------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (c) 2016 tacigar. All rights reserved. -- https://github.com/tacigar/maidroid ------------------------------------------------------------ -- maidroid.animation_frames represents the animation frame data -- of "models/maidroid.b3d". maidroid.animation_frames = { STAND = {x = 1, y = 78}, SIT = {x = 81, y = 160}, LAY = {x = 162, y = 165}, WALK = {x = 168, y = 187}, MINE = {x = 189, y = 198}, WALK_MINE = {x = 200, y = 219}, } -- maidroid.registered_maidroids represents a table that contains -- definitions of maidroid registered by maidroid.register_maidroid. maidroid.registered_maidroids = {} -- maidroid.registered_cores represents a table that contains -- definitions of core registered by maidroid.register_core. maidroid.registered_cores = {} -- maidroid.registered_eggs represents a table that contains -- definition of egg registered by maidroid.register_egg. maidroid.registered_eggs = {} -- maidroid.is_core reports whether a item is a core item by the name. function maidroid.is_core(item_name) if maidroid.registered_cores[item_name] then return true end return false end -- maidroid.is_maidroid reports whether a name is maidroid's name. function maidroid.is_maidroid(name) if maidroid.registered_maidroids[name] then return true end return false end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- maidroid.maidroid represents a table that contains common methods -- for maidroid object. -- this table must be contains by a metatable.__index of maidroid self tables. -- minetest.register_entity set initial properties as a metatable.__index, so -- this table's methods must be put there. maidroid.maidroid = {} -- maidroid.maidroid.get_inventory returns a inventory of a maidroid. function maidroid.maidroid.get_inventory(self) return minetest.get_inventory { type = "detached", name = self.inventory_name, } end -- maidroid.maidroid.get_core_name returns a name of a maidroid's current core. function maidroid.maidroid.get_core_name(self) return self.core_name end -- maidroid.maidroid.get_core returns a maidroid's current core definition. function maidroid.maidroid.get_core(self) local name = self:get_core_name(self) if name ~= "" then return maidroid.registered_cores[name] end return nil end -- maidroid.maidroid.get_nearest_player returns a player object who -- is the nearest to the maidroid. function maidroid.maidroid.get_nearest_player(self, range_distance) local player, min_distance = nil, range_distance local position = self.object:getpos() local all_objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(position, range_distance) for _, object in pairs(all_objects) do if object:is_player() then local player_position = object:getpos() local distance = vector.distance(position, player_position) if distance < min_distance then min_distance = distance player = object end end end return player end -- maidroid.maidroid.get_front_node returns a node that exists in front of the maidroid. function maidroid.maidroid.get_front_node(self) local direction = self:get_look_direction() if math.abs(direction.x) >= 0.5 then if direction.x > 0 then direction.x = 1 else direction.x = -1 end else direction.x = 0 end if math.abs(direction.z) >= 0.5 then if direction.z > 0 then direction.z = 1 else direction.z = -1 end else direction.z = 0 end local front = vector.add(vector.round(self.object:getpos()), direction) return minetest.get_node(front) end -- maidroid.maidroid.get_look_direction returns a normalized vector that is -- the maidroid's looking direction. function maidroid.maidroid.get_look_direction(self) local yaw = self.object:getyaw() return vector.normalize{x = -math.sin(yaw), y = 0.0, z = math.cos(yaw)} end -- maidroid.maidroid.set_animation sets the maidroid's animation. -- this method is wrapper for self.object:set_animation. function maidroid.maidroid.set_animation(self, frame) self.object:set_animation(frame, 15, 0) end -- maidroid.maidroid.set_yaw_by_direction sets the maidroid's yaw -- by a direction vector. function maidroid.maidroid.set_yaw_by_direction(self, direction) self.object:setyaw(math.atan2(direction.z, direction.x) - math.pi / 2) end -- maidroid.maidroid.get_wield_item_stack returns the maidroid's wield item's stack. function maidroid.maidroid.get_wield_item_stack(self) local inv = self:get_inventory() return inv:get_stack("wield_item", 1) end -- maidroid.maidroid.set_wield_item_stack sets maidroid's wield item stack. function maidroid.maidroid.set_wield_item_stack(self, stack) local inv = self:get_inventory() inv:set_stack("wield_item", 1, stack) end -- maidroid.maidroid.add_item_to_main add item to main slot. -- and returns leftover. function maidroid.maidroid.add_item_to_main(self, stack) local inv = self:get_inventory() return inv:add_item("main", stack) end -- maidroid.maidroid.move_main_to_wield moves itemstack from main to wield. -- if this function fails then returns false, else returns true. function maidroid.maidroid.move_main_to_wield(self, pred) local inv = self:get_inventory() local main_size = inv:get_size("main") for i = 1, main_size do local stack = inv:get_stack("main", i) if pred(stack:get_name()) then local wield_stack = inv:get_stack("wield_item", 1) inv:set_stack("wield_item", 1, stack) inv:set_stack("main", i, wield_stack) return true end end return false end -- maidroid.maidroid.is_named reports the maidroid is still named. function maidroid.maidroid.is_named(self) return self.nametag ~= "" end -- maidroid.maidroid.has_item_in_main reports whether the maidroid has item. function maidroid.maidroid.has_item_in_main(self, pred) local inv = self:get_inventory() local stacks = inv:get_list("main") for _, stack in ipairs(stacks) do local itemname = stack:get_name() if pred(itemname) then return true end end end -- maidroid.maidroid.change_direction change direction to destination and velocity vector. function maidroid.maidroid.change_direction(self, destination) local position = self.object:getpos() local direction = vector.subtract(destination, position) direction.y = 0 local velocity = vector.multiply(vector.normalize(direction), 1.5) self.object:setvelocity(velocity) self:set_yaw_by_direction(direction) end -- maidroid.maidroid.change_direction_randomly change direction randonly. function maidroid.maidroid.change_direction_randomly(self) local direction = { x = math.random(0, 5) * 2 - 5, y = 0, z = math.random(0, 5) * 2 - 5, } local velocity = vector.multiply(vector.normalize(direction), 1.5) self.object:setvelocity(velocity) self:set_yaw_by_direction(direction) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- maidroid.manufacturing_data represents a table that contains manufacturing data. -- this table's keys are product names, and values are manufacturing numbers -- that has been already manufactured. maidroid.manufacturing_data = (function() local file_name = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/manufacturing_data" minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() local file = io.open(file_name, "w") file:write(minetest.serialize(maidroid.manufacturing_data)) file:close() end) local file = io.open(file_name, "r") if file ~= nil then local data = file:read("*a") file:close() return minetest.deserialize(data) end return {} end) () -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- register empty item entity definition. -- this entity may be hold by maidroid's hands. do minetest.register_craftitem("maidroid:dummy_empty_craftitem", { wield_image = "maidroid_dummy_empty_craftitem.png", }) local function on_activate(self, staticdata) -- attach to the nearest maidroid. local all_objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 0.1) for _, obj in ipairs(all_objects) do local luaentity = obj:get_luaentity() if maidroid.is_maidroid(luaentity.name) then self.object:set_attach(obj, "Arm_R", {x = 0.075, y = 0.60, z = -0.20}, {x = 0, y = 90, z = 0}) self.object:set_properties{textures={"maidroid:dummy_empty_craftitem"}} break end end end local function on_step(self, dtime) local all_objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 0.1) for _, obj in ipairs(all_objects) do local luaentity = obj:get_luaentity() if maidroid.is_maidroid(luaentity.name) then local stack = luaentity:get_wield_item_stack() if stack:get_name() ~= itemname then if stack:is_empty() then self.itemname = "" self.object:set_properties{textures={"maidroid:dummy_empty_craftitem"}} else self.itemname = stack:get_name() self.object:set_properties{textures={self.itemname}} end end break end end end minetest.register_entity("maidroid:dummy_item", { hp_max = 1, visual = "wielditem", visual_size = {x = 0.025, y = 0.025}, collisionbox = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, physical = false, textures = {"air"}, on_activate = on_activate, on_step = on_step, itemname = "", }) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- maidroid.register_core registers a definition of a new core. function maidroid.register_core(core_name, def) maidroid.registered_cores[core_name] = def minetest.register_craftitem(core_name, { stack_max = 1, description = def.description, inventory_image = def.inventory_image, }) end -- maidroid.register_egg registers a definition of a new egg. function maidroid.register_egg(egg_name, def) maidroid.registered_eggs[egg_name] = def minetest.register_craftitem(egg_name, { description = def.description, inventory_image = def.inventory_image, stack_max = 1, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.above ~= nil and def.product_name ~= nil then minetest.add_entity(pointed_thing.above, def.product_name) itemstack:take_item() return itemstack end return nil end, }) end -- maidroid.register_maidroid registers a definition of a new maidroid. function maidroid.register_maidroid(product_name, def) maidroid.registered_maidroids[product_name] = def -- initialize manufacturing number of a new maidroid. if maidroid.manufacturing_data[product_name] == nil then maidroid.manufacturing_data[product_name] = 0 end local function update_infotext(self) if self.core_name ~= "" then local infotext = "" if self.pause then infotext = infotext .. "this maidroid is paused\n" else infotext = infotext .. "this maidroid is active\n" end infotext = infotext .. "[Core] : " .. self.core_name self.object:set_properties{infotext = infotext} return end self.object:set_properties{infotext = "this maidroid is inactive"} end -- create_inventory creates a new inventory, and returns it. local function create_inventory(self) self.inventory_name = self.product_name .. "_" .. tostring(self.manufacturing_number) local inventory = minetest.create_detached_inventory(self.inventory_name, { on_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) if listname == "core" then local core_name = stack:get_name() local core = maidroid.registered_cores[core_name] core.on_start(self) self.core_name = core_name update_infotext(self) end end, allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) -- only cores can put to a core inventory. if listname == "main" then return stack:get_count() elseif listname == "core" and maidroid.is_core(stack:get_name()) then return stack:get_count() elseif listname == "wield_item" then return 0 end return 0 end, on_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) if listname == "core" then local core = maidroid.registered_cores[self.core_name] self.core_name = "" core.on_stop(self) update_infotext(self) end end, allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) if listname == "wield_item" then return 0 end return stack:get_count() end, }) inventory:set_size("main", 16) inventory:set_size("core", 1) inventory:set_size("wield_item", 1) return inventory end -- create_formspec_string returns a string that represents a formspec definition. local function create_formspec_string(self) return "size[8,9]" .. default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img .. default.gui_slots .. "list[detached:"..self.inventory_name..";main;0,0;4,4;]" .. "label[4.5,1;core]" .. "list[detached:"..self.inventory_name..";core;4.5,1.5;1,1;]" .. "list[current_player;main;0,5;8,1;]" .. "list[current_player;main;0,6.2;8,3;8]" .. "label[5.5,1;wield]" .. "list[detached:"..self.inventory_name..";wield_item;5.5,1.5;1,1;]" end -- on_activate is a callback function that is called when the object is created or recreated. local function on_activate(self, staticdata) -- parse the staticdata, and compose a inventory. if staticdata == "" then self.product_name = product_name self.manufacturing_number = maidroid.manufacturing_data[product_name] maidroid.manufacturing_data[product_name] = maidroid.manufacturing_data[product_name] + 1 create_inventory(self) -- attach dummy item to new maidroid. minetest.add_entity(self.object:getpos(), "maidroid:dummy_item") else -- if static data is not empty string, this object has beed already created. local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) self.product_name = data["product_name"] self.manufacturing_number = data["manufacturing_number"] self.nametag = data["nametag"] local inventory = create_inventory(self) local core_name = data["inventory"]["core"] local items = data["inventory"]["main"] if core_name ~= "" then -- set a core core_stack = ItemStack(core_name) core_stack:set_count(1) inventory:add_item("core", core_stack) self.core_name = core_name end for _, item in ipairs(items) do -- set items local item_stack = ItemStack(item["name"]) item_stack:set_count(item["count"]) inventory:add_item("main", item_stack) end end update_infotext(self) self.object:set_nametag_attributes{ text = self.nametag } local core = self:get_core() if core ~= nil then core.on_start(self) else self.object:setvelocity{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} self.object:setacceleration{x = 0, y = -10, z = 0} end end -- get_staticdata is a callback function that is called when the object is destroyed. local function get_staticdata(self) local inventory = self:get_inventory() local data = { ["product_name"] = self.product_name, ["manufacturing_number"] = self.manufacturing_number, ["nametag"] = self.nametag, ["inventory"] = { ["main"] = {}, ["core"] = self.core_name, }, } for _, item in ipairs(inventory:get_list("main")) do local count = item:get_count() local itemname = item:get_name() if count ~= 0 then local itemdata = {count = count, name = itemname} table.insert(data["inventory"]["main"], itemdata) end end return minetest.serialize(data) end -- maidroid.maidroid.pickup_item pickup items placed and put it to main slot. function pickup_item(self) local pos = self.object:getpos() local radius = 1.0 local all_objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, radius) for _, obj in ipairs(all_objects) do if not obj:is_player() and obj:get_luaentity() then local itemstring = obj:get_luaentity().itemstring if minetest.registered_nodes[itemstring] ~= nil or minetest.registered_items[itemstring] ~= nil or minetest.registered_tools[itemstring] ~= nil or minetest.registered_craftitems[itemstring] ~= nil then local inv = self:get_inventory() local stack = ItemStack(itemstring) local leftover = inv:add_item("main", stack) minetest.add_item(obj:getpos(), leftover) obj:get_luaentity().itemstring = "" obj:remove() end end end end -- on_step is a callback function that is called every delta times. local function on_step(self, dtime) -- pickup surrounding item. pickup_item(self) -- do core method. if (not self.pause) and self.core_name ~= "" then local core = maidroid.registered_cores[self.core_name] core.on_step(self, dtime) end end -- on_rightclick is a callback function that is called when a player right-click them. local function on_rightclick(self, clicker) minetest.show_formspec( clicker:get_player_name(), "maidroid:gui", create_formspec_string(self) ) end -- on_punch is a callback function that is called when a player punch then. local function on_punch(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir) if self.pause == true then self.pause = false if self.core_name ~= "" then local core = maidroid.registered_cores[self.core_name] core.on_resume(self) end else self.pause = true if self.core_name ~= "" then local core = maidroid.registered_cores[self.core_name] core.on_pause(self) end end update_infotext(self) end -- register a definition of a new maidroid. minetest.register_entity(product_name, { -- basic initial properties hp_max = def.hp_max, weight = def.weight, mesh = def.mesh, textures = def.textures, physical = true, visual = "mesh", visual_size = {x = 7.5, y = 7.5}, collisionbox = {-0.25, -0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.25}, is_visible = true, makes_footstep_sound = true, infotext = "", nametag = "", -- extra initial properties pause = false, product_name = "", manufacturing_number = -1, core_name = "", -- callback methods. on_activate = on_activate, on_step = on_step, on_rightclick = on_rightclick, on_punch = on_punch, get_staticdata = get_staticdata, -- extra methods. get_inventory = maidroid.maidroid.get_inventory, get_core = maidroid.maidroid.get_core, get_core_name = maidroid.maidroid.get_core_name, get_nearest_player = maidroid.maidroid.get_nearest_player, get_front_node = maidroid.maidroid.get_front_node, get_look_direction = maidroid.maidroid.get_look_direction, set_animation = maidroid.maidroid.set_animation, set_yaw_by_direction = maidroid.maidroid.set_yaw_by_direction, get_wield_item_stack = maidroid.maidroid.get_wield_item_stack, set_wield_item_stack = maidroid.maidroid.set_wield_item_stack, add_item_to_main = maidroid.maidroid.add_item_to_main, move_main_to_wield = maidroid.maidroid.move_main_to_wield, is_named = maidroid.maidroid.is_named, has_item_in_main = maidroid.maidroid.has_item_in_main, change_direction = maidroid.maidroid.change_direction, change_direction_randomly = maidroid.maidroid.change_direction_randomly, }) -- register maidroid egg. maidroid.register_egg(product_name .. "_egg", { description = product_name .. " egg", inventory_image = def.egg_image, product_name = product_name, }) end