forked from mtcontrib/homedecor_modpack
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Adobe Stair=Adobetreppe
Brobble Spread=Ziesterboden
Brobble Spread=Ziesterboden
Chess board tiling=Schachbrettkacheln
Chess board tiling=Schachbrettkacheln
Fake Grass=Falsches Gras
Fake Grass=Falsches Gras
Fake Grass Slab=
Fake Grass Slab=Falsches-Gras-Stufe
Fake Grass Stair=
Fake Grass Stair=Falsches-Gras-Treppe
Grate Slab=Roststufe
Grate Slab=Roststufe
@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ Marble=Marmor
Marble Slab=Marmorstufe
Marble Slab=Marmorstufe
Marble Stair=Marmortreppe
Marble Stair=Marmortreppe
Roof block=Dachblock
Roof block=Dachblock
Roof block Slab=
Roof block Slab=Dachblockstufe
Roof block Stair=
Roof block Stair=Dachblocktreppe
Streak Free Glass=Schlierenfreies Glas
Streak Free Glass=Schlierenfreies Glas
Streak Free Glass Slab=
Streak Free Glass Slab=Schlierenfreies-Glas-Stufe
Streak Free Glass Stair=
Streak Free Glass Stair=Schlierenfreies-Glas-Treppe
Tar Slab=Teerstufe
Tar Slab=Teerstufe
Tar Stair=Teertreppe
Tar Stair=Teertreppe
Tarmac Spread=Asphaltboden
Tarmac Spread=Asphaltboden
Terrycloth towel=Frottiertuch
Terrycloth towel=Frottiertuch
Wood Framed Glass=Holzrahmenglas
Wood Framed Glass=Holzrahmenglas
Wood Framed Glass Slab=
Wood Framed Glass Slab=Holzrahmenglasstufe
Wood Framed Glass Stair=
Wood Framed Glass Stair=Holzrahmenglastreppe
### others.lua ###
### others.lua ###
@ -3,33 +3,33 @@
### computers.lua ###
### computers.lua ###
Admiral128=Admiral 128
Admiral64=Admiral 64
Computer Tower=Computerturm
Computer Tower=Computerturm
Monitor and keyboard=Bildschirm und Tastatur
Monitor and keyboard=Bildschirm und Tastatur
Nientiendo Wee=
Nientiendo Wee=Tinnendo iiW
Not enough vertical space to place a server!=Es gibt nicht genug vertikalen Platz, um einen Server zu platzieren!
Not enough vertical space to place a server!=Es gibt nicht genug vertikalen Platz, um einen Server zu platzieren!
Pony SlayStation=
Pony SlayStation=Pony Slaystation
Pony SlayStation 2=
Pony SlayStation 2=Pony Slaystation 2
Pony Vanio=
Pony Vanio=Pony Oiva
Rack Server=Serverschrank
Rack Server=Serverschrank
SX Specter=
SX Specter=Z Inspektor
SheFriendSOO=Freundin S00
Snapple Piepad=
Snapple Piepad=Apfel-Ei-Pat
WIFI Router=WiFi-Router
WIFI Router=WiFi-Router
### printers.lua ###
### printers.lua ###
3D Printer ("bedflinger")=
3D Printer ("bedflinger")=3D Drucker ("Bettschubser")
Printer-Scanner Combo=Multifunktionsdrucker
Printer-Scanner Combo=Multifunktionsdrucker
### tetris.lua ###
### tetris.lua ###
New Game=Neues Spiel
New Game=Neues Spiel
No room for place the Arcade!=Kein Platz, um den Arkadeautomaten zu platzieren!
No room for place the Arcade!=Kein Platz, um den Arkadeautomaten zu platzieren!
Score: =Punktzahl:
Score: =Punktzahl:
Tetris Arcade=Tetris-Arkadeautomat
Tetris Arcade=Tetris-Arkadeautomat
@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
"Half" Door=„Halbe“ Tür
"Half" Door=„Halbe“ Tür
"Half" Door (white)=„Halbe“ Tür (weiß)
"Half" Door (white)=„Halbe“ Tür (weiß)
Barbed Wire Fence Gate=Stacheldrahtzauntor
Barbed Wire Fence Gate=Stacheldrahtzauntor
Basic white panel Door=
Basic white panel Door=weiße Zimmertür
Chainlink Fence Gate=Maschendrahtzauntor
Chainlink Fence Gate=Maschendrahtzauntor
Fancy Wood/Glass Door=
Fancy Wood/Glass Door=moderne Tür mit Lichtausschnitt
French door, Mahogany-colored=
French door, Mahogany-colored=französische Flügeltür (Mahagonidesign)
French door, Oak-colored=
French door, Oak-colored=französische Flügeltür (Eichendesign)
French door, White=
French door, White=französische Flügeltür (weiß)
Japanese-style door=Tür im japanischen Stil
Japanese-style door=Tür im japanischen Stil
Mahogany Closet Door=
Mahogany Closet Door=Mahagonilamellentür
Oak Closet Door=
Oak Closet Door=Eichenlamellentür
Plain Wooden Door=
Plain Wooden Door=Echtholz-Zimmertür
Unpainted Picket Fence Gate=Unlackiertes Lattenzauntor
Unpainted Picket Fence Gate=Unlackiertes Lattenzauntor
White Picket Fence Gate=Weißes Lattenzauntor
White Picket Fence Gate=Weißes Lattenzauntor
Wooden Carolina door=
Wooden Carolina door=Holztür, Carolina-Stil
Wooden door with glass insert, type 3=
Wooden door with glass insert, type 3=Tür mit Lichtausschnitt
Wrought Iron Gate/Door=
Wrought Iron Gate/Door=schmiedeeisernes Tor
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ Barbecue=Grill
Garden Lattice (@1)=Gartenzaun (@1)
Garden Lattice (@1)=Gartenzaun (@1)
Garden stone path=Gartensteinpfad
Garden stone path=Gartensteinpfad
No room in your inventory to add a filled bucket!=
No room in your inventory to add a filled bucket!=Kein Platz im Inventar für einen vollen Eimer.
No room under there to hang a swing.=
No room under there to hang a swing.=Darunter ist kein Platz zum Aufhängen einer Schaukel.
Shrubbery (@1)=Gebüsch (@1)
Shrubbery (@1)=Gebüsch (@1)
Shrubbery (large, @1)=Gebüsch (@1)
Shrubbery (large, @1)=Gebüsch (@1)
Tree's swing=Baumschaukel
Tree's swing=Baumschaukel
Water well=Wasserbrunnen
Water well=Wasserbrunnen
You have to point at the bottom side of an overhanging object to place a swing.=
You have to point at the bottom side of an overhanging object to place a swing.=Um eine Schaukel zu plazieren, muss auf die Unterseite eines überhängenden Objektes gezeigt werden.
@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ for _, light_brightn_name in ipairs({"off", "on"}) do
-- rope lighting
-- rope lighting
minetest.register_node(":homedecor:rope_light_on_floor_"..light_brightn_name, {
minetest.register_node(":homedecor:rope_light_on_floor_"..light_brightn_name, {
description = "Rope lighting (on floor)",
description = S("Rope lighting (on floor)"),
inventory_image = "homedecor_rope_light_on_floor.png",
inventory_image = "homedecor_rope_light_on_floor.png",
paramtype = "light",
paramtype = "light",
light_source = word_to_bright[light_brightn_name],
light_source = word_to_bright[light_brightn_name],
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ for _, light_brightn_name in ipairs({"off", "on"}) do
minetest.register_node(":homedecor:rope_light_on_ceiling_"..light_brightn_name, {
minetest.register_node(":homedecor:rope_light_on_ceiling_"..light_brightn_name, {
description = "Rope lighting (on ceiling)",
description = S("Rope lighting (on ceiling)"),
inventory_image = "homedecor_rope_light_on_ceiling.png",
inventory_image = "homedecor_rope_light_on_ceiling.png",
paramtype = "light",
paramtype = "light",
light_source = word_to_bright[light_brightn_name],
light_source = word_to_bright[light_brightn_name],
@ -5,28 +5,30 @@
Candlestick (brass)=Kerzenhalter (Messing)
Candlestick (brass)=Kerzenhalter (Messing)
Candlestick (wrought iron)=Kerzenhalter (Schmiedeeisen)
Candlestick (wrought iron)=Kerzenhalter (Schmiedeeisen)
Ceiling Lamp/Light=
Ceiling Lamp/Light=Deckenlampe
Ceiling Lantern/Light=
Ceiling Lantern/Light=Deckenlaterne
Chandelier (brass)=Kronleuchter (Messing)
Chandelier (brass)=Kronleuchter (Messing)
Chandelier (steel)=
Chandelier (steel)=Kronleuchter (Stahl)
Desk Lamp/Light=
Desk Lamp/Light=Schreibtischlampe
Ground Lantern/Light=
Ground Lantern/Light=Standlaterne
Hanging Lantern/Light=
Hanging Lantern/Light=hängende Laterne
Hanging chain (ceiling mount, brass)=Hängende Kette (Decke, Messing)
Hanging chain (ceiling mount, brass)=Hängende Kette (Decke, Messing)
Hanging chain (ceiling mount, steel)=
Hanging chain (ceiling mount, steel)=Hängende Kette (Decke, Eisen)
Lattice lantern/Light (large)=
Lattice lantern/Light (large)=Gitterlaterne (groß)
Lattice lantern/light (small)=
Lattice lantern/light (small)=Gitterlaterne (klein)
Oil Lamp/Light (tabletop)=
Oil Lamp/Light (tabletop)=Tisch-Öllampe
Oil lamp/Light (hurricane)=
Oil lamp/Light (hurricane)=Öl-Sturmlaterne
Plasma Ball/light=
Plasma Ball/light=Plasmakugel
Plasma Lamp/Light=
Plasma Lamp/Light=Plasmalampe
Rope lighting (on ceiling)=Lichtband an der Decke
Rope lighting (on floor)=Lichtband am Boden
Small Glowlight Cube=Kleiner Glimmlichtwürfel
Small Glowlight Cube=Kleiner Glimmlichtwürfel
Standing Lamp/Light=
Standing Lamp/Light=Stehlampe
Table Lamp/Light=
Table Lamp/Light=Tischlampe
Thick Candle=Dicke Kerze
Thick Candle=Dicke Kerze
Thick Glowlight=Dickes Glimmlicht
Thick Glowlight=Dickes Glimmlicht
Thin Candle=Dünne Kerze
Thin Candle=Dünne Kerze
Thin Glowlight=Dünnes Glimmlicht
Thin Glowlight=Dünnes Glimmlicht
Wall Lamp/light=
Wall Lamp/light=Wandlaterne
Wall Torch=Wandfackel
Wall Torch=Wandfackel
Wall sconce=Wandkerze
Wall sconce=Wandkerze
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ Oil Lamp/Light (tabletop)=
Oil lamp/Light (hurricane)=
Oil lamp/Light (hurricane)=
Plasma Ball/light=
Plasma Ball/light=
Plasma Lamp/Light=
Plasma Lamp/Light=
Rope lighting (on ceiling)=
Rope lighting (on floor)=
Small Glowlight Cube=
Small Glowlight Cube=
Standing Lamp/Light=
Standing Lamp/Light=
Table Lamp/Light=
Table Lamp/Light=
@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
### init.lua ###
### init.lua ###
Blank Canvas=Leeres Leintuch
Blank Canvas=Leeres Leintuch
Decorative painting #@1=
Decorative painting #@1=dekoratives Wandbild @1
Picture Frame @1=Bilderrahmen @1
Picture Frame @1=Bilderrahmen @1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user