--Created by Krock for the BitChange mod --License: WTFPL moneychanger = {} moneychanger.constructing = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", "size[8,7]" .. "list[current_name;source;0,1;1,1;]" .. "label[0,0;Input money]" .. "list[current_name;output;2,1;2,1;]" .. "label[2,0;Possible converts]" .. "list[current_name;rest;5,1;1,1;]" .. "label[5,0;Remaining money]" .. "list[current_player;main;0,3;8,4;]") end moneychanger.update_fields = function(pos, listname, index, stack, take) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local stack_inv = inv:get_stack(listname, index) local stack_rest = inv:get_stack("rest", 1) local stack_name = stack:get_name() local stack_src = inv:get_stack("source", 1) local stack_src_name = stack_src:get_name() local stack_real_count = 0 local canMove = false if(take) then stack_real_count = stack_inv:get_count() - stack:get_count() else if(stack_inv:get_name() ~= "") then stack_real_count = stack_inv:get_count() + stack:get_count() else stack_real_count = stack:get_count() end end if(listname == "source" and (stack_rest:get_count() == 0 or take)) then inv:set_list("output", { "", "" }) if(stack_real_count > 0) then if(stack_name == "bitchange:minecoinblock") then inv:set_list("output", { "bitchange:minecoin "..(stack_real_count*9), "" }) elseif(stack_name == "bitchange:minecoin") then inv:set_list("output", { "bitchange:mineninth "..math.min(stack_real_count*9, 30000), "bitchange:minecoinblock "..math.floor(stack_real_count/9) }) else inv:set_list("output", { "bitchange:minecoin "..math.min(math.floor(stack_real_count/9), 30000), "" }) end canMove = true elseif(stack_real_count == 0 and stack_src:get_count() > 0) then canMove = true end elseif(listname == "output" and stack_rest:get_count() == 0) then if(stack_src:get_count() < 1) then if(stack:get_count() > 0) then canMove = true end inv:set_list("source", { "" }) else if(stack_src_name ~= "") then if(stack_name == "bitchange:minecoinblock" and stack_src_name == "bitchange:minecoin") then local amount_left = (stack_src:get_count() - (stack:get_count()*9)) if(amount_left > 0) then inv:set_list("source", { stack_src_name.." "..amount_left }) else inv:set_list("source", { "" }) end if(index == 1) then inv:set_stack("output", 2, "") else inv:set_stack("output", 1, "") end canMove = true elseif(stack_name == "bitchange:minecoin" and stack_src_name == "bitchange:mineninth") then local amount_left = (stack_src:get_count() - (stack:get_count()*9)) if(amount_left > 0) then inv:set_list("source", { stack_src_name.." "..amount_left }) else inv:set_list("source", { "" }) end canMove = true elseif(stack_name == "bitchange:minecoin" and stack_src_name == "bitchange:minecoinblock") then local amount_left = stack_src:get_count() - (stack:get_count()/9) local rest_count = (amount_left - math.floor(amount_left))*9 if(amount_left > -1) then inv:set_list("source", { stack_src_name.." "..math.floor(amount_left) }) if(rest_count > 0) then inv:set_list("rest", { stack_name.." "..rest_count }) else inv:set_list("rest", { "" }) end if(index == 1) then inv:set_stack("output", 2, "") else inv:set_stack("output", 1, "") end inv:set_stack("output", index, stack_name.." "..stack:get_count()) canMove = true end elseif(stack_name == "bitchange:mineninth" and stack_src_name == "bitchange:minecoin") then local amount_left = stack_src:get_count() - (stack:get_count()/9) local rest_count = (amount_left - math.floor(amount_left))*9 if(amount_left > -1) then inv:set_list("source", { stack_src_name.." "..math.floor(amount_left) }) if(rest_count > 0) then inv:set_list("rest", { stack_name.." "..rest_count }) else inv:set_list("rest", { "" }) end if(index == 1) then inv:set_stack("output", 2, "") else inv:set_stack("output", 1, "") end inv:set_stack("output", index, stack_name.." "..stack:get_count()) canMove = true end end end end elseif(listname == "rest") then canMove = true end if(canMove) then return stack:get_count() else return 0 end end minetest.register_node("bitchange:moneychanger", { description = "Moneychanger", tiles = {"bitchange_moneychanger_top.png", "bitchange_moneychanger_top.png", "bitchange_moneychanger_side.png", "bitchange_moneychanger_side.png", "bitchange_moneychanger_top.png", "bitchange_moneychanger_front.png"}, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {cracky=1}, legacy_facedir_simple = true, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), on_construct = function(pos) return moneychanger.constructing(pos); end, after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack) local owner = placer:get_player_name() local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", "Moneychanger (owned by "..owner..")") meta:set_string("owner",owner) local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size("source", 1) inv:set_size("rest", 1) inv:set_size("output", 2) end, allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return 0 end, allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if(player:get_player_name() ~= meta:get_string("owner")) then return 0 end if(listname == "source") then local stack_name = stack:get_name() if(stack_name == "bitchange:mineninth" or stack_name == "bitchange:minecoin" or stack_name == "bitchange:minecoinblock") then return moneychanger.update_fields(pos, listname, index, stack, false) else return 0 end else return 0 end end, allow_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if(player:get_player_name() == meta:get_string("owner") or minetest.get_player_privs(name)["server"]) then return moneychanger.update_fields(pos, listname, index, stack, true) else return 0 end end, can_dig = function(pos, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() if(player:get_player_name() ~= meta:get_string("owner") and not minetest.get_player_privs(name)["server"]) then return 0 end return inv:is_empty("source") and inv:is_empty("output") and inv:is_empty("rest") end }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'bitchange:moneychanger', recipe = { {'default:stone', 'bitchange:mineninth', 'default:stone'}, {'default:steel_ingot', 'bitchange:minecoin', 'default:steel_ingot'}, {'default:stone', 'default:stone', 'default:stone'} } })