-- See also the pdisc mod's instruction list. local instr = { {"getpos", ", , ", "Gets the maidroid's position."}, {"getvelocity", ", , ", "Gets the maidroid's velocity."}, {"getacceleration", ", , ", "Gets the maidroid's acceleration."}, {"getyaw", "", "Gets the maidroid's yaw."}, {"setyaw", "", "Sets the maidroid's yaw in radians."}, {"jump", "[]", "Makes the droid jump, if height is invalid (height ∈ ]0,2]), it's set to 1, if it's a variable, it's set to a bool indicating whether the jump succeeded."}, {"beep", "", "Execute this every second while the droid walks backwards, pls."}, } o = "Instructions:\n\n" for i = 1,#instr do i = instr[i] o = o .. i[1] .. " " .. i[2] .. "\n" .. " " .. i[3] .. "\n\n" -- TODO: max 80 letters each line end print(o)