-- IRC Mod for Minetest -- (C) 2012 Diego Martínez -- -- This mod allows to tie a Minetest server to an IRC channel. -- -- This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to -- the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want -- To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See -- http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. -- local MODPATH = minetest.get_modpath("irc"); mt_irc = { }; dofile(MODPATH.."/config.lua"); mt_irc.cur_time = 0; mt_irc.buffered_messages = { }; mt_irc.connected_players = { }; package.path = MODPATH.."/?.lua;"..package.path; package.cpath = MODPATH.."/lib?.so;"..MODPATH.."/?.dll;"..package.cpath; local irc = require 'irc'; irc.DEBUG = ((mt_irc.debug and true) or false); -- Set defaults if not specified. if (not mt_irc.server_nick) then local pr = PseudoRandom(os.time()); -- Workaround for bad distribution in minetest PRNG implementation. local fmt = "minetest-%02X%02X%02X%02X"; mt_irc.server_nick = fmt:format( pr:next(0, 255), pr:next(0, 255), pr:next(0, 255), pr:next(0, 255) ); end mt_irc.server = (mt_irc.server or "irc.freenode.net"); mt_irc.port = (mt_irc.port or 6667); mt_irc.channel = (mt_irc.channel or "#mtgamechatforservers"); mt_irc.dtime = (mt_irc.dtime or 0.2); mt_irc.timeout = (mt_irc.timeout or 60.0); mt_irc.message_format_out = (mt_irc.message_format_out or "<$(nick)> $(message)"); mt_irc.message_format_in = (mt_irc.message_format_in or "<$(name)@IRC[$(channel)]> $(message)"); if (mt_irc.connect_on_join == nil) then mt_irc.connect_on_join = false; end if (mt_irc.connect_on_load == nil) then mt_irc.connect_on_load = false; end minetest.register_privilege("irc_admin", { description = "Allow IRC administrative tasks to be performed."; give_to_singleplayer = true; }); minetest.register_globalstep(function ( dtime ) if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then return; end mt_irc.cur_time = mt_irc.cur_time + dtime; if (mt_irc.cur_time >= mt_irc.dtime) then if (mt_irc.buffered_messages) then for _, msg in ipairs(mt_irc.buffered_messages) do local t = { name=(msg.name or ""); message=(msg.message or ""); }; local text = mt_irc.message_format_out:gsub("%$%(([^)]+)%)", t) irc.say(mt_irc.channel, text); end mt_irc.buffered_messages = nil; end irc.poll(); mt_irc.cur_time = mt_irc.cur_time - mt_irc.dtime; --local plys = minetest.get_connected_players(); --if ((#plys <= 0) and (minetest.is_singleplayer())) then -- minetest.after(1.0, function ( ) -- irc.quit("Closing."); -- end) --end end end); local function do_connect ( ) end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function ( player ) irc.register_callback("connect", function ( ) irc.join(mt_irc.channel); irc.say(mt_irc.channel, "*** "..player:get_player_name().." joined the game"); for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do mt_irc.connected_players[player:get_player_name()] = mt_irc.connect_on_join; end end); irc.register_callback("channel_msg", function ( channel, from, message ) if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then return; end local t = { name=(from or ""); message=(message or ""); server=mt_irc.server; port=mt_irc.port; channel=mt_irc.channel; }; local text = mt_irc.message_format_in:gsub("%$%(([^)]+)%)", t) for k, v in pairs(mt_irc.connected_players) do if (v) then minetest.chat_send_player(k, text); end end end); irc.register_callback("private_msg", function ( from, message ) if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then return; end local player_to; local msg; if (message:sub(1, 1) == ">") then local pos = message:find(" ", 1, true); if (not pos) then return; end player_to = message:sub(2, pos - 1); msg = message:sub(pos + 1); else irc.say(from, 'Please use the ">username message" syntax.'); return; end if (not mt_irc.connected_players[player_to]) then irc.say(from, "User `"..player_to.."' is not connected to IRC."); return; end local t = { name=(from or ""); message=(msg or ""); server=mt_irc.server; port=mt_irc.port; channel=mt_irc.channel; }; local text = mt_irc.message_format_in:gsub("%$%(([^)]+)%)", t) minetest.chat_send_player(player_to, "PRIVATE: "..text); end); irc.register_callback("nick_change", function ( from, old_nick ) if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then return; end end); end); minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function ( player ) local name = player:get_player_name(); mt_irc.connected_players[name] = false; if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then return; end irc.say(mt_irc.channel, "*** "..name.." left the game"); end); minetest.register_on_chat_message(function ( name, message ) if (not mt_irc.connected_players[name]) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are not connected. Please use /join"); return; end if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then return; end if (not mt_irc.buffered_messages) then mt_irc.buffered_messages = { }; end mt_irc.buffered_messages[#mt_irc.buffered_messages + 1] = { name = name; message = message; }; end); minetest.register_chatcommand("msg", { params = " "; description = "Send a private message to an IRC user"; privs = { shout=true; }; func = function ( name, param ) if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are not connected use /irc_connect."); return; end local pos = param:find(" ", 1, true); if (not pos) then return; end local name = param:sub(1, pos - 1); local msg = param:sub(pos + 1); local t = { name=name; message=msg; }; local text = mt_irc.message_format_out:gsub("%$%(([^)]+)%)", t) irc.send("PRIVMSG", name, text); end; }); minetest.register_chatcommand("irc_connect", { params = ""; description = "Connect to the IRC server"; privs = { irc_admin=true; }; func = function ( name, param ) if (mt_irc.connect_ok) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are already connected."); return; end mt_irc.connect_ok = pcall(irc.connect, { network = mt_irc.server; port = mt_irc.port; nick = mt_irc.server_nick; pass = mt_irc.password; timeout = mt_irc.timeout; channel = mt_irc.channel; }); minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are now connected."); irc.say(mt_irc.channel, name.." joined the channel."); end; }); minetest.register_chatcommand("join", { params = ""; description = "Join the IRC channel"; privs = { shout=true; }; func = function ( name, param ) if (mt_irc.connected_players[name]) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are already in the channel."); return; end mt_irc.connected_players[name] = true; -- Best way I could get bot to autojoin channel was to add the irc.join function here. -- Bot won't connect until the first user joins. The bot will not disconect if last player leaves. irc.join(mt_irc.channel); minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are now in the channel."); end; }); minetest.register_chatcommand("part", { params = ""; description = "Part the IRC channel"; privs = { shout=true; }; func = function ( name, param ) if (not mt_irc.connected_players[name]) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are not in the channel."); return; end mt_irc.connected_players[name] = false; minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are now out of the channel."); irc.say(mt_irc.channel, name.." is no longer in the channel."); end; }); if (mt_irc.connect_on_load) then mt_irc.connect_ok = pcall(irc.connect, { network = mt_irc.server; port = mt_irc.port; nick = mt_irc.server_nick; pass = mt_irc.password; timeout = mt_irc.timeout; channel = mt_irc.channel; }); if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then local s = "DEBUG: irc.connect failed"; minetest.chat_send_all(s); end end