local exchange = ... local mailbox_form = "global_exchange:digital_mailbox" local mailbox_contents = {} local selected_index = {} -- Map from player names to their most recent search result local function get_mail(p_name) local mail_maybe = mailbox_contents[p_name] if mail_maybe then return mail_maybe else mailbox_contents[p_name] = {} return mailbox_contents[p_name] end end local function mk_inbox_list(results, x, y, w, h) local res = {} table.insert(res, "textlist[") table.insert(res, tostring(x)) table.insert(res, ",") table.insert(res, tostring(y)) table.insert(res, ";") table.insert(res, tostring(w)) table.insert(res, ",") table.insert(res, tostring(h)) table.insert(res, ";result_list;") for i, row in ipairs(results) do table.insert(res, row.Amount .. " " .. row.Item) table.insert(res, ",") end table.insert(res, "]") return table.concat(res) end local function mk_mail_fs(p_name, results, err_str) fs = "size[6,8]" if err_str then fs = fs .. "label[0,0;Error: " .. err_str .. "]" end fs = fs .. mk_inbox_list(results, 0, 1, 6, 6) fs = fs .. "button[0,7;2,1;claim;Claim]" return fs end local function show_mail(p_name, results, err_str) minetest.show_formspec(p_name, mailbox_form, mk_mail_fs(p_name, results, err_str)) end local function handle_fields(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= mailbox_form then return end if fields["quit"] then return true end local p_name = player:get_player_name() local idx = selected_index[p_name] if fields["claim"] and idx then local row = get_mail(p_name)[idx] if row then local stack = ItemStack(row.Item) stack:set_count(row.Amount) local p_inv = player:get_inventory() if not p_inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then show_mail(p_name, get_mail(p_name), "Not enough room.") return true end local succ, res = exchange:take_inbox(row.Id, row.Amount) if not succ then show_mail(p_name, get_mail(p_name), res) end stack:set_count(res) p_inv:add_item("main", stack) table.remove(get_mail(p_name), idx) show_mail(p_name, get_mail(p_name)) end end if fields["result_list"] then local event = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields["result_list"]) if event.type == "CHG" then selected_index[p_name] = event.index end end return true end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(handle_fields) minetest.register_node("global_exchange:mailbox", { description = "Digital Mailbox", tiles = {"global_exchange_atm_top.png", "global_exchange_atm_top.png", "global_exchange_mailbox_side.png", }, groups = {cracky=2}, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker) local p_name = clicker:get_player_name() local succ, res = exchange:view_inbox(p_name) mailbox_contents[p_name] = res minetest.show_formspec(p_name, mailbox_form, mk_mail_fs(p_name, res)) end, })