local irc_users = {} local irc_tokens = {} local tokens_file = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/irc_tokens" local old_chat_send_player = minetest.chat_send_player minetest.chat_send_player = function(name, message) for nick, loggedInAs in pairs(irc_users) do if name == loggedInAs and not minetest.get_player_by_name(name) then irc:say(nick, message) end end return old_chat_send_player(name, message) end -- Load/Save tokens local function load_tokens() local f = io.open(tokens_file, "r") local tokens = {} if f then tokens = minetest.deserialize(f:read()) f:close() end return tokens end irc_tokens = load_tokens() local function save_tokens() local f = io.open(tokens_file, "w") if f then f:write(minetest.serialize(irc_tokens)) f:close() return true else minetest.log("error", "[IRC_Commands] Tokens storage file couldn't be created!") return false end end local function generate_token(name) local passtr = "" for i = 1, math.random(20,40) do passtr = passtr .. tostring(math.random(1,65535)) end return minetest.get_password_hash(name, passtr) end -- Note: You can and **should** regulary regenerate tokens minetest.register_chatcommand("gen_token", { description = "Generate irc token to log in", privs = {shout = true}, func = function(name, param) if not minetest.get_player_by_name(name) then return false, "You need to be logged in to the server to generate tokens" end local h = "" if irc_tokens[name] then h = " new" end irc_tokens[name] = generate_token(name) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Here is you" .. h .. " token : " .. irc_tokens[name]) save_tokens() -- Disconnect any user using this login for nick, loggedInAs in pairs(irc_users) do if loggedInAs == name then minetest.log("action", nick.."@IRC has been logged out from " ..irc_users[nick] .. " (token regenerated)") irc_users[nick] = nil irc:say(nick, "Token regenerated. You are now logged off.") end end return true end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("del_token", { description = "Delete your entry in the token register", privs = {shout = true}, func = function(name) if not minetest.get_player_by_name(name) then return false, "You need to be logged in to the server to generate tokens" end if not irc_tokens[name] then return true, "You had no entry in the tokens' register" else irc_tokens[name] = nil save_tokens() -- Disconnect any user using this login for nick, loggedInAs in pairs(irc_users) do if loggedInAs == name then minetest.log("action", nick.."@IRC has been logged out from " ..irc_users[nick] .. " (token regenerated)") irc_users[nick] = nil irc:say(nick, "Token regenerated. You are now logged off.") end end return true, "Access for you using a token has been removed. Use /gen_token to create" .. " a new token at any time" end end }) irc:register_hook("NickChange", function(user, newNick) for nick, player in pairs(irc_users) do if nick == user.nick then irc_users[newNick] = irc_users[user.nick] irc_users[user.nick] = nil end end end) irc:register_hook("OnPart", function(user, channel, reason) irc_users[user.nick] = nil end) irc:register_hook("OnKick", function(user, channel, target, reason) irc_users[target] = nil end) irc:register_hook("OnQuit", function(user, reason) irc_users[user.nick] = nil end) -- Since `minetest.get_password_hash` is broken by the new SRP auth mechanism -- We will still allow to use login, but with tokens, and fall back to old hashs -- If 1° we can use them and 2° a token is generated function checkToken(playerName, token, usernick) if irc_tokens[playerName] and irc_tokens[playerName] == token then minetest.log("action", "User " .. usernick .." from IRC logs in as " .. playerName .. " using their token") irc_users[usernick] = playerName return true, "You are now logged in as " .. playerName else minetest.log("action", usernick.."@IRC attempted to log in as " ..playerName.." unsuccessfully using a token") return false, "Incorrect token or player does not exist." end end function checkPassword(playerName, password, usernick) if minetest.auth_table[playerName] and minetest.auth_table[playerName].password == minetest.get_password_hash(playerName, password) then minetest.log("action", "User "..usernick .." from IRC logs in as "..playerName) irc_users[usernick] = playerName return true, "You are now logged in as "..playerName else minetest.log("action", usernick.."@IRC attempted to log in as " ..playerName.." unsuccessfully") return false, "Incorrect password or player does not exist." end end irc:register_bot_command("login", { params = " ", description = "Login as a user to run commands", func = function(user, args) if args == "" then return false, "You need a username and password/token." end local playerName, password = args:match("^(%S+)%s(%S+)$") if not playerName then return false, "Player name and password/token required." end local inChannel = false local users = irc.conn.channels[irc.config.channel].users for cnick, cuser in pairs(users) do if user.nick == cnick then inChannel = true break end end if not inChannel then return false, "You need to be in the server's channel to login." end local u, m = checkToken(playerName, password, user.nick) if not u then if minetest.auth_table[playerName].password:sub(1,3) == "#1#" then -- First SRP mechanism if not irc_tokens[playerName] then return false, "No token available for your nickname. " .. "Please consider generating one with /gen_token" else return u, m end else -- The old mechanism return checkPassword(playerName, password, user.nick) end else return u, m end end }) irc:register_bot_command("logout", { description = "Logout", func = function (user, args) if irc_users[user.nick] then minetest.log("action", user.nick.."@IRC logs out from " ..irc_users[user.nick]) irc_users[user.nick] = nil return true, "You are now logged off." else return false, "You are not logged in." end end, }) irc:register_bot_command("cmd", { params = "", description = "Run a command on the server", func = function (user, args) if args == "" then return false, "You need a command." end if not irc_users[user.nick] then return false, "You are not logged in." end local found, _, commandname, params = args:find("^([^%s]+)%s(.+)$") if not found then commandname = args end local command = minetest.chatcommands[commandname] if not command then return false, "Not a valid command." end if not minetest.check_player_privs(irc_users[user.nick], command.privs) then return false, "Your privileges are insufficient." end minetest.log("action", user.nick.."@IRC runs " ..args.." as "..irc_users[user.nick]) return command.func(irc_users[user.nick], (params or "")) end }) irc:register_bot_command("say", { params = "message", description = "Say something", func = function (user, args) if args == "" then return false, "You need a message." end if not irc_users[user.nick] then return false, "You are not logged in." end if not minetest.check_player_privs(irc_users[user.nick], {shout=true}) then minetest.log("action", ("%s@IRC tried to say %q as %s" .." without the shout privilege.") :format(user.nick, args, irc_users[user.nick])) return false, "You can not shout." end minetest.log("action", ("%s@IRC says %q as %s.") :format(user.nick, args, irc_users[user.nick])) minetest.chat_send_all("<"..irc_users[user.nick].."@IRC> "..args) return true, "Message sent successfuly." end }) irc:register_bot_command("timeofday", { description = "Tell the in-game time of day", func = function(user, args) local timeofday = minetest.get_timeofday() local hours, minutes = math.modf(timeofday * 24) minutes = math.floor(minutes * 60) return true, "It's " .. hours .. " h " .. minutes .. " min." end })