computers.register_oscommand("help", "get help about a function", "help [COMMAND]", function(cmdline, pos, player) local command = string.match(cmdline, "help *(.+)") local message = "" if command == nil then for i=1,#computers.registered_command_names do local name = computers.registered_command_names[i] local short_desc = computers.registered_commands[name].short_description message =" "..short_desc.."\n" end message = message.."\ntype \"help COMMAND\" to get usage" elseif command ~= nil and computers.registered_commands[command] ~= nil then message = command..":\t"..computers.registered_commands[command].short_description .. "\nusage:\n" .. computers.registered_commands[command].long_description end if message == "" then message = "no help for this command" end return message, true end) computers.register_oscommand("time", "get the time of day", "time", function(cmdline, pos, player) local message = "local time : "..(minetest.env:get_timeofday()*24) return message, true end) computers.register_oscommand("gps", "localize a player", "gps [-c PLAYER get coordinates]\n [-d PLAYER get distance between computer and player]\n [-r PLAYER get relative coordinates]", function(cmdline, pos, player) local message = "gps: error: unable to connect to satellite (in devel program)" return message, true end) computers.register_oscommand("mat", "get the material name of a bloc next to the computer", "mat [z+1] [z-1] [y+1] [y-1] [x+1] [x-1]", function(cmdline, pos, player) local message = "mat: error: incompatible driver (in devel program)" return message, true end) computers.register_oscommand("com", "create a connexion between two computers", "com [-c COODINATES make a connexion between this computer and an other at coordinates]\n [-p PLAYERNAME make a connexion between this computer and the closest computer to the player]", function(cmdline, pos, player) local command, opt = string.match(cmdline, "^([^ ]+) *(%a+)") if opt == "-c" then local x, y, z command, opt,x,y,z = string.match(cmdline, "^([^ ]+) *(%a+) *(%d+)[, ] *(%d+)[, ] *(%d+)") -- ... return command..": unable to connect: no network available (in devel program)" else local command, opt, playername = string.match(cmdline, "^([^ ]+) *(%a+) *(%a+)") local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) local p = player.getpos() -- ... return command..": unable to connect: no network available (in devel program)" end end);