mt_irc.bot_commands = { }; mt_irc.bot_help = function ( from, cmdname ) local cmd = mt_irc.bot_commands[cmdname]; if (not cmd) then irc.say(from, "Unknown command `"..cmdname.."'"); end local usage = "Usage: !"..cmdname; if (cmd.params) then usage = usage.." "..cmd.params; end irc.say(from, usage); if (cmd.description) then irc.say(from, " "..cmd.description); end end mt_irc.register_bot_command = function ( name, def ) if ((not def.func) or (type(def.func) ~= "function")) then error("Wrong bot command definition", 2); end mt_irc.bot_commands[name] = def; end mt_irc.register_bot_command("help", { params = "[]"; description = "Get help about a command"; func = function ( from, args ) if (args ~= "") then mt_irc.bot_help(from, args); else local cmdlist = "Available commands:"; for name,cmd in pairs(mt_irc.bot_commands) do cmdlist = cmdlist.." "; end irc.say(from, cmdlist); irc.say(from, "Use `!help ' to get help about a specific command."); end end; }); mt_irc.register_bot_command("who", { params = nil; description = "Tell who is playing"; func = function ( from, args ) local s = ""; for k, v in pairs(mt_irc.connected_players) do if (v) then s = s.." "..k; end end irc.say(from, "Players On Channel:"..s); end; }); mt_irc.register_bot_command("whereis", { params = ""; description = "Tell the location of "; func = function ( from, args ) if (args == "") then mt_irc.bot_help(from, "whereis"); return; end local list = minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius({x=0,y=0,z=0}, 100000); for _, obj in ipairs(list) do if (obj:is_player() and (obj:get_player_name() == args)) then local fmt = "Player %s is at (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)"; local pos = obj:getpos(); irc.say(from, fmt:format(args, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)); return; end end irc.say(from, "There's No player named `"..args.."'"); end; });