------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- factionsmod Mod by Sapier -- -- License WTFPL -- --! @file chatcommnd.lua --! @brief factionsmod chat interface --! @copyright Sapier --! @author Sapier --! @date 2013-05-08 -- -- Contact sapier a t gmx net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --! @class factionsmod_chat --! @brief chat interface class factionsmod_chat = {} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: init() -- --! @brief initialize chat interface --! @memberof factionsmod_chat --! @public ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod_chat.init() minetest.register_privilege("faction_user", { description = "this user is allowed to interact with faction mod", give_to_singleplayer = true, } ) minetest.register_privilege("faction_admin", { description = "this user is allowed to create or delete factionsmod", give_to_singleplayer = true, } ) minetest.register_chatcommand("factionsmod", { params = " .. ", description = "faction administration functions", privs = { interact=true }, func = factionsmod_chat.cmdhandler, } ) minetest.register_chatcommand("af", { params = "text", description = "send message to all factionsmod", privs = { faction_user=true }, func = factionsmod_chat.allfactionsmod_chathandler, } ) minetest.register_chatcommand("f", { params = " text", description = "send message to a specific faction", privs = { faction_user=true }, func = factionsmod_chat.chathandler, } ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: cmdhandler(playername,parameter) -- --! @brief chat command handler --! @memberof factionsmod_chat --! @private -- --! @param playername name --! @param parameter data supplied to command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod_chat.cmdhandler(playername,parameter) local player = minetest.env:get_player_by_name(playername) local params = parameter:split(" ") local cmd = params[1] --handle common commands if parameter == nil or parameter == "" then local playerfactionsmod = factionsmod.get_factionsmod(player) local tosend = "factionsmod: " .. playername .. " factionsmod:" for i,v in ipairs(playerfactionsmod) do if i ~= #playerfactionsmod then tosend = tosend .. " " .. v .. "," else tosend = tosend .. " " .. v end end minetest.chat_send_player(playername, tosend, false) return end if cmd == "claim" then local playerfaction = factionsmod.get_factionsmod(player) if next(playerfaction) ~= nil then factionsmod.claim(playerfaction[1],player) end return end if cmd == "unclaim" then local playerfaction = factionsmod.get_factionsmod(player) if next(playerfaction) ~= nil then factionsmod.unclaim(playerfaction[1],player) end return end if cmd == "takeover" then local playerfaction = factionsmod.get_factionsmod(player) if next(playerfaction) ~= nil then factionsmod.takeover(playerfaction[1],player) end return end --list all known factionsmod if cmd == "list" then local list = factionsmod.get_faction_list() local tosend = "factionsmod: current available factionsmod:" for i,v in ipairs(list) do if i ~= #list then tosend = tosend .. " " .. v .. "," else tosend = tosend .. " " .. v end end minetest.chat_send_player(playername, tosend, false) return end --show factionsmod mod version if cmd == "version" then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: version " .. factionsmod_version , false) return end --show description of faction if cmd == "info" then if params[2] ~= nil then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: " .. params[2] .. ": " .. factionsmod.get_description(params[2]), false) return end end if cmd == "leave" then if params[2] ~= nil then if params[3] ~= nil then local toremove = minetest.env:get_player_by_name(params[3]) --allowed if faction_admin, admin of faction or player itself if factionsmod.is_admin(params[2],playername) and toremove ~= nil then factionsmod.member_remove(params[2],toremove) minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: " .. params[3] .. " has been removed from " .. params[2], false) return end else factionsmod.member_remove(params[2],player) minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: You have left " .. params[2], false) return end end end --handle superadmin only commands --if minetest.check_player_privs(playername,{ faction_admin=true }) then --create new faction if cmd == "create" then if params[2] ~= nil then if factionsmod.add_faction(params[2]) then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: created faction " .. params[2], false) if factionsmod.member_add(params[2],minetest.env:get_player_by_name(playername)) then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: " .. playername .. " joined faction " .. params[2], false) end return else minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: FAILED to created faction " .. params[2], false) return end end end --end if cmd == "join" then if params[2] ~= nil then --check for invitation if factionsmod.is_invited(params[2],playername) then if factionsmod.member_add(params[2],player) then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: joined faction " .. params[2], false) return else minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: FAILED to join faction " .. params[2], false) return end else minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: you are not allowed to join " .. params[2], false) return end end end --all following commands require at least two parameters if params[2] ~= nil then if minetest.check_player_privs(playername,{ faction_admin=true }) or factionsmod.is_admin(params[2],playername) then --delete faction if cmd == "delete" then factionsmod.member_remove(params[2],player) if factionsmod.delete_faction(params[2]) then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: deleted faction " .. params[2], false) return else minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: FAILED to deleted faction " .. params[2], false) return end end if cmd == "set_free" then if params[3] ~= nil and (params[3] == "true" or params[3] == "false")then local value = false if params[3] == "true" then value = true end if factionsmod.set_free(params[2],value) then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: free to join for " .. params[2] .. " has been set to " .. params[3], false) else minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: FAILED to set free to join for " .. params[2], false) end end end --set player admin status if cmd == "admin" then if params[3] ~= nil and params[4] ~= nil and (params[4] == "true" or params[4] == "false") then local value = false if params[4] == "true" then value = true end if factionsmod.set_admin(params[2],params[3],value) then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: adminstate of " .. params[3] .. " has been set to " .. params[4], false) else minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: FAILED to set admin privileges for " .. params[3], false) end end return end if cmd == "description" and params[2] ~= nil and params[3] ~= nil then local desc = params[3] for i=4, #params, 1 do desc = desc .. " " .. params[i] end if factionsmod.set_description(params[2],desc) then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: updated description of faction " .. params[2], false) return else minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: FAILED to update description of faction " .. params[2], false) return end end if cmd == "invite" and params[2] ~= nil and params[3] ~= nil then if factionsmod.member_invite(params[2],params[3]) then minetest.chat_send_player(params[3], "factionsmod: " .. params[3] .. " you have been invited to join faction " .. params[2], false) minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: " .. params[3] .. " has been invited to join faction " .. params[2], false) return else minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: FAILED to invite " .. params[3] .. " to join faction " .. params[2], false) return end end end end factionsmod_chat.show_help(playername) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: allfactionsmod_chathandler(playername,parameter) -- --! @brief chat handler --! @memberof factionsmod_chat --! @private -- --! @param playername name --! @param parameter data supplied to command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod_chat.allfactionsmod_chathandler(playername,parameter) local player = minetest.env:get_player_by_name(playername) if player ~= nil then local recipients = {} for faction,value in pairs(factionsmod.get_factionsmod(player)) do for name,value in pairs(factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[faction]) do local object_to_check = mientest.env:get_player_by_name(name) if object_to_check ~= nil then recipients[name] = true end end end for recipient,value in pairs(recipients) do if recipient ~= playername then minetest.chat_send_player(recipient,playername ..": " .. parameter,false) end end return end factionsmod_chat.show_help(playername) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: chathandler(playername,parameter) -- --! @brief chat handler --! @memberof factionsmod_chat --! @private -- --! @param playername name --! @param parameter data supplied to command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod_chat.chathandler(playername,parameter) local player = minetest.env:get_player_by_name(playername) if player ~= nil then local line = parameter:split(" ") local target_faction = line[1] local text = line[2] for i=3,#line,1 do text = text .. " " .. line[i] end local valid_faction = false for faction,value in pairs(factionsmod.get_factionsmod(player)) do if target_faction == faction then valid_faction = true end end if faction ~= nil and valid_faction and factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[faction] ~= nil then for name,value in pairs(factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[faction]) do local object_to_check = mientest.env:get_player_by_name(name) factionsmod_chat.show_help(playername) if object_to_check ~= nil and name ~= playername then minetest.chat_send_player(name,playername ..": " .. text,false) end end else minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "factionsmod: you're not a member of " .. dump(faction),false) end return end factionsmod_chat.show_help(playername) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: show_help(playername,parameter) -- --! @brief send help message to player --! @memberof factionsmod_chat --! @private -- --! @param playername name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod_chat.show_help(playername) local MSG = function(text) minetest.chat_send_player(playername,text,false) end MSG("factionsmod mod") MSG("Usage:") MSG("\tUser commands:") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod -> info on your current factionsmod") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod info -> show description of faction") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod list -> show list of factionsmod") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod leave -> leave specified faction") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod join -> join specified faction") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod version -> show version number of mod") MSG("\tAdmin commands:") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod create -> create a new faction") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod delete -> delete a faction faction") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod leave -> remove player from faction") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod invite -> invite player to faction") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod set_free -> set faction free to join") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod admin -> make player admin of faction") MSG("\t\t/factionsmod description -> set description for faction") end