-- Support the old multi-load method intllib = intllib or {} local MP = minetest.get_modpath("intllib") dofile(MP.."/lib.lua") local strings = {} local LANG = minetest.setting_get("language") if not (LANG and (LANG ~= "")) then LANG = os.getenv("LANG") end if not (LANG and (LANG ~= "")) then LANG = "en" end LANG = LANG:sub(1, 2) -- Support the old multi-load method intllib.getters = intllib.getters or {} intllib.strings = {} local function noop_getter(s) return s end function intllib.Getter(modname) modname = modname or minetest.get_current_modname() if not intllib.getters[modname] then local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) if modpath then local filename = modpath.."/locale/"..LANG..".txt" local msgstr = intllib.load_strings(filename) intllib.strings[modname] = msgstr or false if msgstr then intllib.getters[modname] = function (s) if msgstr[s] and msgstr[s] ~= "" then return msgstr[s] end return s end else intllib.getters[modname] = noop_getter end end end return intllib.getters[modname] end function intllib.get_strings(modname) modname = modname or minetest.get_current_modname() local msgstr = intllib.strings[modname] if msgstr == nil then local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) msgstr = intllib.load_strings(modpath.."/locale/"..LANG..".txt") intllib.strings[modname] = msgstr end return msgstr or nil end