------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- factionsmod Mod by Sapier -- -- License WTFPL -- --! @file factionsmod.lua --! @brief factionsmod core file containing datastorage --! @copyright Sapier --! @author Sapier --! @date 2013-05-08 -- -- Contact sapier a t gmx net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --read some basic information local factionsmod_worldid = minetest.get_worldpath() --! @class factionsmod --! @brief main class for factionsmod factionsmod = {} --! @brief runtime data factionsmod.data = {} factionsmod.data.factionsmod = {} factionsmod.data.objects = {} factionsmod.dynamic_data = {} factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable = {} factionsmod.print = function(text) print("factionsmod: " .. dump(text)) end factionsmod.dbg_lvl1 = function() end --factionsmod.print -- errors factionsmod.dbg_lvl2 = function() end --factionsmod.print -- non cyclic trace factionsmod.dbg_lvl3 = function() end --factionsmod.print -- cyclic trace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: add_faction(name) -- --! @brief add a faction --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to add --! --! @return true/false (succesfully added faction or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.fix_powercap(name) factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].powercap = #factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[name] + 10 end function factionsmod.add_faction(name) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] == nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] = {} factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].reputation = {} factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].base_reputation = {} factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].adminlist = {} factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].invitations = {} factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].owner = "" factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].land = 0 factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].power = 10 factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].powercap = 10 factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk = {} factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[name] = {} factionsmod.save() return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: set_base_reputation(faction1,faction2,value) -- --! @brief set base reputation between two factionsmod --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param faction1 first faction --! @param faction2 second faction --! @param value value to use --! --! @return true/false (succesfully added faction or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.set_base_reputation(faction1,faction2,value) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[faction1] ~= nil and factionsmod.data.factionsmod[faction2] ~= nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[faction1].base_reputation[faction2] = value factionsmod.data.factionsmod[faction2].base_reputation[faction1] = value factionsmod.save() return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: get_base_reputation(faction1,faction2) -- --! @brief get base reputation between two factionsmod --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param faction1 first faction --! @param faction2 second faction --! --! @return reputation/0 if none set ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.get_base_reputation(faction1,faction2) factionsmod.dbg_lvl3("get_base_reputation: " .. faction1 .. "<-->" .. faction2) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[faction1] ~= nil and factionsmod.data.factionsmod[faction2] ~= nil then if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[faction1].base_reputation[faction2] ~= nil then return factionsmod.data.factionsmod[faction1].base_reputation[faction2] end end return 0 end function factionsmod.testifallowed(pos,digger) if pos.y < -512 then return true end if next(factionsmod.get_faction_list()) ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(factionsmod.get_faction_list()) do --minetest.log("warning",v) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].chunk ~= nil then for i =1, #factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].chunk do if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].chunk[i][1] == math.floor(pos.x/16.0) then if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].chunk[i][2] == math.floor(pos.z/16.0) then print('test') if digger == nil then return false end for k2,v2 in pairs(factionsmod.get_factionsmod(digger)) do print(v2) if v2 == nil or v2 ~= v then print('not allowed') return false end end end end end end end end return true end function factionsmod.findchunkowner(pos) if pos.y < -512 then return "" end if next(factionsmod.get_faction_list()) ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(factionsmod.get_faction_list()) do --minetest.log("warning",v) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].chunk ~= nil then for i =1, #factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].chunk do if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].chunk[i][1] == math.floor(pos.x/16.0) then if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].chunk[i][2] == math.floor(pos.z/16.0) then return v end end end end end end return "" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: set_description(name,description) -- --! @brief set description for a faction --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction --! @param description text describing a faction --! --! @return true/false (succesfully set description) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.set_description(name,description) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].description = description factionsmod.save() return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: get_description(name) -- --! @brief get description for a faction --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction --! --! @return description or "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.get_description(name) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil and factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].description ~= nil then return factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].description end return "" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: exists(name) -- --! @brief check if a faction exists --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public --! @param name name to check --! --! @return true/false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.exists(name) for key,value in pairs(factionsmod.data.factionsmod) do if key == name then return true end end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: get_faction_list() -- --! @brief get list of factionsmod --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public --! --! @return list of factionsmod ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.get_faction_list() local retval = {} for key,value in pairs(factionsmod.data.factionsmod) do table.insert(retval,key) end return retval end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: delete_faction(name) -- --! @brief delete a faction --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to delete --! --! @return true/false (succesfully added faction or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.delete_faction(name) for k,v in pairs(factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[name]) do factionsmod.member_remove(name,v) end factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] = nil factionsmod.save() if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] == nil then return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: member_add(name,object) -- --! @brief add an entity or player to a faction --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to add object to --! @param object to add to faction --! --! @return true/false (succesfully added faction or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.takeover(name,player) local pos = player:getpos() local is_not_owned = factionsmod.testifallowed(pos,player) if is_not_owned == false then local owner = factionsmod.findchunkowner(pos) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[owner].land > factionsmod.data.factionsmod[owner].power then factionsmod.unclaim(owner,player) factionsmod.claim(name,player) end end end function factionsmod.claim(name,player) --if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk ~= nil then local pos = player:getpos() local is_not_owned = factionsmod.testifallowed(pos,nil) if is_not_owned == true then print(name) print(player) print(dump(factionsmod.data.factionsmod)) table.insert(factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk,{}) factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk[#factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk][1] = math.floor(pos.x/16.0) factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk[#factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk][2] = math.floor(pos.z/16.0) end --end end function factionsmod.unclaim(name,player) local pos = player:getpos() local is_not_owned = factionsmod.testifallowed(pos,nil) if is_not_owned == false then for i =1, #factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk do if chunk[i][1] == math.floor(pos.x/16.0) and chunk[i][2] == math.floor(pos.z/16.0) then table.remove(factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk,i) end end end end function factionsmod.member_add(name, object) local new_entry = {} new_entry.factionsmod = {} if object.object ~= nil then object = object.object end if next(factionsmod.get_factionsmod(object)) ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(factionsmod.get_factionsmod(object)) do if k ~= nil then factionsmod.member_remove(v,object) end end end if not factionsmod.exists(name) then print("Unable to add to NON existant faction >" .. name .. "<") return false end new_entry.name,new_entry.temporary = factionsmod.get_name(object) factionsmod.dbg_lvl2("Adding name=" .. dump(new_entry.name) .. " to faction: " .. name ) if new_entry.name ~= nil then if factionsmod.data.objects[new_entry.name] == nil then factionsmod.data.objects[new_entry.name] = new_entry end if factionsmod.data.objects[new_entry.name].factionsmod[name] == nil then factionsmod.data.objects[new_entry.name].factionsmod[name] = true factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[name][new_entry.name] = true factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].invitations[new_entry.name] = nil if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].owner == "" then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].owner = object:get_player_name() factionsmod.set_admin(name,object:get_player_name(), true) end factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].power = factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].power + 1 factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].powercap = factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].powercap + 1 factionsmod.save() return true end end --return false if no valid object or already member return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: member_invite(name,playername) -- --! @brief invite a player for joining a faction --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to add object to --! @param name of player to invite --! --! @return true/false (succesfully added invitation or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.member_invite(name, playername) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil and factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].invitations[playername] == nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].invitations[playername] = true factionsmod.save() return true end --return false if not a valid faction or player already invited return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: member_remove(name,object) -- --! @brief remove an entity or player to a faction --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to add object to --! @param object to add to faction --! --! @return true/false (succesfully added faction or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.member_remove(name,object) local id,type = factionsmod.get_name(object) factionsmod.dbg_lvl2("removing name=" .. dump(id) .. " to faction: " .. name ) if id ~= nil and factionsmod.data.objects[id] ~= nil and factionsmod.data.objects[id].factionsmod[name] ~= nil then factionsmod.data.objects[id].factionsmod[name] = nil factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[name][id] = nil if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].owner == object:get_player_name() then factionsmod.delete_faction(name) end factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].power = factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].power - 1 factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].powercap = factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].powercap - 1 factionsmod.save() return true end if id ~= nil and factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].invitations[id] ~= nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].invitations[id] = nil factionsmod.save() return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: set_admin(name,playername,value) -- --! @brief set admin priviles for a playername --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to add object to --! @param playername to change rights --! @param value true/false has or has not admin privileges --! --! @return true/false (succesfully changed privileges) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.set_admin(name,playername,value) --mobf_assert_backtrace(type(playername) == "string") if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil then if value then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].adminlist[playername] = true factionsmod.save() return true else factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].adminlist[playername] = nil factionsmod.save() return true end else print("factionsmod: no faction >" .. name .. "< found") end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: set_free(name,value) -- --! @brief set faction to be joinable by everyone --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to add object to --! @param value true/false has or has not admin privileges --! --! @return true/false (succesfully added faction or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.set_free(name,value) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil then if value then if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].open == nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].open = true factionsmod.save() return true else return false end else if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].open == nil then return false else factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].open = nil factionsmod.save() return true end end end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: is_free(name) -- --! @brief check if a fraction is free to join --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to add object to -- --! @return true/false (free or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.is_free(name) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil and factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].open then return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: is_admin(name,playername) -- --! @brief read admin privilege of player --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to check rights --! @param playername to change rights --! --! @return true/false (succesfully added faction or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.is_admin(name,playername) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil and factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].adminlist[playername] == true then return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: is_invited(name,playername) -- --! @brief read invitation status of player --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to check for invitation --! @param playername to change rights --! --! @return true/false (succesfully added faction or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.is_invited(name,playername) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil and ( factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].invitations[playername] == true or factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].open == true) then return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: get_factionsmod(object) -- --! @brief get list of factionsmod for an object --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param object to get list for --! --! @return list of factionsmod ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.get_factionsmod(object) local id,type = factionsmod.get_name(object) local retval = {} if id ~= nil and factionsmod.data.objects[id] ~= nil then for key,value in pairs(factionsmod.data.objects[id].factionsmod) do table.insert(retval,key) end end return retval end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: is_member(name,object) -- --! @brief check if object is member of name --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name of faction to check --! @param object to check --! --! @return true/false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.is_member(name,object) local retval = false local id,type = factionsmod.get_name(object) if id ~= nil and factionsmod.data.objects[id] ~= nil then for key,value in pairs(factionsmod.data.objects[id].factionsmod) do if key == name then retval = true break end end end return retval end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: get_reputation(name,object) -- --! @brief get reputation of an object --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name name of faction to check for reputation --! @param object object to get reputation for --! --! @return number value -100 to 100 0 being neutral, -100 beeing enemy 100 friend ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.get_reputation(name,object) local id,type = factionsmod.get_name(object) factionsmod.dbg_lvl3("get_reputation: " .. name .. "<-->" .. dump(id)) if id ~= nil and factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil then factionsmod.dbg_lvl3("get_reputation: object reputation: " .. dump(factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].reputation[id])) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].reputation[id] == nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].reputation[id] = factionsmod.calc_base_reputation(name,object) end return factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].reputation[id] else factionsmod.dbg_lvl3("get_reputation: didn't find any factionsmod for: " .. name) end return 0 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: modify_reputation(name,object,delta) -- --! @brief modify reputation of an object for a faction --! @memberof factionsmod --! @public -- --! @param name name of faction to modify reputation --! @param object object to change reputation --! @param delta value to change reputation --! --! @return true/false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.modify_reputation(name,object,delta) local id,type = factionsmod.get_name(object) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil then if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].reputation[id] == nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].reputation[id] = factionsmod.calc_base_reputation(name,object) end factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].reputation[id] = factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].reputation[id] + delta factionsmod.save() return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: get_name(object) -- --! @brief get textual name of object --! @memberof factionsmod --! @private -- --! @param object fetch name for this --! --! @return name or nil,is temporary element ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.get_name(object) if object == nil then return nil,true end if object.object ~= nil then object = object.object end if object:is_player() then return object:get_player_name(),false else local luaentity = object:get_luaentity() if luaentity ~= nil then return tostring(luaentity),true end end return nil,true end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: calc_base_reputation(name,object) -- --! @brief calculate initial reputation of object within a faction --! @memberof factionsmod --! @private -- --! @param name name of faction --! @param object calc reputation for this --! --! @return reputation value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.calc_base_reputation(name,object) --calculate initial reputation based uppon all groups local object_factionsmod = factionsmod.get_factionsmod(object) local rep_value = 0 factionsmod.dbg_lvl3("calc_base_reputation: " .. name .. " <--> " .. tostring(object)) if object_factionsmod ~= nil then factionsmod.dbg_lvl3("calc_base_reputation: " .. tostring(object) .. " is in " .. #object_factionsmod .. " factionsmod") for k,v in pairs(object_factionsmod) do if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v] == nil then print("factionsmod: warning object is member of faction " .. v .. " which doesn't exist") else factionsmod.dbg_lvl3("calc_base_reputation: " .. name .. " <--> " .. v .. " rep=" .. dump(factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].base_reputation[name])) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].base_reputation[name] ~= nil then rep_value = rep_value + factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].base_reputation[name] end end end rep_value = rep_value / #object_factionsmod end return rep_value end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: save() -- --! @brief save data to file --! @memberof factionsmod --! @private ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.enumerateland(name) if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name] ~= nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].land = #factionsmod.data.factionsmod[name].chunk end end function factionsmod.save() --saving is done much more often than reading data to avoid delay --due to figuring out which data to save and which is temporary only --all data is saved here --this implies data needs to be cleant up on load local file,error = io.open(factionsmod_worldid .. "/" .. "factionsmod.conf","w") if file ~= nil then file:write(minetest.serialize(factionsmod.data)) file:close() else minetest.log("error","MOD factionsmod: unable to save factionsmod world specific data!: " .. error) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- name: load() -- --! @brief load data from file --! @memberof factionsmod --! @private -- --! @return true/false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function factionsmod.load() local file,error = io.open(factionsmod_worldid .. "/" .. "factionsmod.conf","r") if file ~= nil then local raw_data = file:read("*a") file:close() if raw_data ~= nil and raw_data ~= "" then local raw_table = minetest.deserialize(raw_data) --read object data local temp_objects = {} if raw_table.objects ~= nil then for key,value in pairs(raw_table.objects) do if value.temporary == false then factionsmod.data.objects[key] = value else temp_objects[key] = true end end end if raw_table.factionsmod ~= nil then for key,value in pairs(raw_table.factionsmod) do factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key] = {} factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].base_reputation = value.base_reputation factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].adminlist = value.adminlist factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].open = value.open factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].invitations = value.invitations factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].chunk = value.chunk factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].power = value.power factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].powercap = value.powercap factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].owner = value.owner factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].land = value.land factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].reputation = {} factionsmod.enumerateland(key) for repkey,repvalue in pairs(value.reputation) do if temp_objects[repkey] == nil then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[key].reputation[repkey] = repvalue end end factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[key] = {} end end --populate dynamic faction member table for id,object in pairs(factionsmod.data.objects) do for name,value in pairs(factionsmod.data.objects[id].factionsmod) do if value then factionsmod.dynamic_data.membertable[name][id] = true end end end end else local file,error = io.open(factionsmod_worldid .. "/" .. "factionsmod.conf","w") if file ~= nil then file:close() else minetest.log("error","MOD factionsmod: unable to save factionsmod world specific data!: " .. error) end end --create special faction players --factionsmod.add_faction("players") if next(factionsmod.get_faction_list()) ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(factionsmod.get_faction_list()) do factionsmod.fix_powercap(v) end end old_is_protected = minetest.is_protected function minetest.is_protected(pos,name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if factionsmod.testifallowed(pos,player) ~= true then return true end return old_is_protected(pos,name) end --autojoin players to faction players minetest.register_on_dieplayer( function(player) if next(factionsmod.get_factionsmod(object)) ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(factionsmod.get_factionsmod(object)) do if v ~= nil then if factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].power - 1 >= -factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].powercap then factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].power = factionsmod.data.factionsmod[v].power - 1 return true end end end end end ) minetest.register_globalstep( function(dtime) if next(factionsmod.get_faction_list()) ~= nil then for k in #factionsmod.get_faction_list() do print(factionsmod.get_faction_list()[k]) factionsmod.data.factionsmod[factionsmod.get_faction_list()[k]].power = factionsmod.data.factionsmod[factionsmod.get_faction_list()[k]].power + (dtime/120.0) end end end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer( function(player) if player:is_player() then --factionsmod.member_add("players",player) end end ) end