-- Vars local function setting_get(name, default) return minetest.settings:get(name) or default end local speed = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_speed", "1.3")) local jump = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_jump", "1.1")) local dir = minetest.is_yes(setting_get("sprint_forward_only", "false")) local particles = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_particles", "2")) local stamina = minetest.is_yes(setting_get("sprint_stamina", "true")) local stamina_drain = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_stamina_drain", "2")) local stamina_heal = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_stamina_heal", "2")) local standing = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_stamina_standing", "2.5")) local replenish = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_stamina_replenish", "2")) local starve = minetest.is_yes(setting_get("sprint_starve", "true")) local starve_drain = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_starve_drain", "0.5")) local starve_limit = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_starve_limit", "6")) local breath = minetest.is_yes(setting_get("sprint_breath", "true")) local breath_drain = tonumber(setting_get("sprint_breath_drain", "1")) local autohide = minetest.is_yes(setting_get("hudbars_autohide_stamina", "true")) local sprint_timer_step = 0.5 local sprint_timer = 0 local sprinting = {} local stamina_timer = {} local breath_timer = {} local mod_hudbars = minetest.get_modpath("hudbars") ~= nil local mod_player_monoids = minetest.get_modpath("player_monoids") ~= nil local mod_playerphysics = minetest.get_modpath("playerphysics") ~= nil if starve then if minetest.get_modpath("hbhunger") then starve = "hbhunger" elseif minetest.get_modpath("hunger_ng") then starve = "hunger_ng" else starve = false end end if minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then starve = false end -- Functions local function start_sprint(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if not sprinting[name] then if mod_player_monoids then player_monoids.speed:add_change(player, speed, "hbsprint:speed") player_monoids.jump:add_change(player, jump, "hbsprint:jump") elseif mod_playerphysics then playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "speed", "hbsprint:speed", speed) playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "jump", "hbsprint:jump", jump) else player:set_physics_override({speed = speed, jump = jump}) end sprinting[name] = true end end local function stop_sprint(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if sprinting[name] then if mod_player_monoids then player_monoids.speed:del_change(player, "hbsprint:speed") player_monoids.jump:del_change(player, "hbsprint:jump") elseif mod_playerphysics then playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "speed", "hbsprint:speed") playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "jump", "hbsprint:jump") else player:set_physics_override({speed = 1, jump = 1}) end sprinting[name] = false end end local function drain_stamina(player) local player_stamina = player:get_meta():get_float("hbsprint:stamina") if player_stamina > 0 then player_stamina = math.max(0, player_stamina - stamina_drain) player:get_meta():set_float("hbsprint:stamina", player_stamina) end if mod_hudbars then if autohide and player_stamina < hb.get_hudtable("stamina").hudstate[player:get_player_name()].max then hb.unhide_hudbar(player, "stamina") end hb.change_hudbar(player, "stamina", player_stamina) end end local function replenish_stamina(player) local player_stamina = player:get_meta():get_float("hbsprint:stamina") local max_stamina = hb.get_hudtable("stamina").hudstate[player:get_player_name()].max local ctrl = player:get_player_control() if player_stamina < max_stamina and not ctrl.jump then if not ctrl.right and not ctrl.left and not ctrl.down and not ctrl.up and not ctrl.LMB and not ctrl.RMB then player_stamina = math.min(max_stamina, player_stamina + standing) else player_stamina = math.min(max_stamina, player_stamina + stamina_heal) end player:get_meta():set_float("hbsprint:stamina", player_stamina) end if mod_hudbars then hb.change_hudbar(player, "stamina", player_stamina) if autohide and player_stamina >= max_stamina then hb.hide_hudbar(player, "stamina") end end end local function drain_hunger(player, name) if starve == "hbhunger" then local hunger = tonumber(hbhunger.hunger[name]) - starve_drain hbhunger.hunger[name] = math.max(0, hunger) hbhunger.set_hunger_raw(player) elseif starve == "hunger_ng" then hunger_ng.alter_hunger(name, -starve_drain, "Sprinting") end end local function drain_breath(player) local player_breath = player:get_breath() if player_breath < player:get_properties().breath_max then player_breath = math.max(0, player_breath - breath_drain) player:set_breath(player_breath) end end local function is_walkable(ground) local ground_def = minetest.registered_nodes[ground.name] return ground_def and (ground_def.walkable and ground_def.liquidtype == "none") end local function create_particles(player, name, ground) local def = minetest.registered_nodes[ground.name] local tile = def.tiles[1] or def.inventory_image if type(tile) == "table" then tile = tile.name end if not tile then return end local pos = player:get_pos() local rand = function() return math.random(-1,1) * math.random() / 2 end for i = 1, particles do minetest.add_particle({ pos = {x = pos.x + rand(), y = pos.y + 0.1, z = pos.z + rand()}, velocity = {x = 0, y = 5, z = 0}, acceleration = {x = 0, y = -13, z = 0}, expirationtime = math.random(), size = math.random() + 0.5, vertical = false, texture = tile, }) end end -- Registrations if mod_hudbars and stamina then hb.register_hudbar( "stamina", 0xFFFFFF, "Stamina", { bar = "sprint_stamina_bar.png", icon = "sprint_stamina_icon.png", bgicon = "sprint_stamina_bgicon.png" }, 20, 20, autohide) end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) if stamina then if mod_hudbars then hb.init_hudbar(player, "stamina", 20, 20, autohide) end player:get_meta():set_float("hbsprint:stamina", 20) end end) local function sprint_step(player, dtime) local name = player:get_player_name() local fast = minetest.get_player_privs(name).fast if not fast then if stamina then stamina_timer[name] = (stamina_timer[name] or 0) + dtime end if breath then breath_timer[name] = (breath_timer[name] or 0) + dtime end end local ctrl = player:get_player_control() local key_press if dir then key_press = ctrl.aux1 and ctrl.up and not ctrl.left and not ctrl.right else key_press = ctrl.aux1 and (ctrl.up or ctrl.left or ctrl.right or ctrl.down) end if not key_press then stop_sprint(player) if stamina and not fast and stamina_timer[name] >= replenish then replenish_stamina(player) stamina_timer[name] = 0 end return end local ground_pos = player:get_pos() ground_pos.y = math.floor(ground_pos.y) -- check if player is reasonably near a walkable node local ground for _, y_off in ipairs({0, -1, -2}) do local testpos = vector.add(ground_pos, {x=0, y=y_off, z=0}) local testnode = minetest.get_node_or_nil(testpos) if testnode ~= nil and is_walkable(testnode) then ground = testnode break end end local player_stamina = 1 if stamina then player_stamina = player:get_meta():get_float("hbsprint:stamina") end local hunger = 30 if starve == "hbhunger" then hunger = tonumber(hbhunger.hunger[name]) elseif starve == "hunger_ng" then hunger = hunger_ng.get_hunger_information(name).hunger.exact end if (player_stamina > 0 and hunger > starve_limit and ground) or fast then start_sprint(player) if stamina and not fast then drain_stamina(player) end if starve then drain_hunger(player, name) end if breath and not fast and breath_timer[name] >= 2 then drain_breath(player) breath_timer[name] = 0 end if particles and ground then create_particles(player, name, ground) end else stop_sprint(player) end end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) sprint_timer = sprint_timer + dtime if sprint_timer >= sprint_timer_step then for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do sprint_step(player, sprint_timer) end sprint_timer = 0 end end) minetest.log("action", "[hbsprint] loaded.")