local S = homedecor.gettext function homedecor.toggle_switch(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) if minetest.is_protected(pos, clicker:get_player_name()) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, sender:get_player_name()) return false end local sep = string.find(node.name, "_o", -5) local onoff = string.sub(node.name, sep + 1) local newname = string.sub(node.name, 1, sep - 1)..((onoff == "off") and "_on" or "_off") minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = newname, param2 = node.param2}) return true end local on_rc local switch_receptor if minetest.get_modpath("mesecons") then on_rc = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) local t = homedecor.toggle_switch(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) if not t then return end if string.find(node.name, "_on", -5) then mesecon.receptor_off(pos, mesecon.rules.buttonlike_get(node)) else mesecon.receptor_on(pos, mesecon.rules.buttonlike_get(node)) end end switch_receptor = { receptor = { state = mesecon.state[onoff], rules = mesecon.rules.buttonlike_get } } end homedecor.register("power_outlet", { description = S("Power Outlet"), tiles = { "homedecor_outlet_edges.png", "homedecor_outlet_edges.png", "homedecor_outlet_edges.png", "homedecor_outlet_edges.png", "homedecor_outlet_back.png", "homedecor_outlet_edges.png" }, inventory_image = "homedecor_outlet_inv.png", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -0.125, -0.3125, 0.4375, 0.125, 0, 0.5}, } }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -0.1875, -0.375, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.0625, 0.5}, } }, groups = {cracky=3,dig_immediate=2}, walkable = false }) for _, onoff in ipairs ({"on", "off"}) do local model = { { -0.125, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.125, -0.1875, 0.5 }, { -0.03125, -0.3125, 0.40625, 0.03125, -0.25, 0.5 }, } if onoff == "on" then model = { { -0.125, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.125, -0.1875, 0.5 }, { -0.03125, -0.4375, 0.40625, 0.03125, -0.375, 0.5 }, } end homedecor.register("light_switch_"..onoff, { description = S("Light switch"), tiles = { "homedecor_light_switch_edges.png", "homedecor_light_switch_edges.png", "homedecor_light_switch_edges.png", "homedecor_light_switch_edges.png", "homedecor_light_switch_back.png", "homedecor_light_switch_front_"..onoff..".png" }, inventory_image = "homedecor_light_switch_inv.png", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = model }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -0.1875, -0.5625, 0.375, 0.1875, -0.1250, 0.5 }, } }, groups = {cracky=3, dig_immediate=2, mesecon_needs_receiver=1, not_in_creative_inventory = (onoff == "on") and 1 or nil}, walkable = false, drop = { items = { {items = {"homedecor:light_switch_off"}, inherit_color = true }, } }, mesecons = switch_receptor, on_rightclick = on_rc }) end homedecor.register("doorbell", { tiles = { "homedecor_doorbell.png" }, inventory_image = "homedecor_doorbell_inv.png", description = S("Doorbell"), groups = {snappy=3}, walkable = false, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.0625, 0, 0.46875, 0.0625, 0.1875, 0.5}, -- NodeBox1 {-0.03125, 0.0625, 0.45, 0.03125, 0.125, 0.4675}, -- NodeBox2 } }, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) minetest.sound_play("homedecor_doorbell", { pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 15 }) end }) -- crafting minetest.register_craft( { output = "homedecor:power_outlet", recipe = { {"basic_materials:plastic_sheet", "basic_materials:copper_strip"}, {"basic_materials:plastic_sheet", ""}, {"basic_materials:plastic_sheet", "basic_materials:copper_strip"} }, }) minetest.register_craft( { output = "homedecor:light_switch_off", recipe = { {"", "basic_materials:plastic_sheet", "basic_materials:copper_strip"}, {"basic_materials:plastic_sheet", "basic_materials:plastic_sheet", "basic_materials:copper_strip"}, {"", "basic_materials:plastic_sheet", "basic_materials:copper_strip"} }, }) minetest.register_craft( { output = "homedecor:doorbell", recipe = { { "homedecor:light_switch", "basic_materials:energy_crystal_simple", "homedecor:speaker_driver" } }, }) -- aliases minetest.register_alias("homedecor:light_switch", "homedecor:light_switch_on")