local exchange, formlib = ... local search_cooldown = 2 local summary_interval = 600 local global_inv = nil local S = minetest.get_translator("global_exchange") -- NALC split() function local function split(str, sep) if not str then return nil end local result = {} local regex = ("([^%s]+)"):format(sep) for each in str:gmatch(regex) do if #each > 30 then each = string.sub(each, 1, 30).."..." end table.insert(result, each) end return result end local function is_integer(x) return math.floor(x) == x end local function wear_string(wear) if wear > 0 then return "-" .. math.ceil(100 * wear / 65535) .. "%" else return "----" end end local summary_fs = "" local function mk_summary_fs() local fs = formlib.Builder() fs:tablecolumns("text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text") fs:table(0,0, 11.75,9, "summary_table", function(add_row) add_row("Item", "Description", S("Wear"), S("Buy Vol"), S("Buy Max"), S("Sell Vol"), S("Sell Min")) local all_items = minetest.registered_items for i, row in ipairs(exchange:market_summary()) do local def = all_items[row.Item] or {} add_row(row.Item, split(def.description, "\n")[1] or S("Unknown Item"), wear_string(row.Wear), row.Buy_Volume or 0, row.Buy_Max or "N/A", row.Sell_Volume or 0, row.Sell_Min or "N/A") end end) summary_fs = tostring(fs) end minetest.after(0, mk_summary_fs) local elapsed = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) elapsed = elapsed + dtime if elapsed >= summary_interval then mk_summary_fs() elapsed = 0 end end) local wear_levels = { [1] = { index = 1, text = S("New (-0%)"), wear = math.floor(0.00*65535) }, [2] = { index = 2, text = S("Good (-10%)"), wear = math.floor(0.10*65535) }, [3] = { index = 3, text = S("Worn (-50%)"), wear = math.floor(0.50*65535) }, [4] = { index = 4, text = S("Junk (-100%)"), wear = math.floor(1.00*65535) }, } -- Allow lookup by text label as well as index for _,v in ipairs(wear_levels) do wear_levels[tostring(v.text)] = v end local main_state = {} -- ^ A per-player state for the main form. minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) exchange:new_account(player:get_player_name()) --just to make sure main_state[player:get_player_name()] = { tab = 1, buy_item = "", buy_wear = wear_levels[1].text, buy_price = "", buy_amount = "1", buy_filter = "", sell_price = "", buy_page = 1, buy_pagemax = 0, selected_index = 0, filtered_list = nil, } end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) main_state[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) -- Something similar to creative inventory local pagemax = 1 local pagewidth = 12 local pageheight = 4 local pageitems = pagewidth * pageheight local selectable_list = {} -- Create inventory list after loading all mods minetest.after(0, function() for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if (def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory or 0) == 0 and (split(def.description, "\n")[1] or "") ~= "" then selectable_list[#selectable_list + 1] = name end end table.sort(selectable_list) pagemax = math.max(math.ceil(#selectable_list / pageitems), 1) end) local function filter_list(filter) local filtered_list = {} if not filter or filter == "" then return nil, pagemax end for index, name in ipairs(selectable_list) do local match = string.match(name, filter) or nil if match then filtered_list[#filtered_list+1] = name end end return filtered_list, math.max(math.ceil(#filtered_list / pageitems), 1) end local main_form = "global_exchange:exchange_main" local function table_from_results(fs, results, name, x, y, w, h, selected) fs:tablecolumns("text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text") fs:table(x,y, w,h, name, function(add_row) add_row(S("Poster"), "Type", "Item", "Description", S("Wear"), S("Qty"), S("Rate")) local all_items = minetest.registered_items for i, row in ipairs(results) do local def = all_items[row.Item] or {} add_row(row.Poster, row.Type, row.Item, split(def.description, "\n")[1] or S("Unknown Item"), wear_string(row.Wear), row.Amount, row.Rate) end end, math.max(0, tonumber(selected) or 0) + 1) end local function mk_main_market_fs(fs, p_name, state) fs(summary_fs) end local function mk_main_order_book_fs(fs, p_name, x, y, w, h, item_name) local order_book = exchange:order_book("", item_name) fs:tablecolumns("text", "text", "text", "text") fs:table(x,y, w,h, "order_book", function(add_row) add_row("Type", S("Rate"), S("Wear"), S("Qty")) for _,row in ipairs(order_book) do add_row(row.Type, row.Rate, wear_string(row.Wear), row.Amount) end end, 1) end local function mk_main_buy_fs(fs, p_name, state) mk_main_order_book_fs(fs, p_name, 0, 0, 8.75, 3.75, state.buy_item) fs:item_image_button(9,0, 1,1, "buy_item", state.buy_item) fs:field(10.25,0.40, 2,1, "buy_amount", S("Quantity"), state.buy_amount, false) local wear = wear_levels[state.buy_wear] or wear_levels[1] fs:dropdown(9,1, 3, "buy_wear", function(add_item) for _,v in ipairs(wear_levels) do add_item(v.text) end end, wear.index) fs:field(9.35,2.40, 2.9,1, "buy_price", S("Bid (ea.)"), state.buy_price, false) fs:button(9,3, 3,1, "buy", S("Place Bid")) fs:container(0,4, function() fs:button( 0,0.25, 1,1, "buy_left", "<<") fs:button( 1,0.25, 2,1, "position", state.buy_page .. "/" .. state.buy_pagemax) fs:button(3,0.25, 1,1, "buy_right", ">>") fs:field(5.28,0.55, 3,1, "buy_filter", S("Filter"), state.buy_filter, false) fs:button(8, 0.25, 2,1, "filter", S("Search")) fs:button(10, 0.25, 2,1, "reset_filter", S("Reset")) local firstitem = ((state.buy_page - 1) * pageitems) local item_list = state.filtered_list or selectable_list for y=0,(pageheight-1) do for x=0,(pagewidth-1) do local index = firstitem + (pagewidth * y) + x + 1 if item_list[index] then fs:item_image_button(x,1.25+y, 1,1, "select_" .. index, item_list[index]) end end end end) end local function mk_main_sell_fs(fs, p_name, state) local sell_stack = global_inv:get_stack("p_" .. p_name, 1) local sell_item = (not sell_stack:is_empty() and sell_stack:get_name()) or "" mk_main_order_book_fs(fs, p_name, 0, 0, 8.75, 3.75, sell_item) fs:list(9,0, 1,1, "detached:global_exchange", "p_" .. p_name) fs:field(9.35,2.40, 2.9,1, "sell_price", S("Ask (ea.)"), state.sell_price, false) fs:button(9,3, 3,1, "sell", S("Sell")) fs:box(1.9375,5.1875, 7.96875,4.03, "#00000020") fs:list(2,5.25, 8,4, "current_player", "main") end local function mk_main_own_orders_fs(fs, p_name, state) if not state.own_results then state.own_results = exchange:search_player_orders(p_name) or {} end state.selected_index = math.min(state.selected_index or 0, #state.own_results) table_from_results(fs, state.own_results, "result_table", 0, 0, 11.75, 8.5, state.selected_index) fs:button(4.5,8.5, 3,1, "cancel", S("Cancel Order")) end local main_tabs = { [1] = { text = S("Market"), mk_fs = mk_main_market_fs }, [2] = { text = S("Buy"), mk_fs = mk_main_buy_fs }, [3] = { text = S("Sell"), mk_fs = mk_main_sell_fs }, [4] = { text = S("My Orders"), mk_fs = mk_main_own_orders_fs }, } local function mk_main_fs(fs, p_name, err_str, success) local state = main_state[p_name] if not state then return end -- Should have been initialized on player join fs:size(12,10) fs:bgcolor("#606060", false) fs:tabheader(0,0.65, "tab", function(add_tab) for _,tab in ipairs(main_tabs) do add_tab(tab.text) end end, state.tab or 1, false, true) local bal = exchange:get_balance(p_name) fs:label(0,0.37, "Balance: " .. bal) if err_str then fs:label(4,0.37, err_str) elseif success then fs:label(4,0.37, "Success!") end if main_tabs[state.tab] then fs:container(0,1, main_tabs[state.tab].mk_fs, p_name, state) end end local function show_main(p_name, err_str, success) local fs = formlib.Builder() mk_main_fs(fs, p_name, err_str, success) minetest.show_formspec(p_name, main_form, tostring(fs)) end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) -- the inventory list name (for selling) is "p_"..player_name global_inv:set_size("p_" .. player:get_player_name(), 1) end) -- Returns success, and also returns an error message if failed. local function post_buy(player, ex_name, item_name, wear_str, amount_str, rate_str) local p_name = player:get_player_name() if (item_name or "") == "" then return false, S("You must input an item") elseif not minetest.registered_items[item_name] then return false, S("That item does not exist.") end local wear_level = wear_levels[wear_str] if not wear_level then return false, S("Invalid wear.") end local amount = tonumber(amount_str) local rate = tonumber(rate_str) if not amount or not is_integer(amount) or amount < 1 then return false, S("Invalid amount.") elseif not rate or not is_integer(rate) or rate < 1 then return false, S("Invalid rate.") end local p_inv = player:get_inventory() local stack = ItemStack(item_name) local succ, res = exchange:buy(p_name, ex_name, item_name, wear_level.wear, amount, rate) if not succ then return false, res end for _,row in ipairs(res) do stack:set_count(row.amount) stack:set_wear(row.wear) local leftover = p_inv:add_item("main", stack) -- Put anything that won't fit in the inventory in the player's inbox if not leftover:is_empty() then exchange:put_in_inbox(p_name, item_name, row.wear, leftover:get_count()) end end -- Refresh market summary "soonish" elapsed = math.max(elapsed, summary_interval - 5) return true end -- Returns success, and also returns an error message if failed. -- The item to sell is determined by the player's list in global_inv. local function post_sell(player, ex_name, rate_str) local p_name = player:get_player_name() local stack = global_inv:get_stack("p_" .. p_name, 1) if not stack or stack:is_empty() then return false, S("You must input an item") elseif not minetest.registered_items[stack:get_name()] then return false, S("That item does not exist.") end if stack.get_meta then local meta = stack:get_meta() local def_meta = ItemStack(stack:get_name()):get_meta() if not stack:get_meta():equals(def_meta) then return false, S("Cannot sell an item with metadata.") end elseif (stack:get_metadata() or "") ~= "" then return false, S("Cannot sell an item with metadata.") end local rate = tonumber(rate_str) if not rate or not is_integer(rate) or rate < 1 then return false, S("Invalid rate.") end local item_name = stack:get_name() local wear = stack:get_wear() local amount = stack:get_count() local succ, res = exchange:sell(p_name, ex_name, item_name, wear, amount, rate) if not succ then return false, res end stack:clear() global_inv:set_stack("p_" .. p_name, 1, stack) -- Refresh market summary "soonish" elapsed = math.max(elapsed, summary_interval - 5) return true end local function handle_main(player, fields) local p_name = player:get_player_name() local state = main_state[p_name] local copy_fields = { "buy_wear", "buy_amount", "buy_price", "buy_filter", "sell_price" } for _,k in ipairs(copy_fields) do if fields[k] then state[k] = fields[k] end end if state.buy_pagemax == 0 then state.buy_pagemax = pagemax end if fields.tab then state.tab = tonumber(fields.tab) or 1 show_main(p_name) end if fields.buy_left then state.buy_page = (((state.buy_page or 1) + ((2*state.buy_pagemax-1) - 1)) % state.buy_pagemax) + 1 show_main(p_name) end if fields.buy_right then state.buy_page = (((state.buy_page or 1) + ((2*state.buy_pagemax-1) + 1)) % state.buy_pagemax) + 1 show_main(p_name) end local item_list = state.filtered_list or selectable_list for name in pairs(fields) do local index = tonumber(string.match(name, "select_([0-9]+)")) if index and index >= 1 and index <= #item_list then state.buy_item = item_list[index] show_main(p_name) end end if fields.buy then local succ, err = post_buy(player, "", state.buy_item, fields.buy_wear, fields.buy_amount, fields.buy_price) if succ then state.buy_amount = "1" state.buy_price = "" state.own_results = nil show_main(p_name, nil, true) else show_main(p_name, err) end end if fields.filter then state.filtered_list, state.buy_pagemax = filter_list(state.buy_filter) state.buy_page = 1 show_main(p_name) end if fields.reset_filter then state.buy_filter = "" state.filtered_list, state.buy_pagemax = filter_list(nil) state.buy_page = 1 show_main(p_name) end if fields.sell then local succ, err = post_sell(player, "", fields.sell_price) if succ then state.sell_price = "" state.own_results = nil show_main(p_name, nil, true) else show_main(p_name, err) end end local idx = state.selected_index local own_results = state.own_results or {} if fields.cancel and own_results[idx] then local succ, res = exchange:cancel_order(p_name, own_results[idx].Id) if succ then if res.Type == "sell" then local p_inv = player:get_inventory() local stack = ItemStack(res.Item) stack:set_count(res.Amount) stack:set_wear(res.Wear) local leftover = p_inv:add_item("main", stack) -- Put anything that won't fit in the inventory in the player's inbox if not leftover:is_empty() then exchange:put_in_inbox(p_name, res.Item, res.Wear, leftover:get_count()) end end -- Refresh market summary "soonish" elapsed = math.max(elapsed, summary_interval - 5) end state.own_results = nil show_main(p_name) end if fields.result_table then local event = minetest.explode_table_event(fields.result_table) if event.type == "CHG" then state.selected_index = event.row - 1 show_main(p_name) end end if fields.quit then -- Return the player's unsold inventory, if any local stack = global_inv:get_stack("p_" .. p_name, 1) local p_inv = player:get_inventory() local leftover = p_inv:add_item("main", stack) -- Whatever doesn't fit in the player's inventory stays in the form. -- Note that any items in the form when the server exits are lost. global_inv:set_stack("p_" .. p_name, 1, leftover) state.own_results = nil end end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname == main_form then handle_main(player, fields) else return end return true end) global_inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory("global_exchange", { allow_move = function(inv,from_list,from_index,to_list,to_index,count,player) return 0 end, allow_put = function(inv,to_list,to_index,stack,player) local p_name = player:get_player_name() if to_list == "p_" .. p_name then return stack:get_count() else return 0 end end, allow_take = function(inv,from_list,from_index,stack,player) local p_name = player:get_player_name() if from_list == "p_" .. p_name then return stack:get_count() else return 0 end end, on_put = function(inv,to_list,to_index,stack,player) show_main(player:get_player_name()) end, on_take = function(inv,from_list,from_index,stack,player) show_main(player:get_player_name()) end, }) minetest.register_node("global_exchange:exchange", { description = "Exchange Terminal", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = { "global_exchange_terminal_top.png", "global_exchange_terminal_bottom.png", "global_exchange_terminal_right.png", "global_exchange_terminal_right.png^[transform4", "global_exchange_terminal_back.png", "global_exchange_terminal_front.png", }, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {cracky=2}, is_ground_content = false, stack_max = 1, light_source = 3, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-8/16, -4/16, 3/16, 8/16, 8/16, 5/16},--screens {-1/16, -7/16, 5/16, 1/16, 5/16, 7/16},--screen leg {-3/16, -8/16, 4/16, 3/16, -7/16, 8/16},--leg platform {-7/16, -8/16, -8/16, 2/16, -6/16, -3/16},--keyboard { 3/16, -8/16, -3/16, 7/16, -7/16, 3/16},--phone low { 4/16, -7/16, -1/16, 6/16, -6/16, 3/16},--phone hi { 2/16, -7/16, 0/16, 8/16, -5/16, 2/16},--phone speaker } }, on_rightclick = function(_, _, clicker) local p_name = clicker:get_player_name() local state = main_state[p_name] if state then state.search_results = {} end show_main(p_name) end, }) minetest.register_craft( { output = "global_exchange:exchange", recipe = { { "default:steel_ingot", "default:steel_ingot", "default:steel_ingot" }, { "default:mese_crystal", "default:steel_ingot", "default:diamond" }, { "default:steel_ingot", "default:steel_ingot", "default:steel_ingot" }, } }) -- vim:set ts=4 sw=4 noet: