--! @class factions --! @brief main class for factions factions = {} -- database factions.root = {} factions.factions = {} factions.parcels = {} factions.players = {} factions.player_ips = {} if factions_config.database == "colddb" then -- Create cold databases. factions.root = colddb.Colddb(minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/factions") factions.factions = factions.root.sub_database("factions") factions.parcels = factions.root.sub_database("parcels") factions.players = factions.root.sub_database("players") factions.player_ips = factions.root.sub_database("ips") elseif factions_config.database == "mod_storage" then factions.root = storagedb.Storagedb("factions") factions.factions = factions.root.sub_database("factions") factions.parcels = factions.root.sub_database("parcels") factions.players = factions.root.sub_database("players") factions.player_ips = factions.root.sub_database("ips") end -- Memory only storage. factions.onlineplayers = {} -- Table creation. -- Create a empty faction. function factions.create_faction_table() local table = { name = "", --! @brief power of a faction (needed for parcel claiming) power = factions_config.power, --! @brief maximum power of a faction maxpower = factions_config.maxpower, --! @brief power currently in use usedpower = 0., --! @brief list of player names players = {}, --! @brief table of ranks/permissions ranks = starting_ranks, --! @brief name of the leader leader = nil, --! @brief spawn of the faction spawn = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, --! @brief default joining rank for new members default_rank = "member", --! @brief default rank assigned to the leader default_leader_rank = "leader", --! @brief faction's description string description = "Default faction description.", --! @brief faction's message of the day. message_of_the_day = "", --! @brief list of players currently invited (can join with /f join) invited_players = {}, --! @brief table of claimed parcels (keys are parcelpos strings) land = {}, --! @brief table of allies allies = {}, -- request_inbox = {}, --! @brief table of enemies enemies = {}, --! neutral = {}, --! @brief table of parcels/factions that are under attack attacked_parcels = {}, --! @brief whether faction is closed or open (boolean) join_free = false, --! @brief gives certain privileges is_admin = false, --! @brief last time anyone logged on last_logon = os.time(), --! @brief how long this has been without parcels no_parcel = os.time(), --! @brief access table access = {players = {}, factions = {}}, } return table end -- Create a empty ip table. function factions.create_ip_table() local table = { ip = "" } return table end -- Create a empty player table. function factions.create_player_table() local table = { faction = "" } return table end -- Create a empty claim table. function factions.create_parcel_table() local table = { faction = "" } return table end -- helper functions function factions.db_is_empty(table) for k, v in pairs(table) do return false end return true end function factions.remove_key(db, db_name, db_data, key, write) if not db_data then db_data = db.get(db_name) end db_data[key] = nil if factions.db_is_empty(db_data) then db.remove(db_name) return nil end if write then db.set(db_name, db_data) end return db_data end -- faction data check on load local function update_data(db, db_name, db_data, empty_table, write) local needs_update = false if not db_data then db_data = db.get(db_name) end for k, v in pairs(empty_table) do if db_data[k] == nil then db_data[k] = v needs_update = true minetest.log("Adding property " .. k .. " to " .. db_name .. " file.") end end if write and needs_update then db.set(db_name, db_data) end return db_data end minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() minetest.log("Checking faction files.") for k, v in factions.factions.iterate() do --update_data(factions.factions, k, nil, factions.create_faction_table(), true) end minetest.log("Checking parcel files.") for k, v in factions.parcels.iterate() do --update_data(factions.parcels, k, nil, factions.create_parcel_table(), true) end minetest.log("Checking player files.") for k, v in factions.players.iterate() do --update_data(factions.players, k, nil, factions.create_player_table(), true) end minetest.log("Checking ip files.") for k, v in factions.player_ips.iterate() do --update_data(factions.player_ips, k, nil, factions.create_ip_table(), true) end end)