local insecure_env = minetest.request_insecure_environment() assert(insecure_env, "global_exchange needs to be trusted to run under mod security.") local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) .. "/" local exchange = assert(loadfile(modpath .. "exchange.lua"))(insecure_env). open_exchange(minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/global_exchange.db") local formlib = assert(loadfile(modpath .. "formlib.lua"))() minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() exchange:close() end) local function handle_setbalance_command(caller, name, newbalance) return exchange:set_balance(name, newbalance) end minetest.register_privilege("balance", { description = "Can use /setbalance", give_to_singleplayer = false }) minetest.register_chatcommand("setbalance", { params = "[] ", description = "set a player's trading balance", privs = {balance=true}, func = function(caller, param) local name, balancestr = string.match(param, "([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)") if not name or not balancestr then name = caller balancestr = string.match(param, "([0-9]+)") if not balancestr then return false, "Invalid parameters (see /help setbalance)" end end return handle_setbalance_command(caller, name, tonumber(balancestr)) end, }) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "atm.lua"))(exchange, formlib) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "exchange_machine.lua"))(exchange, formlib) assert(loadfile(modpath .. "digital_mailbox.lua"))(exchange, formlib)