------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (c) 2016 tacigar -- https://github.com/tacigar/maidroid ------------------------------------------------------------ local util = maidroid.util local _aux = maidroid.modules._aux local state = {walk = 0, plant = 1, punch = 2} local max_punch_time = 20 local max_plant_time = 20 local target_tree_list = { "default:tree" } local target_sapling_list = { "default:sapling" } -- check the maidroid need to start to punch local function check_punch_flag(forward_pos) local forward_upper_pos = util.table_shallow_copy(forward_pos) while true do local forward_upper_node = minetest.get_node(forward_upper_pos) if util.table_find_value(target_tree_list, forward_upper_node.name) then return true, forward_upper_pos, forward_upper_node elseif forward_upper_node.name ~= "air" then break end forward_upper_pos.y = forward_upper_pos.y + 1 end return false, nil, nil end -- check the maidroid has sapling items local function has_sapling_item(self) local inv = maidroid._aux.get_maidroid_inventory(self) local stacks = inv:get_list("main") for _, stack in ipairs(stacks) do local item_name = stack:get_name() if util.table_find_value(target_sapling_list, item_name) then return true end end return false end maidroid.register_module("maidroid:lumberjack", { description = "Maidroid Module : Lumberjack", inventory_image = "maidroid_lumberjack_module.png", initialize = function(self) self.state = state.walk self.time_count = 0 self.object:setacceleration{x = 0, y = -10, z = 0} self.object:set_animation(maidroid.animations.walk, 15, 0) self.preposition = self.object:getpos() _aux.change_dir(self) end, finalize = function(self) self.state = nil self.time_count = nil self.preposition = nil self.object:setvelocity{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} end, on_step = function(self, dtime) local pos = self.object:getpos() local rpos = vector.round(pos) local yaw = self.object:getyaw() local forward = _aux.get_forward(yaw) local rforward = _aux.get_round_forward(forward) local forward_pos = vector.add(rpos, rforward) local forward_node = minetest.get_node(forward_pos) local forward_under_pos = _aux.get_under_pos(forward_pos) local forward_under_node = minetest.get_node(forward_under_pos) if self.state == state.walk then if check_punch_flag(forward_pos) then -- punch tree node self.state = state.punch self.object:set_animation(maidroid.animations.mine, 15, 0) self.object:setvelocity{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} elseif pos.x == self.preposition.x or pos.z == self.preposition.z then _aux.change_dir(self) elseif forward_node.name == "air" and minetest.get_item_group(forward_under_node.name, "soil") > 0 and has_sapling_item(self) then self.state = state.plant self.object:set_animation(maidroid.animations.mine, 15, 0) self.object:setvelocity{x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} end -- pickup sapling items _aux.pickup_item(self, 1.5, function(itemstring) return util.table_find_value(target_sapling_list, itemstring) end) elseif self.state == state.punch then if self.time_count >= max_punch_time then local punch_flag, forward_upper_pos, forward_upper_node = check_punch_flag(forward_pos) if punch_flag then minetest.remove_node(forward_upper_pos) local inv = minetest.get_inventory{type = "detached", name = self.invname} local stacks = minetest.get_node_drops(forward_upper_node.name) for _, stack in ipairs(stacks) do local leftover = inv:add_item("main", stack) minetest.add_item(forward_pos, leftover) end end if (not forward_upper_pos) or (forward_upper_pos and not check_punch_flag(_aux.get_upper_pos(forward_upper_pos))) then self.state = state.walk self.object:set_animation(maidroid.animations.walk, 15, 0) _aux.change_dir(self) end self.time_count = 0 else self.time_count = self.time_count + 1 end elseif self.state == state.plant then if self.time_count > max_plant_time then if forward_node.name == "air" and minetest.get_item_group(forward_under_node.name, "soil") > 0 then local inv = minetest.get_inventory{type = "detached", name = self.invname} local stacks = inv:get_list("main") for i, stack in ipairs(stacks) do local itemname = stack:get_name() if util.table_find_value(target_sapling_list, itemname) then minetest.add_node(forward_pos, {name = itemname, param2 = 1}) stack:take_item(1) inv:set_stack("main", i, stack) break end end end self.state = state.walk self.object:set_animation(maidroid.animations.walk, 15, 0) self.time_count = 0 _aux.change_dir(self) else self.time_count = self.time_count + 1 end end self.preposition = pos end })