armor_monoid = {} local armor_groups = { fleshy = 100 } armor_monoid.registered_groups = armor_groups local join_handled = {} local function copy_tab(tab) local copy = {} for k, v in pairs(tab) do copy[k] = v end return copy end -- The values in this monoid are not armor group values, but damage multipliers. -- For example { fleshy = 0.5, fire = 1.2 } would mean that a player takes -- half fleshy damage and 120% fire damage. Nil values are the same as putting -- 1. The final multipliers are multiplied to the base damage for the group. armor_monoid.monoid = player_monoids.make_monoid({ combine = function(tab1, tab2) local res = {} for k, v in pairs(armor_groups) do local v1 = tab1[k] local v2 = tab2[k] if not v1 then res[k] = v2 elseif not v2 then res[k] = v1 else res[k] = v1 * v2 end end return res end, fold = function(elems) local res = {} for k, tab in pairs(elems) do for k, v in pairs(armor_groups) do local vres = res[k] local v_other = tab[k] if not vres then res[k] = v_other elseif v_other then res[k] = vres * v_other end -- If not v_other, res[k] remains the same. end end return res end, identity = {}, apply = function(multipliers, player) local final = copy_tab(armor_groups) for k, v in pairs(multipliers) do if final[k] then -- Make sure it is a registered armor group final[k] = final[k] * v end end join_handled[player:get_player_name()] = true if player then player:set_armor_groups(final) end end, }) -- If the monoid has not fired yet (or won't fire) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) if player then if not join_handled[player:get_player_name()] then player:set_armor_groups(armor_groups) end end end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) if player then join_handled[player:get_player_name()] = nil end end) -- armor_monoid.register_armor_group("name", x) creates an armor group called name -- with a default armor value of x. function armor_monoid.register_armor_group(name, def) armor_groups[name] = def end