position of the furnace
-- to use, and the item to cook in furnace. Item is an itemstring
function npc.actions.use_furnace(self, pos, item)
-- Check if any item in the NPC inventory serve as fuel
-- For now, just use some specific items as fuels
local fuels = {"default:leaves", "default:tree", ""}
-- Check if NPC has a fuel item
for i = 1,2 do
local fuel_item = npc.inventory_contains(self, fuels[i])
local src_item = npc.inventory_contains(self, item)
if fuel_item ~= nil and src_item ~= nil then
-- Put this item on the fuel inventory list of the furnace
local args = {
self = self,
player = nil,
pos = pos,
inv_list = "fuel",
item_name = npc.get_item_name(fuel_item.item_string),
count = npc.get_item_count(fuel_item.item_string)
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.put_item_on_external_inventory, args)
-- Put the item that we want to cook on the furnace
args = {
self = self,
player = nil,
pos = pos,
inv_list = "src",
item_name = npc.get_item_name(src_item.item_string),
count = npc.get_item_count(src_item.item_string),
is_furnace = true
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.put_item_on_external_inventory, args)
-- TODO: Need to add a way to calculate how many seconds will pass
-- until the furnace is done, or at least the items that we expect
-- to get (assume all items to be cooked are the ones ewe expect back)
-- Then, add that many stand actions, then an action to take the items.
return true
-- Couldn't use the furnace due to lack of items
return false
-- This function makes the NPC lay or stand up from a bed. The
-- pos is the location of the bed, action can be lay or get up
function npc.actions.use_bed(self, pos, action)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2)
if action == npc.actions.const.beds.LAY then
-- Get position
local bed_pos = npc.actions.nodes.beds[].get_lay_pos(pos, dir)
-- Sit down on bed, rotate to correct direction
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.sit, {self=self, pos=bed_pos, dir=(node.param2 + 2) % 4})
-- Lay down
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.lay, {self=self})
-- Calculate position to get up
local bed_pos_y = npc.actions.nodes.beds[].get_lay_pos(pos, dir).y
local bed_pos = {x = pos.x, y = bed_pos_y, z = pos.z}
-- Sit up
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.sit, {self=self, pos=bed_pos})
-- Initialize direction: Default is front of bottom of bed
local dir = (node.param2 + 2) % 4
-- Find empty node around node
-- Take into account that mats are close to the floor, so y adjustmen is zero
local y_adjustment = -1
if npc.actions.nodes.beds[].type == "mat" then
y_adjustment = 0
local empty_nodes = npc.places.find_node_orthogonally(bed_pos, {"air", "cottages:bench"}, y_adjustment)
if empty_nodes ~= nil then
-- Get direction to the empty node
dir = npc.actions.get_direction(bed_pos, empty_nodes[1].pos)
-- Calculate position to get out of bed
local pos_out_of_bed =
{x=empty_nodes[1].pos.x, y=empty_nodes[1].pos.y + 1, z=empty_nodes[1].pos.z}
-- Account for benches if they are present to avoid standing over them
if empty_nodes[1].name == "cottages:bench" then
pos_out_of_bed = {x=empty_nodes[1].pos.x, y=empty_nodes[1].pos.y + 1, z=empty_nodes[1].pos.z}
if empty_nodes[1].param2 == 0 then
pos_out_of_bed.z = pos_out_of_bed.z - 0.3
elseif empty_nodes[1].param2 == 1 then
pos_out_of_bed.x = pos_out_of_bed.x - 0.3
elseif empty_nodes[1].param2 == 2 then
pos_out_of_bed.z = pos_out_of_bed.z + 0.3
elseif empty_nodes[1].param2 == 3 then
pos_out_of_bed.x = pos_out_of_bed.x + 0.3
-- Stand out of bed
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.stand, {self=self, pos=pos_out_of_bed, dir=dir})
-- This function makes the NPC lay or stand up from a bed. The
-- pos is the location of the bed, action can be lay or get up
function npc.actions.use_sittable(self, pos, action)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
if action == npc.actions.const.sittable.SIT then
-- Calculate position depending on bench
minetest.log("Got sit position: "..dump(sit_pos))
local sit_pos = npc.actions.nodes.sittable[].get_sit_pos(pos, node.param2)
-- Sit down on bench/chair/stairs
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.sit, {self=self, pos=sit_pos, dir=(node.param2 + 2) % 4})
-- Find empty areas around chair
local dir = node.param2 + 2 % 4
local empty_nodes = npc.places.find_node_orthogonally(pos, {"air"}, 0)
if empty_nodes ~= nil then
-- Get direction to the empty node
dir = npc.actions.get_direction(pos, empty_nodes[1].pos)
-- Calculate position to get out of bed
local pos_out_of_sittable =
{x=empty_nodes[1].pos.x, y=empty_nodes[1].pos.y + 1, z=empty_nodes[1].pos.z}
-- Stand
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.stand, {self=self, pos=pos_out_of_sittable, dir=dir})
-- This function returns the direction enum
-- for the moving from v1 to v2
function npc.actions.get_direction(v1, v2)
local dir = vector.subtract(v2, v1)
if dir.x ~= 0 then
if dir.x > 0 then
return npc.direction.east
return npc.direction.west
elseif dir.z ~= 0 then
if dir.z > 0 then
return npc.direction.north
return npc.direction.south
-- This function can be used to make the NPC walk from one
-- position to another. If the optional parameter walkable_nodes
-- is included, which is a table of node names, these nodes are
-- going to be considered walkable for the algorithm to find a
-- path.
function npc.actions.walk_to_pos(self, end_pos, walkable_nodes)
local start_pos = self.object:getpos()
-- Set walkable nodes to empty if the parameter hasn't been used
if walkable_nodes == nil then
walkable_nodes = {}
-- Find path
local path = pathfinder.find_path(start_pos, end_pos, 20, walkable_nodes)
if path ~= nil then
minetest.log("Found path to node: "..dump(end_pos))
local door_opened = false
-- Add steps to path
for i = 1, #path do
-- Do not add an extra step if reached the goal node
if (i+1) == #path then
-- Add direction to last node
local dir = npc.actions.get_direction(path[i].pos, end_pos)
-- Add stand animation at end
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.stand, {self = self, dir = dir})
-- Get direction to move from path[i] to path[i+1]
local dir = npc.actions.get_direction(path[i].pos, path[i+1].pos)
-- Check if next node is a door, if it is, open it, then walk
if path[i+1].type == pathfinder.node_types.openable then
-- Check if door is already open
local node = minetest.get_node(path[i+1].pos)
if npc.actions.get_openable_node_state(node, dir) == npc.actions.const.doors.state.CLOSED then
minetest.log("Opening action to open door")
-- Stop to open door, this avoids misplaced movements later on
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.stand, {self=self, dir=dir})
-- Open door
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.use_door, {self=self, pos=path[i+1].pos, dir=dir, action=npc.actions.const.doors.action.OPEN})
door_opened = true
-- Add walk action to action queue
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.walk_step, {self = self, dir = dir})
if door_opened then
-- Stop to close door, this avoids misplaced movements later on
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.stand, {self=self, dir=(dir + 2)% 4})
-- Close door
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.use_door, {self=self, pos=path[i+1].pos, action=npc.actions.const.doors.action.CLOSE})
door_opened = false
minetest.log("Unable to find path.")
-- Old, deprecated, non-functional code below:
-- Path-finding code
-- This is the limit to search for a path based on the goal node.
-- If the path finder code goes beyond this limit in nodes away
-- on the x or z plane, it will stop looking for a path
-- npc.actions.PATH_DIFF_LIMIT = 125
-- -- Returns the opposite of a vector (scalar multiplication by -1)
-- local function vector_opposite(v)
-- return vector.multiply(v, -1)
-- end
-- -- Returns a unit direction vector based on the largest coordinate
-- local function get_unit_dir_vector_based_on_diff(v)
-- if math.abs(v.x) > math.abs(v.z) then
-- return {x=(v.x/math.abs(v.x)) * -1, y=0, z=0}
-- elseif math.abs(v.z) > math.abs(v.x) then
-- return {x=0, y=0, z=(v.z/math.abs(v.z)) * -1}
-- elseif math.abs(v.x) == math.abs(v.z) then
-- return {x=(v.x/math.abs(v.x)) * -1, y=0, z=(v.z/math.abs(v.z)) * -1}
-- end
-- end
-- -- This function is used to determine if a node is walkable
-- -- or openable, in which case is good to use when finding a path
-- local function is_good_node(node)
-- -- Is openable is to support doors, fence gates and other
-- -- doors from other mods. Currently, default doors and gates
-- -- will be supported. Cottages doors should also be supported.
-- --minetest.log("Node name: "..dump(
-- local is_openable = false
-- local start_i,end_i = string.find(, "doors:")
-- is_openable = start_i ~= nil
-- --minetest.log("Is node openable: "..dump(is_openable))
-- --minetest.log("Is node walkable: "..dump(not minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable))
-- if not minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable then
-- return "W"
-- elseif is_openable then
-- return "O"
-- else
-- return "N"
-- end
-- end
-- -- Finds paths ignoring vertical obstacles
-- -- This function is recursive and attempts to move all the time on
-- -- the direction that will definetely lead to the end position.
-- local function find_path_recursive(start_pos, end_pos, path_nodes, last_dir, last_good_dir, last_good_try)
-- minetest.log("Start pos: "..dump(start_pos))
-- -- Find difference. The purpose of this is to weigh movement, attempting
-- -- the largest difference first, or both if equal.
-- local diff = vector.subtract(start_pos, end_pos)
-- minetest.log("Difference: "..dump(diff))
-- -- End if difference is larger than max difference possible (limit)
-- if math.abs(diff.x) > npc.actions.PATH_DIFF_LIMIT
-- or math.abs(diff.z) > npc.actions.PATH_DIFF_LIMIT then
-- minetest.log("Can't find feasable path.")
-- -- Cannot find feasable path
-- return nil
-- end
-- -- Determine direction to move
-- local dir_vector = get_unit_dir_vector_based_on_diff(diff)
-- minetest.log("Direction vector: "..dump(dir_vector))
-- if last_dir ~= nil then
-- if last_good_try == 4
-- or (dir_vector.x ~= 0 and dir_vector.z ~=0)
-- -- Attention: Hacks below! The magic number 3 could be just extremely wrong.
-- -- This is a terrible hack based on experimentations :(
-- or (dir_vector.x ~= 0 and last_dir.x == 0 and math.abs(diff.x) > math.abs(diff.z) and math.abs(diff.z) < 3)
-- or (dir_vector.z ~= 0 and last_dir.z == 0 and math.abs(diff.z) > math.abs(diff.x) and math.abs(diff.x) < 3) then
-- if last_dir.x ~= 0 and diff.x ~= 0
-- or last_dir.z ~= 0 and diff.z ~= 0 then
-- minetest.log("Using last dir as direction vector: "..dump(last_dir))
-- dir_vector = last_dir
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- if last_good_dir ~= nil then
-- minetest.log("Using last good dir as direction vector: "..dump(last_good_dir))
-- dir_vector = last_good_dir
-- end
-- -- Get next position based on direction
-- local next_pos = vector.add(start_pos, dir_vector)
-- minetest.log("Next pos: "..dump(next_pos))
-- -- Check if next_pos is actually within one block from the
-- -- expected position. If so, finish
-- local diff_to_end = vector.subtract(next_pos, end_pos)
-- if math.abs(diff_to_end.x) < 1 and math.abs(diff_to_end.y) < 1 and math.abs(diff_to_end.z) < 1 then
-- minetest.log("Diff to end: "..dump(diff_to_end))
-- table.insert(path_nodes, {pos=next_pos, type="E"})
-- minetest.log("Found path to end.")
-- return path_nodes
-- end
-- -- Check if movement is possible on the calculated direction
-- local next_node = minetest.get_node(next_pos)
-- -- If direction vector is opposite to the last dir, then do not attempt to walk into it
-- minetest.log("Next node is walkable: "..dump(not minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable))
-- local attempted_to_go_opposite = false
-- if last_dir ~= nil and vector.equals(dir_vector, vector_opposite(last_dir)) then
-- attempted_to_go_opposite = true
-- minetest.log("Last dir: "..dump(last_dir))
-- minetest.log("Calculated dir vector is the opposite of last dir: "..dump(vector.equals(dir_vector, vector_opposite(last_dir))))
-- end
-- local node_type = is_good_node(next_node)
-- if node_type ~= "N" and (not attempted_to_go_opposite) then
-- table.insert(path_nodes, {pos=next_pos, type=node_type})
-- return find_path_recursive(next_pos, end_pos, path_nodes, dir_vector, nil, 1)
-- else
-- minetest.log("------------ Second attempt ------------")
-- -- If not walkable, attempt turn into the other coordinate
-- -- Determine this coordinate based on what was the last calculated direction
-- -- that didn't needed correction (last good dir). If this doesn't exists (e.g.
-- -- there has been no correction for a while) then select the direction by
-- -- trying to shorten the distance between NPC and the end node.
-- minetest.log("Last known good dir: "..dump(last_good_dir))
-- local step = 0
-- if last_good_dir == nil then
-- -- Store the current direction vector as the last non-corrected
-- -- calculated direction
-- last_good_dir = dir_vector
-- -- Determine which direction to move
-- if dir_vector.x == 0 then
-- minetest.log("Choosing x direction")
-- step = diff.x/math.abs(diff.x) * -1
-- if diff.x == 0 then
-- if last_dir ~= nil and last_dir.x ~= 0 then--and last_good_try == 2 then
-- step = last_dir.x
-- else
-- -- Set a default step to avoid locks
-- step = 1
-- end
-- end
-- dir_vector = {x = step, y = 0, z = 0}
-- elseif dir_vector.z == 0 then
-- step = diff.z/math.abs(diff.z) * -1
-- if diff.z == 0 then
-- if last_dir ~= nil and last_dir.z ~= 0 then -- and last_good_try == 2 then
-- step = last_dir.z
-- else
-- -- Set a default step to avoid locks
-- step = 1
-- end
-- end
-- dir_vector = {x = 0, y = 0, z = step}
-- end
-- minetest.log("Re-calculated dir vector: "..dump(dir_vector))
-- next_pos = vector.add(start_pos, dir_vector)
-- else
-- dir_vector = last_good_dir
-- if dir_vector.x == 0 then
-- minetest.log("Moving into x direction")
-- step = last_dir.x
-- elseif dir_vector.z == 0 then
-- minetest.log("Moving into z direction")
-- step = last_dir.z
-- end
-- dir_vector = last_dir
-- next_pos = vector.add(start_pos, dir_vector)
-- end
-- -- Check if new node is walkable
-- next_node = minetest.get_node(next_pos)
-- minetest.log("Next node is walkable: "..dump(not minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable))
-- local node_type = is_good_node(next_node)
-- if node_type ~= "N" then
-- table.insert(path_nodes, {pos=next_pos, type=node_type})
-- return find_path_recursive(next_pos, end_pos, path_nodes, dir_vector, last_good_dir, 2)
-- else
-- minetest.log("Last known good dir: "..dump(last_good_dir))
-- -- Only pick the second attempt's dir if it was actually good (meaning,
-- -- it could step on that dir)
-- if last_good_try == 2 then
-- last_good_dir = dir_vector
-- end
-- minetest.log("------------ Third attempt ------------")
-- -- If not walkable, then try the next node by finding the original
-- -- direction vector, then choosing the opposite of that.
-- minetest.log("Last dir: "..dump(last_dir))
-- minetest.log("Last good try: "..dump(last_good_try))
-- minetest.log("Last attempted direction: "..dump(dir_vector))
-- if vector.equals(last_good_dir, last_dir) then
-- -- Go opposite the direction of second attempt
-- minetest.log("Moving opposite of last attempted")
-- dir_vector = vector.multiply(dir_vector, -1)
-- else
-- minetest.log("Moving opposite of last good dir")
-- dir_vector = vector.multiply(last_good_dir, -1)
-- last_good_dir = last_dir
-- end
-- -- if last_good_try > 1 or vector.equals(last_good_dir, last_dir) then
-- -- if dir_vector.x ~= 0 then
-- -- minetest.log("Move into opposite z dir")
-- -- dir_vector = get_unit_dir_vector_based_on_diff(diff)
-- -- dir_vector = vector.multiply(dir_vector, -1)
-- -- elseif dir_vector.z ~= 0 then
-- -- minetest.log("Move into opposite x dir")
-- -- dir_vector = get_unit_dir_vector_based_on_diff(diff)
-- -- dir_vector = vector.multiply(dir_vector, -1)
-- -- end
-- -- else
-- -- minetest.log("Stuck in corner, try to move out of corner")
-- -- dir_vector = vector.multiply(last_good_dir, -1)
-- -- last_good_dir = last_dir
-- -- end
-- minetest.log("New direction: "..dump(dir_vector))
-- minetest.log("New last good dir: "..dump(last_good_dir))
-- next_pos = vector.add(start_pos, dir_vector)
-- minetest.log("New next_pos: "..dump(next_pos))
-- next_node = minetest.get_node(next_pos)
-- minetest.log("Next node is walkable: "..dump(not minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable))
-- local node_type = is_good_node(next_node)
-- if node_type ~= "N" then
-- table.insert(path_nodes, {pos=next_pos, type=node_type})
-- return find_path_recursive(next_pos, end_pos, path_nodes, dir_vector, last_good_dir, 3)
-- else
-- -- Move into the opposite of last good dir
-- minetest.log("------------ Fourth attempt ------------")
-- minetest.log("Last known good dir: "..dump(old_last_good_dir))
-- local old_dir_vector = dir_vector
-- -- If not walkable, then try moving into the opposite of last good dir
-- dir_vector = vector.multiply(last_good_dir, -1)
-- minetest.log("New direction: "..dump(dir_vector))
-- next_pos = vector.add(start_pos, dir_vector)
-- minetest.log("New next_pos: "..dump(next_pos))
-- next_node = minetest.get_node(next_pos)
-- minetest.log("Next node is walkable: "..dump(not minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable))
-- local node_type = is_good_node(next_node)
-- if node_type ~= "N" then
-- table.insert(path_nodes, {pos=next_pos, type=node_type})
-- return find_path_recursive(next_pos, end_pos, path_nodes, dir_vector, old_dir_vector, 4)
-- else
-- minetest.log("Attempted to rotate 4 times, can't do anything else")
-- return nil
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- -- Calls the recursive function to calculate the path
-- function npc.actions.find_path(start_pos, end_pos)
-- return find_path_recursive(start_pos, end_pos, {}, nil, nil, 0)
-- end