# Portuguese translation of the farming mod by TenPlus1 # textdomain: farming # author: BrunoMine <borgesdossantosbruno@gmail.com> # author: TheDarkTiger # last update: 2020/Apr/26 ###### folder . ###### ### init.lua ### Seed=Sementes ### compatibility.lua ### Banana= Banana Leaves= Orange= Strawberry= ### food.lua ### Sugar=Açucar Salt= Rose Water= Turkish Delight= Garlic Bread= Donut=Donut Chocolate Donut=Donut de Chocolate Apple Donut=Donut de Maça Porridge= Jaffa Cake= ### hoes.lua ### Hoe=Enxada Wooden Hoe=Enxada de Madeira Stone Hoe=Enxada de Pedra Steel Hoe=Enxada de Aço Bronze Hoe=Enxada de Bronze Mese Hoe=Enxada de Mese Diamond Hoe=Enxada de Diamante # Surcharge du mod [Toolranks] à faire # Hoe Bomb (use or throw on grassy areas to hoe land)= Mithril Scythe (Right-click to harvest and replant crops)= # Surcharge du mod [Toolranks] à faire # ### soil.lua ### Soil=Solo Wet Soil=Solo Seco ### utensils.lua ### Wooden Bowl= Saucepan= Cooking Pot= Baking Tray= Skillet= Mortar and Pestle= Cutting Board= Juicer= Glass Mixing Bowl= ###### folder ./crops ###### ### barley.lua ### Barley Seed=Sementes de Cevada Barley=Cevada ### beans.lua ### Green Beans=Feijoes Verdes Bean Pole (place on soil before planting beans)=Apoio de feijao (coloque no solo antes de plantar feijao) ### beetroot.lua ### Beetroot= Beetroot Soup= ### blueberry.lua ### Blueberries=Mirtilos Blueberry Muffin=Muffin de Mirtilos Blueberry Pie= ### carrot.lua ## Carrot=Cenoura Carrot Juice= Golden Carrot=Cenoura Dourada ### chili.lua ### Chili Pepper= Bowl of Chili= ### cocoa.lua ### Cocoa Beans=Amendoas de Cacau Cookie=Cookie Bar of Dark Chocolate=Barra de Chocolate Preto Chocolate Block= ### coffee.lua ### Coffee Beans=Grao de Cafe Cup of Coffee=Xicara de Cafe ### corn.lua ### Corn=Milho Corn on the Cob=Espiga de Milho Cornstarch= Bottle of Ethanol=Garrafa de Etanol ### cotton.lua ### Cotton Seed=Sementes de Algodao Cotton=Algodao String= ### cucumber.lua ### Cucumber=Pepino ### garlic.lua ### Garlic clove= Garlic= Garlic Braid= ### grapes.lua ### Grapes=Uvas Trellis (place on soil before planting grapes)=Grade de Ripas (colocar no solo antes de plantar uvas) ### hemp.lua ### Hemp Seed=Sementes de Canhamo Hemp Leaf=Folha de Canhamo Bottle of Hemp Oil=Garrafa de Oleo de Canhamo Hemp Fibre=Fibra de Canhamo Hemp Block= Hemp Rope=Corda de Canhamo ### melon.lua ### Melon Slice=Sementes de Melancia Melon=Melancia ### onion.lua ### Onion= ### peas.lua ### Pea Pod= Peas= Pea Soup= ### pepper.lua ### Peppercorn= Pepper= Ground Pepper= ### pinapple.lua ### Pineapple Top= Pineapple= Pineapple Ring= Pineapple Juice= ### potato.lua ### Potato=Batata Baked Potato=Batata Cozida Cucumber and Potato Salad= ### pumpkin.lua ### Pumpkin Slice=Pedaço de Abobora Jack 'O Lantern (punch to turn on and off)=Jack 'O Lantern (Socos para ligar e desligar) Scarecrow Bottom= Pumpkin Bread=Pao de Abobora Pumpkin Dough=Massa de Abobora Pumpkin=Abobora ### raspberry.lua ### Raspberries=Framboesa Raspberry Smoothie=Batida de Framboesa ### rhubarb.lua ### Rhubarb=Ruibarbo Rhubarb Pie=Torta de Ruibarbo ### ryeoatrice.lua ### Rye= Rye seed= Oat= Oat seed= Rice= Rice grains= Rice Bread= Rice Flour= Multigrain Flour= Multigrain Bread= ### tomato.lua ### Tomato=Tomate ### wheat.lua ### Wheat Seed=Sementes de Trigo Wheat=Trigo Straw=Palha Flour=Farinha Bread=Pao Sliced Bread= Toast= Toast Sandwich=