Item names for spawning the items using /give or /giveme ======================================================== Items ----- * `admin_pick:` magenta pickaxe, infinite durability, mines everything including unbreakable blocks instantly. No drops. Don't put this pickaxe in the hands of a griefer, of course. * `admin_pick_with_drops:` same as admin pickaxe, but drops stuff. * `infinite_fuel:` fuel lasting for a (near)-infinite time. Don't worry about the "near" * it lasts for about 50 in-real-life years. * `super_apple:` a yellow apple which heals 20 HP. * `copper_coin,` * `silver_coin,` * `gold_coin:` these have nothing to do with the More Ores mod; they can be used as a currency for trading, or as an universal currency for mods that add shops. Blocks ------ **[!]** denotes an unpointable, unbreakable block; be very careful with them, they cannot be removed by hand (they can only be removed with WorldEdit or similar). * `(block)_u` : unbreakable, non-flammable, non-falling, non-decaying blocks, most common blocks have their unbreakable form (examples: maptools:stone or maptools:wood for unbreakable stone/wood). Examples: `stone_u`, `wood_u`, `glass_u`, … * `full_grass:` unbreakable block with the grass texture on all sides. * `player_clip:` **[!]** invisible block, not pointable. * `full_clip:` invisible block, pointable. Also available as a thin face: full_clip_face. * `smoke_block:` some smoke (does not harm players or entities). * `no_build:` **[!]** very basic building prevention. * `no_interact:` prevents interacting through the block (opening chests, furnaces, attacking entities, …). * `damage_(1…5):` **[!]** damaging blocks. The damage is in half hearts and ranges from 1 to 5 (0.5 to 2.5 hearts damage every second). * `kill:` **[!]** instant kill (deals 10 heart damage) blocks. * `light_block:` **[!]** invisible non-solid block, prevents light from passing through. * `light_bulb:` **[!]** invisible non-solid block, emitting a good amount of light.