-- Bank node for the mod: currency (by Dan Duncombe) -- default worth in "money" for 10 MineCoins bitchange.bank.exchange_worth = 8 function bitchange.bank.get_formspec(number, pos) local formspec = "" local name = "nodemeta:"..pos.x..","..pos.y..","..pos.z if number == 1 then -- customer formspec = ("size[8,8]".. "label[0,0;Bank]".. "label[2,0;View reserve with (E) + (Right click)]".. "label[1,1;Current worth of a MineCoin:]".. "label[3,1.5;~ "..round(bitchange.bank.exchange_worth / 10, 2).." MineGeld]".. "button[2,3;3,1;sell10;Buy 10 MineCoins]".. "button[2,2;3,1;buy10;Sell 10 MineCoins]".. "list[current_player;main;0,4;8,4;]") elseif number == 2 then -- owner formspec = ("size[8,9;]".. "label[0,0;Bank]".. "label[1,0.5;Current MineCoin and MineGeld reserve: (editable by owner)]".. "list["..name..";coins;0,1;8,3;]".. "list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]") end return formspec end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(sender, formname, fields) if formname ~= "bitchange:bank_formspec" then return end local player_name = sender:get_player_name() if fields.quit then bitchange.bank.players[player_name] = nil return end if bitchange.bank.exchange_worth < 1 then bitchange.bank.exchange_worth = 1 end local pos = bitchange.bank.players[player_name] local bank_inv = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory() local player_inv = sender:get_inventory() local coin_stack = "bitchange:minecoin 10" local geld_stack = "currency:minegeld " local err_msg = false if fields.buy10 then local new_worth = bitchange.bank.exchange_worth * 0.995 geld_stack = geld_stack..math.floor(new_worth + 0.5) if not player_inv:contains_item("main", coin_stack) then err_msg = "You do not have the needed MineCoins." end if not err_msg == "" then if not bank_inv:room_for_item("coins", coin_stack) then err_msg = "This bank has no space to buy more MineCoins." end end if not err_msg == "" then if not bank_inv:contains_item("coins", geld_stack) then err_msg = "This bank has no MineGeld ready to sell." end end if not err_msg == "" then if not player_inv:room_for_item("main", geld_stack) then err_msg = "You do not have enough space in your inventory." end end if not err_msg == "" then bitchange.bank.exchange_worth = new_worth bank_inv:remove_item("coins", geld_stack) player_inv:add_item("main", geld_stack) player_inv:remove_item("main", coin_stack) bank_inv:add_item("coins", coin_stack) bitchange.bank.changes_made = true err_msg = "Sold 10 MineCoins for "..math.floor(new_worth + 0.5).." MineGeld" end elseif fields.sell10 then local price = math.floor(bitchange.bank.exchange_worth + 0.5) geld_stack = geld_stack..price if not player_inv:contains_item("main", geld_stack) then err_msg = "You do not have the required money. ("..price.." x 1 MineGeld pieces)" end if not err_msg == "" then if not bank_inv:room_for_item("coins", geld_stack) then err_msg = "This bank has no space to buy more MineGeld." end end if not err_msg == "" then if not bank_inv:contains_item("coins", coin_stack) then err_msg = "This bank has no MineCoins ready to sell." end end if not err_msg == "" then if not player_inv:room_for_item("main", coin_stack) then err_msg = "You do not have enough space in your inventory." end end if not err_msg == "" then player_inv:remove_item("main", geld_stack) bank_inv:add_item("coins", geld_stack) bank_inv:remove_item("coins", coin_stack) player_inv:add_item("main", coin_stack) bitchange.bank.exchange_worth = bitchange.bank.exchange_worth * 1.005 bitchange.bank.changes_made = true err_msg = "Bought 10 MineCoins for "..price.." MineGeld" end end if err_msg then minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Bank: "..err_msg) end end)